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作者(外文):Chang, Chih-Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of Surface Treatment Resonant Converter
指導教授(外文):Wu, Tsai-Fu
口試委員(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
Chen, Yie-Tone
Chen, Yu-Kai
外文關鍵詞:Passive PFCResonantSurface TreatmentPlasmaZero Voltage Switching
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究研製一表面處理電漿電源產生器,功能主要為使金屬表面鋪上一層其它物質的濺鍍處理。此系統為電漿真空腔體 (Vacuum chamber)表面處理最常使用之高壓電源系統,以達到較佳的表面處理效果。本研究著重於交流-直流-交流轉換器之研製,所使用電路架構為一被動式功因校正器(Passive PFC)、全橋並聯諧振換流器電路,其操作頻率為40 kHz。利用全橋相移控制(Phase-Shift Control)控制輸出電壓。將功率開關切換頻率操作高於諧振頻率,藉由諧振電路為電感性之特性,使開關達到軟切換,降低切換損失;本研究採用數位控制,可提升系統控制自由度與可靠度,容易達成系統運作過程中各模組所需功能;此外藉由微控制器做軟體保護或利用電路達到硬體保護。當系統於運作中發生異常時,可即時保護系統,使電路及負載免於毀損。
本論文主要貢獻為: (1)實現一額定輸出5 kW之諧振換流器,可在負載變動及含有電感性的狀態下,穩定提供額定功率輸出。(2)在阻抗匹配範圍內,功率開關皆可實現零電壓切換,降低切換損失。(3)輸入功率因數可校正至0.9以上。(4)整體系統最高效率達92%。(5)採用數位控制提升系統控制自由度、可靠度。(6)電路完成額定功率之燒機測試達15分鐘,確保電路穩定性。
With the development of industry and technology, many high molecular polymers are widely used in different and products. The characteristics of material surface need to be modified to increase the affinity and adhesio.
Different from traditional surface treatment method, the plasma technology is used to treat the surface without using strong acid and alkali chemicals, which will not cause environmental pollution. And the plasma will not limited by the surface properties, which can improve the applications of surface treatment. If the plasma power supply is properly designed, the advantages include low operating cost, high efficiency, good processing effectiveness and will not change the material properties.
This thesis presents a power generator for plasma surface treatment source, which is used for the processes applied to the surface of a material. The proposed system can reach better treatment performance with high frequency and high output voltage, which is widely used on vacuum chamber.
This research has designed and implemented an AC-DC-AC converter. The system configuration contains a passive power-factor corrector and a full-bridge parallel resonant inverter, it operates at 40 kHz, and its output power is regulated by phase-shift control. System operation frequency is higher than the resonant frequency to achieve zero-voltage switching and to reduce switching losses of the switches. In this research, a digital controller improves the freedom and reliability of the system operation, operates system at different modes with corresponding functions, and uses the microcontroller for software protection or circuits for hardware protection. During abnormal operation, the system is protected in time from damage.
The main contributions of this thesis are as follows: (1) Implementing a resonant inverter can stably provide rated output power 5 kW under load variation. (2) Power switches can reach zero voltage switching to reduce switching loss under load matching conditions, (3) The input power factor can be corrected to above 0.9 , (4) The overall system has a maximum efficiency of 92%, (5) Adopting digital control improves system control freedom and reliability, and (6)A burn-in test has been conducted under 5 kW power rating for 15 minutes to ensure stable operation of the system.
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
誌謝 v
總目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 電漿簡介 3
1-2-1 電漿電源分類 4
1-2-2 電漿特性 7
1-3 論文大綱 9
第二章 系統架構與設計 10
2-1 被動式功因校正器 (Passive Power-Factor Correction) 10
2-1-1 T Model LCL Filter 11
2-1-2 LC Filter 17
2-2 諧振槽設計 19
2-3 零電壓切換(ZVS)分析 26
第三章 系統周邊電路設計 32
3-1 輔助電源電路 32
3-2 電壓箝位保護電路 34
3-3 直流鏈電壓回授電路 34
3-4 峰值偵測電路 36
3-5 交流電壓回授電路 37
3-6 交流電流回授電路 38
3-7 零交越偵測電路 39
3-8 過壓/過流硬體保護電路 40
3-9 開關隔離驅動電路 41
第四章 控制流程與韌體規劃 44
4-1 系統韌體架構 44
4-2 微控制器 RX62T 介紹 44
4-3 主程式流程規劃 48
4-4 類比/數位轉換中斷副程式流程規劃 50
4-5 MTU中斷副程式流程規劃 56
第五章 電路製作與實測結果 58
5-1 系統規格與元件選擇 58
5-2 實測結果 67
5-2-1 被動式功因校正器(Passive PFC)實測結果 67
5-2-2 諧振換流器實測結果 72
5-2-3 電漿腔體實測結果 82
第六章 結論與未來展望 86
6-1 結論 86
6-2 未來研究方向 87
參考文獻 88

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