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作者(外文):Chang, Ho-Chun
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Millimeter-Wave Signal Generator in CMOS Technology
指導教授(外文):Liu, Yi-Chun
口試委員(外文):Li, Chun-Hsing
Hsirh, Ping-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:millimeter-wavephase-locked loopfrequency doublerLO signalwireless communicationRF transceiver
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  • 點閱點閱:264
  • 評分評分:*****
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In today’s communication system, communication signal bandwidth becomes wider than before for higher information exchanging speed, making bandwidth becomes more and more important in RF communication circuit design. As the fifth communication generation growth, increasing the signal frequency becomes a critical trend in both circuit design and semiconductors production development.

As the applications of various electronic items become more and more ubiquitous, the current market has stricter demand in production cost than early years. As a result, some advanced and expensive semiconductor processes are not suitable for prevailing in current market. Due to this reasons, low-cost semiconductor process like CMOS are valued in RF transceiver design today. Although these processes were unsuitable before due to their lower saturation frequency and inadequate power delivered, these problem have been substantially solved by advanced technology.
If cheaper process like CMOS could get over the frequency problem, people can use the advantage of CMOS to achieve highly-integrated communication chips which will really benefits the applications of communication.

As mentioned, this thesis trying to realize signal generators with operation frequency at hundreds GHz to THz level with CMOS process, expect to get a well balance within frequency, phase noise and signal power in order to achieve the application of CMOS in high-frequency communication field.

In order to get over the defects of CMOS in high frequency performance, all the signal generators in this thesis didn’t use fundamental signal as analog circuit design but high-order harmonic signal. With this method, the circuit could get higher frequency signal easier, but at the same times would inevitably produce some problems like desire signal be affected by other harmonic, impacting phase noise performance, so in later paragraph of this thesis, we focus on phase-locked loop(PLL) to locking signal and reduce phase noise, this make THz-level PLL became a important challenge in this thesis.
摘要 i
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 RF system and millimeter wave 1
1.2 Transceiver Architecture 3
1.3 LO signal issue 4
1.4 THz application 7
Chapter 2 A 200 GHz 16 QAM Receiver 8
2.1 Quadrature amplitude modulation 8
2.2 A 200GHz QAM Receiver 11
2.3 200GHz frequency doubler with quadrature output 12
2.3.1 frequency doubler 13
2.3.2 buffer amplifier and neutralization technique 16
2.3.4 quadrature phase shifter 18
2.4 layouts and measurement results 24
Chapter 3 340GHz voltage controlled oscillators and phase locked loops 33
3.1 basic mechanism and analysis of PLL 33
3.1.1Analysis PLL in frequency domain 35
3.1.2 Settling behavior 43
3.1.3 loop bandwidth concerns 44
3.1.4 PLL with second order LPF 52
3.2 340GHz PLL 57
3.2.1 comparison of ILFD and miller divider 58
3.2.2 miller divider design 68
3.2.3 340 GHz push-push oscillator 73
3.2.4 340GHz quadra-push oscillator 76
3.2.5 charge pump design 79
3.2.6 340GHz PLL design 82
3.2.7 simulation result of PLL 88
3.2.8 measurement result of PLLs 91
Chapter 4 conclusion and future work 103
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