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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Jia
論文名稱(外文):Optical Upconversion Device of High Resolution Small Pixel Array for NIR band
指導教授(外文):Wu, Meng-Chyi
口試委員(外文):Luo, Jiunn-Jye
LI, Shi Chang
Wu, Chung-Chih
外文關鍵詞:up-converterphotodetectorlight-emitting diodeInGaAs
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此論文中,我們製作像素尺寸為10 µm,像數間距為20 µm的陣列升頻感測器,透過短波紅外光檢測器,吸收紅外光源,透過光轉電的方式,藉由光電流驅動發光二極體使其發出可見光,達到短波長轉換的效果。而升頻感測器無非需要良好的響應度及發光效率,才能達到有效的轉換效率,升頻感測器我們採用銦凸塊將兩者元件進行點對點結合。
光檢測器的部分,為了達到較高的響應度及較好的元件特性我們採用平面型P-I-N的結構,其中吸收層以截止波長為1.7 nm的In0.53Ga0.47As作為材料而覆蓋層及基板則是採用與其晶格匹配的InP作為材料。
藉由銦凸塊(In Bump)以n-p-p-n 串聯結構(前面的n-p 為MicroLED,後面的p-n 為MicroPD)的晶圓級覆晶完成鍵合,這樣的元件稱為升頻元件。當我們在MicroLED 的n 邊施加偏壓的負極,在MicroPD 的n 邊施加偏壓的正極,如此MicroLED 的偏壓方式為可以發光的順偏,MicroPD 的偏壓方式為可以吸光的逆偏。當外界的紅外光入射至MicroPD 的n 邊,在MicroPD 內部產生光電流,由於MicroPD 與MicroLED 為串聯方式,光電流將由MicroLED 的p 邊流入n 邊而使MicroLED 發光;亦即升頻元件可以將入射的紅外光轉為LED 所發出的可見光。
In our research, the up converter’s pixel size is 10 µm and the pixel pitch is 20 µm. Through the infrared(IR) photo detector to absorb the IR light and turn the IR light into the electrons for LED to emit the visible light. This transformation can make the long-wavelength light turn into the short-wavelength light. As a result, the perfect UPC components need high responsivity for PD and well light efficiency for LED. The UPC uses indium to connect PD and LED. For the PD side, we take the planar P-I-N structure to get the high responsivity, the absorb layer , In0.53Ga0.47As can absorb the IR light which cut-off wavelength is 1.7µm.

In the process, we use silicon nitride as the diffusion barrier, and then use RIE to define the diffusion window. About P-type doping region, we use RTD technique to diffuse zinc atoms into N- InP cap layer. The P-type indium phosphide overlay further forms a photodetector of the P-I-N structure.
In the part of the light-emitting diode, we have produced green and blue light-emitting diodes. In order to achieve good luminous efficiency, we have etch the epitaxial layer plateau and limited the electron-hole pair to the quantum well. In order to have reliable ohmic contact, we grow a layer of indium tin oxide transparent conductive film on the P-type region, so that the current can be evenly distributed and passing through the quantum well.
To carry out point-to-point integration, it is necessary to overcome the problem of component lev-elness and cleanliness. The difference in substrate expansion coefficient at high temperatures also causes slight changes in the image-to-number spacing, and cannot be satisfactorily combined. This up-converting sensing component by use FC 150 . We use heating temperature of 145 °C for 170 seconds and force of 10 kg.
Bonding is accomplished by in bump with wafer-level flip-chips in an n-p-p-n series structure (the front n-p is a MicroLED and the latter p-n is a MicroPD). Such an element is called an up-converting element.We apply a biased negative electrode to the n-side of the MicroLED, and apply a biased positive electrode to the n-side of the MicroPD. Thus, the biasing mode of the MicroLED is an illuminating forward bias, and the biasing mode of the MicroPD is a reverse bias that absorbs light.When external infrared light is incident on the n side of the MicroPD, a photocurrent is gener-ated inside the MicroPD. Since the MicroPD and the MicroLED are connected in series, the photo-current will flow from the p side of the MicroLED to the n side to make the MicroLED emit light; that is, the up converter element can be incident. The infrared light is converted into visible light emitted by the LED.
The up-converter sensing combines two different wavelengths of light-emitting diodes by the diodes of the P-I-N structure at the receiving end, and emits blue light and green light after entering the element with the near-infrared light element of 1550 nm. This up-converter operates at 3.2V and 3.5V with a maximum conversion efficiency of 0.152W/W.
摘要 1
Abstract 3
誌謝 5
Contents 6
List of Figures 8
Chapter 1. Introduction 10
Chapter 2. The Basic Theory 14
2-1 The Basic Theory of InGaAs Double-Heterojunction P-I-N Photodetector 15
2-2-1 InGaAs Photodiodes material 16
2-2-2 Junction Capacitance 16
2-2-3 Dark Current Mechanism 18
2-2-4 Responsivity and Quantum Efficiency 19
2-3 The Basic Theory of Light Emitting Diode 20
2-3-1 The I-V Characteristic of LED 21
2-3-2 The Optical Characteristic of LED 23
2-4 Characterization instruments 24
2-4-1 I-V Characteristic Measurement System 24
2-4-2 Optical Characteristic Measurement System 24
2-4-3 Responsivity Spectrum Measurement System 24
Chapter 3. Experimental Procedure 31
3-1 Epitaxial Structure Design 31
3-2 Concepts of Mask Design 32
3-3 Rapid Thermal Diffusion Process 33
3-4 Fabrication Process of up-converter 34
3-4-1 Fabrication Process of up-converter—PD 34
3-4-2 Fabrication Process of up-converter—LED 39
3-4-3 Fabrication Process of up-converter—Bonding 48
3-4-3-1 Bonding way 48
3-4-3-2 FC150 machine operation 49
3-4-3-3 Under bump metalization 50
3-4-3-4 Indium bump 50
3-4-3-5 Actual operation 51
Chapter 4. Results and Disscussion 58
4-1 Basic component characteristics 58
4-1-1 InGaAs PD array 58
4-1-2 GaN LED array 62
4-1-3 Up converter array 68
4-2Different path of the UPC devices after bonding analysis. 71
4-3 Up converter combine solar cell with led 75
4-3-1 Solar cell 75
Chapter 5. Conclusions 79
Reference 80

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