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作者(外文):Chang, Yun-Chen
論文名稱(外文):Employee Attrition Prediction Using Random Forest for Imbalanced Dataset
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Jang-Ping
口試委員(外文):Hong, Yao-Win
Chen, Yuh-Shyan
外文關鍵詞:Employee Attrition PredictionMachine Learningk-Nearest NeighborDecision TreeRandom ForestSupport Vector Machine
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員工流失是公司面臨的一個重要問題,當員工離開公司時,不僅會損失該員工的工作效率,還會影響同事的工作效率。預測員工流動率有利於人力資源部門採取行動以加強內部政策。在本文中,我們使用隨機森林模型來預測員工流失。我們利用自適應合成採樣方法 (Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Approach) 來解決類別不平衡問題,即一類數據的總數遠遠小於另一類數據的總數。我們使用兩個數據集和三個實驗來驗證所提出模型的可靠性。第一個實驗結果顯示,隨機森林模型優於其他分類方法。第二個實驗結果表明,自適應合成採樣方法可以大幅提高預測模型的性能。第三個實驗顯示不同的採樣率對模型性能的影響,實驗結果驗證提出的模型能夠準確預測員工流失。
Employee attrition is an essential problem for companies. The labor market is competitive, and the required skills are in high demand. As employees leave the company, not only the productivity of that person lost, but also the productivity of colleagues is impacted. Predicting employee turnover is benefit the human resource department take action to enhance internal policies. In this thesis, we use the Random Forest model to predict employee attrition. We utilize an Adaptive Synthetic Sampling Approach (ADASYN) to solve the class imbalance problem, which is that the total number of a class is far less than the total number of another class in data. We use two datasets with three experiments to verify the reliability of the proposed model. The first experimental result shows that Random Forest is superior to other classification methods. The second experimental result indicates that the ADASYN sampling approach can significantly improve the performance of the prediction model. The third experiment indicates the effect of the different oversampling ratio on model performance. The results of the experiments validate that the proposed model can accurately predict employee attrition.
List of Contents
I. Introduction------------------------------1
II. Related Works----------------------------4
III. Employee Attrition Prediction Model-----7
IV. Experiment and Performance Analysis-----16
V. Conclusion-------------------------------25
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