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作者(外文):Chang, Fu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Read Variability in Backfill Contact Random Access Memory
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chrong-Jung
口試委員(外文):King, Ya-Chin
外文關鍵詞:RRAMVariabilityReliabilityRead DisturbISPPDuty Cycle
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在半導體製程持續不斷的發展下,各式各樣的消費性電子產品也推陳出新,像是智慧型手機、穿戴式裝置、平板電腦,物聯網(Internet of Things,IOT)皆成為熱門的開發題目之一,對整合記憶體的需求也日漸提升。現今非揮發性記憶體(Nonvolatile Memory,NVM)中,占有主流地位的快閃記憶體(Flash)面臨極高操作電壓以及製程微縮的挑戰,促使嵌入式電阻式隨機存取記憶體的研究蓬勃發展。
嵌入式記憶體能相容於CMOS邏輯製程,意味著非揮發性模組可以與其他電路相整合於同一晶片,具有高彈性以及多功能應用的潛力。回填式接觸點電阻式隨機存取記憶體(Backfill Contact Resistive Random Access Memory,BCRRAM)作為嵌入式電阻式記憶體,除了有良好的可微縮性,更具有低抹除功耗、低操作電壓與高速操作等優點。然而,元件變異性與可靠度仍是BCRRAM陣列巨集(macro)開發需要面臨的問題。由於BCRRAM在長時間讀取會受到隨機電報雜訊(Random Telegraph Noise,RTN)、連續讀取干擾(read disturb)、元件週期變異性(cycle-to-cycle variation)等因素影響,使資料在讀取時失真。本篇論文對0.18微米邏輯製程下的BCRRAM進行可靠度與變異性分析,確認改善可靠度問題的方向,並提出新的優化讀取條件與修正之逐步增加脈衝寫入(Incremental-Step-Pulse Programming,ISPP)演算法解決週期變異性帶來的資料讀取錯誤問題。
Nowadays, explosive growth on smart devices drive the demands of various data storage medium. Resistive Random Access Memory (RRAM) as one of the emerging Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) has been one of the promising data storage solutions. Its high compatibility to CMOS logic process provides great advantages for embedded NVM applications. Although RRAM technologies has shown various advantages, such as low power consumption, high P/E speed, and high-density, they are generally suffered from critical reliability and variability issues.
The Backfill Contact Resistive Random Access Memory (BCRRAM) cell array investigated in this study is fabricated by 0.18μm CMOS logic process. The transition metal oxide layer serially connected with a n-channel select transistor forms a 1-T1R unit cell.
In this study, the effect of Random Telegraph Noise (RTN), data retention and read disturb in BCRRAM is monitored and analyzed in detail. A revised Incremental Step Pulse Programing (ISPP) algorithm is proposed to improve read disturb characteristics. Through experiments, the revised algorithm shows significant enhancement in the data integrity in BCRRAM arrays.
摘要 I
Abstract II
內文目錄 III
附圖目錄 V
附表目錄 VII
第一章 序論 1
1.1嵌入式電阻式隨機記憶體 2
1.2可靠度問題與元件變異性 3
1.3論文大綱 4
第二章 回填型接觸點電阻式記憶體研究回顧 8
2.1 BCRRAM之製程流程簡介 8
2.2 BCRRAM之初始化操作 9
2.3 BCRRAM之阻值操作模型 10
2.4 小結 13
第三章 回填型接觸點電阻式記憶體基本電性量測與可靠度評估 21
3.1量測環境介紹 21
3.2元件基本特性 22
3.2.1逐步增加脈衝應用於元件操作 22
3.3 元件可靠度評估 23
3.3.1隨機電報雜訊 24
3.3.2資料保存性分析 25
3.3.3讀取干擾分析 25
3.5 小結 26
第四章 BCRRAM變異性分析與可靠度最佳化 39
4.1 讀取條件最佳化 39
4.2 BCRRAM之週期變異性 40
4.3 新的ISPP演算法 41
4.4 小結 42
第五章 總結 49
參考文獻 50

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