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作者(外文):Peng, Chien-Wei
論文名稱(外文):A 10-Bit 4-GS/s Current-Steering DAC with Dynamic Element Matching Techniques
指導教授(外文):Chu, Ta-Shun
口試委員(外文):Wu, Jen-Ming
Wang, Yu-Jiu
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:378
  • 評分評分:*****
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本文主旨在實現一個具動態元件匹配的電流引導式數位類比轉換器,為了達到高SFDR規格要解決在電路實作上諸多非理想的效應,電流源的不匹配、電流源開關在切換時產生的glitch、電流源的有限阻抗及寄生電容等等…,這些都是造成動態規格減低的重要議題。為了減少mismatch的影響,除了增加電流源的大小之外,我選擇用另外一種”動態元件匹配”方法,雖然增加noise floor 的高度,但同時也會降低third harmonic的高度,可以得到比較好的動態規格。

在晶片的實現上,本論文實現了一個十位元具動態元件匹配之電流引導式數位類比轉換器,採用製程為TSMC 65 nm,1P9M互補金氧半導體,偏壓電路以及電流源供應電壓為2.5V,其餘部分則為1.2V,雙端差動輸出為0.2V,輸入訊號頻率為40MHz,取樣頻率為4GHz之下,透過RRUS DEM的技巧以及在佈局上面的特殊走線方法,能將動態規格SFDR從65dB提升到69dB。
With the rapid development of communication systems, data of the digital transmission is growing larger. Therefore, the demand of digital-to-analog data converter plays an important role in recent year. One of them is Current Steering Digital to Analog Converter which is widely used with high-speed, high-linearity characteristic. Current Steering DAC can reach great dynamic performance under high bandwidth environment, become the most popular architecture nowadays. The layout area control of DAC is also important.

This thesis is implementing a Current Steering DAC with dynamic element matching techniques. In order to achieve high SFDR performance, we need to solve many non-ideal effect, such as current source mismatch, induced glitch when switch transient, current source finite impedance and parasitic capacitor etc. The above mentioned are all critical issue when designing a high quality DAC. In order to reduce the impact of current source mismatch, we not only increase the size of MOSFET, also introduce a method called “Dynamic Element Matching”. Although this method increases the noise floor in the spectrum diagram, it can lower the third harmonic tone, achieving outstanding dynamic performance.

In the realization of this chip, a 10-Bit 4-GS/s Current-Steering DAC with dynamic element matching techniques is implemented in TSMC 65nm. The power supply for current source and bias circuit is 2.5V and others are 1.2V with differential output Vpp=0.2V. Through the RRUS DEM techniques and special routing skills, SFDR can be improved from 65dB to 69dB with input frequency=40M/s and sampling frequency=4G/s.
第1章 序論…………………………………………………………….1
第2章 電流引導式數位類比轉換器基本原理……………………….3
第3章 電流引導式數位類比轉換器設計考量與提高規格之技巧…...25
第4章 電路實現…………………………………………………………44
第5章 模擬結果與布局量測規畫…………………………………….....58
第6章 結論………………………………………………………………75
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