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作者(外文):Kung, Shih-Wei
指導教授(外文):Liaw, Chang-Ming
口試委員(外文):Liu, Tian-Hua
Shyu, Kuo-Kai
Hwu, Kuo-Ing
外文關鍵詞:Switched-reluctance motorswitch-mode rectifierDC/DC convertercommutationvoltage boostingvoltage controlcurrent controlspeed controlsuper-capacitor
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  • 評分評分:*****
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This thesis develops a switched-reluctance motor (SRM) drive with power type energy storage support. The SRM is powered from the mains by a bidirectional switch-mode rectifier (SMR). Its energy supplying quality and utilization are improved by the equipped supercapacitor at the DC-link. First, a digital signal processor (DSP) based elementary SRM drive is established. The asymmetric bridge converter with proper current control pulse-width modulated (PWM) scheme is constructed. Good driving characteristics are achieved with properly designed sensing, commutation, and control schemes. Under higher speed and/or heavier load, the commutation shifting and voltage boosting are further properly applied to enhance the driving performance.
Next, a three-phase bidirectional boost SMR is designed and implemented. After making detailed current ripple analysis, the energy storage inductor is designed. And through the properly designed constituted controllers, under well regulated DC output voltage, satisfactory line-drawn power quality is preserved simultaneously. Then a three-phase bidirectional SMR powered SRM drive is developed and evaluated. Except for satisfactory motor driving characteristics, successful regenerative braking operation is also achieved with the stored kinetic energy being sent back to the mains.
Third, a supercapacitor energy storage system is developed and used to provide an energy buffer for the SRM drive at its DC-link. To understand the energy conversion response characteristics of a supercapacitor, the key parameters of the employed supercapacitor bank are measured. Then the boost-buck DC/DC interface converter is constructed. Through proper designs of power circuits and controllers, the established supercapacitor possesses good charging and discharging characteristics.
Finally, the operation control of the whole SRM drive with supercapacitor energy storage buffer is conducted, and some measured results are presented to demonstrate its performance.
2.1 Introduction 5
2.2 Switched-reluctance Motors 5
2.3 Interface Converters 12
2.4 Some Key Issues of SMR-fed SRM Drive 16
2.5 Energy Storage Devices 16
2.6 Applications of Supercapacitor Energy Storage 17
3.1 Introduction 21
3.2 System Configuration 21
3.3 The Employed Switched-Reluctance Motor 21
3.4 Digital Control Environment 26
3.5 Control Schemes 29
4.1 Introduction 36
4.2 Power Circuit of Three-phase Full-bridge Boost SMR 36
4.3 Control Schemes of Three-phase Full-bridge Boost SMR 43
4.4 Experimental Verification under Resistive Load 48
4.5 SRM Drive with Three-phase Full-bridge SMR Front-end 50
4.6 Efficiency Assessment of the Employed SRM 57
5.1 Introduction 65
5.2 System configuration 65
5.3 Key Parameter Estimation of the Employed Supercapacitor 65
5.3.1 Common Models of Supercapacitor 65
5.3.2 The Employed Supercapacitor 65
5.3.3 Capacitance Measurement 67
5.4 Supercapacitor Interface Converter 69
5.4.1 System Configuration 69
5.4.2 Circuit Components 70
5.5 SC Energy Support Discharging Characteristics 80

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