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作者(外文):Chen, Yi-Ruei
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Circuit for Measuring the Electrode Impedance spectroscopy of Neural Electrodes
指導教授(外文):Chen, Hsin
口試委員(外文):Liao, Yu-Te
Hsieh, Ping-Hsuan
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:280
  • 評分評分:*****
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Many neurological diseases are caused by malfunction or degeneration of Neuro cells in the brain, resulting in abnormal functioning of Neuro function and affecting patients' actions or speech. Diseases cannot be effectively treated with drugs. Instead, electrical signals are used to stimulate disease-related brain regions.
Due to the precise amount of electrical signal stimulation to the relevant brain area, the impedance spectrum of the Neuro electrode must be known. This paper estimates the estimated impedance range according to the size of the DBS Neuro electrode made by this laboratory. Then proceed to follow-up circuit design.
In the traditional bioelectrode impedance measurement, the current-driven measurement method is the main method, because the general test object is mostly resistive, and the method of the current-driven measurement method is that the resistance is replaced by the capacitor to relatively reduce its Area consumption.
This paper uses a voltage-driven method to measure impedance. The reason is that the required measurement electrodes are mainly capacitive, which cannot easily be driven into the object under test with traditional current. It will decrease as the frequency increases, so a voltage measurement method is needed to provide a more accurate value.
The circuit of this paper includes the following parts: a signal generator composed of a digital analog converter, a low-noise amplifier, a digital feedback controller, a SAR analog digital converter, and an input leakage compensation circuit, which can be measured in design The range is 25f farad to 1.5n farad. Use a signal generator composed of a digital analog converter to make a sine wave into the object to be measured. Observe the magnification of the output of the low-noise amplifier to obtain the impedance of the object to be tested. After the measurement, the digital feedback controller can be used to change the feedback capacitance of the low-noise amplifier. If it is within the measurable range, it will be converted into a digital signal output through a digital analog converter.
致謝 III
摘要 V
Abstract VI
圖目錄 X
表目錄 XIV
第1章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 2
1-2 章節介紹 2
第2章 電極特性與阻抗量測機制 3
2-1 電解質-電極介面的阻抗模型 3
2-2 電流模式輸入量測法 7
2-3 電壓模式輸入量測法 10
2-4系統架構評估與選擇 11
第3章 前端架構與設計 14
3-1 待測電極考量 14
3-2 低聲噪放大器設計 14
3-2-1 電路分析與計算 14
3-2-2 調變頻率之選取 23
3-3 模型介紹與模擬結果 24
第4章 ADC與DAC設計 47
4-1 類比數位轉換器設計 47
4-1-1 類比數位轉換器架構選擇 48
4-1-2 取樣電路設計 49
4-1-3 比較器設計 50
4-1-4 電容式數位類比器考量 51
4-1-5 模擬及模型驗證 53
4-2 數位類比轉換器設計 57
第5章 量測結果與分析 61
5-1 晶片佈局圖 61
5-2 量測平台 65
5-3 量測結果與問題 67
5-3-1 OPAMP量測結果 67
5-3-2 量測問題與模擬驗證 74
第6章 結論與未來工作 84
參考文獻 85

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