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作者(外文):Chu, Ting-Lien
論文名稱(外文):A Modulation Strategy for Common-mode-Voltage Cancellation of the two-Level Back-to-Back Converter
指導教授(外文):Cheng, Po-tai
口試委員(外文):Shieh, Jenn-Jong
Hou, Chung-Chuan
外文關鍵詞:two-level back-to-back convertercommon-mode voltageleakage currentweighting DC link voltage control
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  • 點閱點閱:21
  • 評分評分:*****
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Common-mode voltage (CMV) is one of the most important issues for the back-to-back (BTB) converter. The BTB converter is consisting of two converters, the rectifier and the inverter. According to the derivation of Kirchhoff voltage law, the system CMV mainly depends on the CMV difference between the rectifier and the inverter. Therefore, some previous research has proposed Active zero state pulse width modulation, which can reduce the total CMV by decreasing the CMV at each converter.
This thesis not only testify the AZSPWM, but also presents a new PWM strategy for the BTB converter, which can cancel magnitude of common-mode voltage (CMV) and leakage current. Besides, we also discuss the relationship between zero-sequence-injection (ZSI) techniques and linear modulation index. In addition, discussing the phase difference between the rectifier and the inverter voltage commands, which may lead to the over-modulation problem. Therefore, this thesis will also present a new weighting DC bus voltage control to reduce the risk of the over-modulation. Finally, proposed control method will be validated by experimental results.
List of Contents................................................IV
List of Figures.................................................VI
List of Tables...................................................X
CHAPTER 1 Introduction...........................................1
1.1 Motivation................................................1
1.2 Outline of the Contents...................................2
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review......................................3
2.1 Introduction.................................................3
2.1.1 Sine PWM / Space Vector PWM................................4
2.1.2 Active Zero State PWM......................................7
2.2 Common-Mode Component Analysis...............................8
CHAPTER 3 Operation Principal...................................12
3.1 Introduction................................................12
3.2 Control Block Diagram.......................................12
3.2.1 DC Bus Voltage Control....................................13
3.2.2 The d-q Synchronous Frame Model...........................14
3.3 Common-Mode Component Analysis of the two-level Back-to-Back Converter.......................................................19
3.4 Cyclic PWM for the Cancellation of Common-Mode Component....24
3.4.1 Displacement-pattern Modulation...........................25
3.4.2 Cyclic PWM Sequencing.....................................25
3.4.2 Ideal (Neglect the Dead-time) Realization in Cyclic PWM...33
3.4.3 Dead-Time Realization in Cyclic PWM.......................35
3.4.4 Dead-Time Compensation Realization in Cyclic PWM..........39
3.5 Zero-Sequence Injection for the two-level Back-to-Back Converter.......................................................44
3.6 Asynchronism Issue in the two-level Back-to-Back Converter..47
3.6.1 Limitation of Linear Modulation...........................48
3.6.2 Discussion of Control Freedom.............................50
3.7 Weighting DC Bus Voltage Control............................52
CHAPTER 4 Laboratory Test Results...............................54
4.1 Introduction................................................54
4.2 Experimental Results........................................55
4.2.1 Output Voltage and Output Current of the Inverter Side....56
4.2.2 Common-Mode Voltage and Leakage Current without ZSI.......59
4.2.3 Flux Ripple Analysis......................................66
4.2.4 Relationship between ZSI and the Leakage Current..........75
4.2.4 Test Results of Weighting DC Bus Voltage Control..........78
CHAPTER 5 Conclusions...........................................81
Appendix: System Overview.......................................82

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