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作者(外文):Chuang, Yi-Jing.
論文名稱(外文):DSTL: A Demand-based SMR Translation Layer for Enabling Adaptive Address Mapping on SMR Drives
指導教授(外文):Shih, Wei-Kuan
口試委員(外文):Chang, Yuan-Hao
Cheng, Wen-Huang
外文關鍵詞:Shingled Magnetic RecordingSMR DiskShingled Translation LayerData Feature
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本篇論文提出一為解決疊瓦式磁紀錄之隨機寫入問題之Drive-management類型之疊瓦式轉換層設計。此法會將映射資訊儲存至LRU Interval Tree與Local Translation Page兩部分,並透過存放於記憶體之LRU Interval Tree來加速讀取速度。對於資料特性部分,該設計會將所有資料分為Hot/Cold兩種類型,並且利用兩者之更新頻率不同給予不同分佈之Data Band,並且依照存取行為與現今硬碟狀態設計四種垃圾回收機制,藉此提升寫入速度,並同時增加系統之Band分配靈活性。透過實驗結果可得知,此方法之存取速度甚優於傳統疊瓦式硬碟所採用之RMW,儘管在極端情況IOPS仍保持在223,此外對於系統之穩定性也有所提升。
The capacity growth of conventional magnetic hard disk (HDDs) slackens due to the physical limitation of areal density. Shingled Magnetic Recording (SMR) is one of the technologies for overcoming this predicament. However, the overlapped tracks layout in Shingles Magnetic Recording incurs write amplification due to the read-modify-write operation. Drive-managed SMR drives is proposed for this problem by maintaining translation page. Two major issues of Drive-managed SMR are performance of writing operation and overhead of garbage collection.
In this paper, we present an adaptive address mapping Shingled Translation Layer (STL) based on data feature. Translation information is stored in two-layer architecture, LRU interval tree and local translation layer. LRU interval tree in memory contains least recently used translation information for improving read operation. Data feature (Hot/Cold) represents the access and update frequency of data. Therefore, we utilize data feature as data allocating norm for separated management mechanics and garbage collection policies. The design of garbage collection guarantees the system flexibility and reduce overhead. We implement DSTL in Disksim disk simulator. The experiments results demonstrate the improvement of performance in DSTL compared to RMW and stability compared to HDDs.
Chapter 1. 介紹 1
Chapter 2. 背景與研究動機 3
Chapter 3. 相關文獻 9
Chapter 4. 研究方法 10
4.1. 概述 10
4.2. DSTL架構 11
4.2.1. LRU Interval Tree 11
4.2.2. Band Situation 11
4.2.3. Global Translation Directory (GTD) 12
4.2.4. Data Band 12
4.2.5. Interval Tree 14
4.3. 讀寫操作 15
4.3.1. 動態配置Band Type 15
4.3.2. Translation Layer運作方式 15
4.4. 垃圾回收策略 18
Chapter 5. 實驗結果 22
5.1. 實驗環境設定 22
5.2. 數據結果 23
5.2.1. LRU Elimination 23
5.2.2. 垃圾回收 24
Chapter 6. 結論與未來研究方向 29
Reference 30

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