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作者(外文):Hsieh, Kuan-Yu
論文名稱(外文):Development of Squeeze-film Based CMOS MEMS Capacitive Pressure Sensors with High Sensitivity
指導教授(外文):Lu, Shiang-Cheng
口試委員(外文):Lo, Cheng-Yao
Liu, Cheng-Hsien
外文關鍵詞:Squeeze-film damping effectPressure sensorCapacitive driveCapacitive sensing
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  • 點閱點閱:163
  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文利用薄膜擠壓效應(Squeeze-film damping effect)之特性,在CMOS製程中成功做出一壓力感測器,在此效應中,透過兩平板間高頻振動所產生之空氣彈簧力來感測氣壓變化,由於此空氣彈簧力會隨著氣壓改變,從而改變結構之共振頻,故可透過頻率的改變來得知氣壓變化。
  文中之感測器晶片使用TSMC 2P4M 0.35 μm CMOS製程,並利用後製程來做出震動結構,結構分為兩個電極,分別用於靜電式驅動以及電容式感測。並將氣壓計結構與感測電路整合於一晶片上,晶片總面積為1 mm × 1 mm。不同於傳統氣壓感測器,其不需製作封閉式的空腔而簡化製程,晶片經過硫酸濕蝕刻、反應離子蝕刻製程等後製程釋放結構,形成厚度為1.925 μm之振動結構。
  本研究設計三種同面積、不同彈力係數的壓力感測器,討論與比較了三種彈力係數之優缺點,並且成功量測每個結構對於氣壓的感測度,與模擬做分析比較,得到相似的結果。舉其中一感測元件為例,其模擬感測度能達到5.63 Hz/Pa,量測結果為5.26 Hz/Pa。
In this thesis, a pressure sensor operated based on the squeeze-film damping effect is successfully designed and fabricated in the CMOS process. Based on this effect, the elastic force generated by the squeezed gas due to high-frequency vibration between the two plates varies in accordance with the change in the air pressure, thereby changing the resonance frequency of the structure. The change of the frequency can be used to detect the change in the air pressure.
  The sensor is fabricated using the TSMC 2P4M 0.35-μm CMOS process and released by post process. The structures contain separated electrodes for capacitive driving and sensing with readout circuits integrated on the chip, which has a size of 1 mm × 1 mm. Compared to the traditional air pressure sensors, the fabrication is simplified since our devices do not need a sealed cavity. The structure with a thickness of 1.925 μm is released by metal wet etch using sulfuric acid.
  In this study, three pressure sensors with the same plate area but different spring constants were designed, and their sensing performances were discussed and compared with simulation. One of the sensors achieves a sensitivity of 5.26 Hz/Pa as compared to the simulated sensitivity of 5.63 Hz/Pa.

摘要 I
Abstrate II
致謝 III
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
第 1 章 緒論 1
1-1前言 1
1-2文獻回顧 8
1-3研究動機 13
第 2 章 薄膜擠壓效應之介紹與分析模擬 15
2-1薄膜擠壓效應之介紹 15
2-2薄膜擠壓效應之理論 16
2-3薄膜擠壓效應之模擬 22
第 3 章 壓力感測器結構之設計與模擬 25
3-1感測器結構設計 25
3-2結構感測度模擬 27
3-3結構模型與後製程流程 32
3-4感測電路設計 36
3-5截止電壓 38
第 4 章 量測與討論 40
4-1量測系統架構 40
4-2感測電路量測 40
4-3壓力感測度量測 42
第 5 章 結論與未來 56
5-1研究成果與討論 56
5-2未來工作 57
第 6 章 參考文獻 58
第 7 章 附錄 63

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