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作者(外文):Kumar, Ganisetti Vijay
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Dr. Xu, Guo-Kai
Dr. Liu, Tian-Hua
Dr. Huang, Chang-Chun
Dr. Jong, Tai-Lang
Dr. Wu, Tsai-Fu
外文關鍵詞:Synchronous reluctance motorelectric vehiclebatterycommutation tuningloss minimizationcurrent controlspeed controlregenerative brakingposition sensorless controlhigh-frequency signal injectiongrid-to-vehiclevehicle-to-gridgrid-to-microgridmicrogrid-to-grid
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This dissertation presents the development of an electric vehicle (EV) synchronous reluctance motor (SynRM) drive and its bidirectional operations to grid and microgrid. First, a standard synchronous reluctance motor drive is established with proper current control considering inherent slotting effects and speed control. An adaptive commutation scheme (ACS) is developed to automatically set the commutation instant for achieving the motor total loss minimization. To enhance the driving performance over wide speed range, a bi-directional one-leg boost-buck DC/DC converter is used as an interface between battery and motor-drive inverter to establish the speed dependent varied DC-link voltage. The regenerative braking energy can also be successfully recovered to the battery.
Second, a position sensorless EV SynRM drive having wide speed and load ranges is developed. To solve the key problems encountered by existing approaches, the comparative effects of biased injected current and slotting harmonic current levels for d- and q-axis injections are explored. Then the high-frequency injection (HFI) scheme based on q-axis injection is proposed. The changed-frequency injection is adopted considering the effects of speed/load dependent slotting ripple current. The detected d-axis current is processed to yield stable and accurate estimated rotor position. The robust observed speed and position controllers are added to enhance the sensorless control performance.
Finally, this dissertation presents the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) and vehicle-to-microgrid (V2M) bidirectional operations of the developed EV SynRM drive. In idle condition, the embedded interface converter and inverter of motor drive are arranged to perform the G2V/V2G operations. Only the low-pass filters are needed to add externally. Through proper controls, the on-board battery can be charged from mains in G2V mode with good line drawn power quality. Conversely in V2G operation, the battery can send power back to the utility grid. Three-phase and single-phase grid connected operations are all applicable. For the single-phase case, the armature windings are further utilized to replace the externally added inductor. Moreover, through the same schematics, the M2V/V2M operations can also be conducted. A wind switched-reluctance generator (SRG) based microgrid is employed here. The EV movable energy storage application to microgrid is successfully operated via the arranged controls to effectively utilize the renewable sources.
2.1 Introduction 7
2.2 Electric Vehicle Classifications and Power Control Units 7
2.3 Movable Stored Energy Operation of Electric Vehicle 9
2.4 Interface Converters 9
A. DC/DC Converters 9
B. Switch-mode Rectifier 10
C. Inverters 13
2.5 Synchronous Machines 14
A. Stator 14
B. Rotor 14
2.6 Synchronous Reluctance Motor 16
A. Voltage Equations 16
B. Phasor Equations 18
C. Torque Equations 19
2.7 Generator Operation of a SynRM 19
2.8 Key Issues of SynRM Drive 20
2.9 Some Existing EV Chargers 21
2.10 Digital Control Practical Considerations 23
3.1 Introduction 26
3.2 System Configuration and Problem Statements 26
3.3 Bidirectional Battery Interface Converter 27
A. Power Circuit 27
B. Control Scheme 28
3.4 EV SynRM Drive 33
A. System Components 33
B. Physical Modeling Considering Core Losses 33
C. Estimation of Key Parameters 34
D. The Proposed Adaptive Commutation Scheme 40
E. Control Schemes 40
3.5 Efficiency Evaluation 45
A. Energy Conversion Efficiency Assessment 45
B. Effectiveness of Commutation Shift 47
C. Reversible Operation 49
D. Regenerative Braking 49
E. Programmed Speed Patterns 50
4.1 Introduction 53
4.2 System Configuration 53
4.3 Coordinated Outer-loop Control Schemes 55
A. Speed Control Scheme of SynRM Drive 55
B. Voltage-loop Control Scheme of Battery Interface
Converter 59
4.4 Whole EV SynRM Drive Performance Evaluation 61
A. DC-link Voltage Setting 61
B. Efficiency Assessment 61
C. Energy Consumption Characteristics 64
5.1 Introduction 67
5.2 Key Attributes Determination for Single-axis HFI Scheme 67
A. D-axis Injection 69
B. Q-axis Injection 70
C. Experimental Verification 71
5.3 Slotting Effects of HFI Operation 76
A. Current Harmonics Caused by Slotting Effects 76
B. Spectral Characteristics 76
C. Injected Axis Choice for Pulsating Voltage Signal Injection 76
5.4 The Developed HFI Position Sensorless SynRM Drive 77
A. System Configuration and Operation Principle 77
B. System Parameters 79
C. Experimental Evaluation 80
5.5 Operation Characteristics of the Established HFI Position Sensorless SynRM Drive 85
A. Starting Characteristics 85
B. Steady-state Characteristics 86
C. Speed Dynamic Responses 88
D. Acceleration/Deceleration and Reversible Operation 89
E. Regenerative Braking 91
F. Programmed Speed Pattern 92
G. Efficiency Evaluation 94
6.1 Introduction 96
6.2 System Configuration 96
6.3 Development of a Three-phase Full-bridge SMR 96
A. System Configuration 96
B. Circuit Operation 99
C. Design of Circuit Components 101
D. Control Schemes 102
E. Experimental Results 107
6.4 Three-phase G2V/V2G Operation 111
A. Grid-to-vehicle Charging Operation 111
B. Vehicle-to-grid Discharging Operation 111
6.5 Single-phase G2V/V2G Operation using SMR with External Inductor 115
A. Power Circuit 115
B. Control Schemes 116
C. Measured Results 117
D. G2V/V2G Operations 118
6.6 Single-phase G2V/V2G Operation using SMR with Integrated Inductor 121
A. System Configuration 121
B. Control Schemes 122
C. Measured Results 122
D. G2V/V2G Operations 124
6.7 EV and Microgrid Inter-connected Operations 127
A. Microgrid-to-vehicle Operation 129
B. Vehicle-to-microgrid Operation 132
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