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作者(外文):Chen, Tzu-Chieh.
論文名稱(外文):Comparing Kinematics-Based and Learning-Based Approaches to Robotic Arm Tasking – Using Pouring as an Example
指導教授(外文):King, Chung-Ta
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Ching-Te
Chu, Hung-Kuo
外文關鍵詞:Machine learningEnd-to-end neural networkInverse kinematicsRobot taskingObject recognitionTrajectory planning
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:187
  • 評分評分:*****
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With the fast development of machine learning in recent years, learning-based end-to-end neural models become very popular. In robotics, more and more works use end-to-end models to let robots learn complex tasks. Despite the many advantages of end-to-end models, it is still nondecisive whether they can outperform prior approaches that leverage known knowledge as rules. In this thesis, we focus on robotic arm tasking and compare the learning-based end-to-end approach with a kinematics-based approach, using pouring as an example. In kinematics-based approach, object detection and their coordinates are obtained with deep neural networks and depth camera respectively, and arm trajectory planning is calculated with traditional inverse kinematics (IK). In learning-based end-to-end approach, a single neural network is developed that takes RGBD images as input and outputs joint parameters of the robot arm to control the pouring task. We compare these two approaches with two scenarios, static and dynamic. Our experiments show that both approaches can achieve similar performance and require similar storage space. However, the learning-based end-to-end approach can handle complicated and dynamic scenarios better.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
Table of Contents IV
List of Figures V
List of Tables VI
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Related Works 5
2.1 Inverse Kinematics 5
2.2 You Only Look Once 5
2.3 Deep Residual Network 6
2.4 Long Short-Term Memory Network 8
Chapter 3 Approaches to Be Compared 9
3.1 Kinematics-Based Approach 9
3.2 Learning-Based End-to-End Approach 11
Chapter 4 Experiments 13
4.1 Environment 13
4.2 Data Collection 14
4.3 Evaluation 15
4.3.1 Static Scenario 15
4.3.2 Dynamic Scenario 20
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Works 26
References 27
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