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作者(外文):Li, Jia-Dao.
論文名稱(外文):A Song of Ice and Fire:Square dance and Chinese civil society
指導教授(外文):LIN, YU-SHENG
口試委員(外文):KU, MING-CHUN
外文關鍵詞:Square danceCollective identityMagic behind associationCivil societyNational advancement and civil retreatAuthoritarianism
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  • 點閱點閱:330
  • 評分評分:*****
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This study uses the square dance group as the research object to understand the current status and future prospects of China's civil society in the context of "national advance and civil retreat." Recently, square dance has become a national sport which is prevalent and universal in China. The participants -so called the "Square Dance Aunt"- have cultivated many folk groups through self-organization. These square dance groups have shown the tenacious vitality and diversity, which is worth the further investigation under the background of the China authoritarian regards the social gathering and assembly as a national threat, as well as the social environment of “national advance and civil retreat”: How can the square dance group survive in an authoritarian system that suppresses civil society? What organizational strategies do they apply? How do these organizational strategies affect the character of civil society and its relationship with the state?
In response to the above questions, this article intends to discuss the collective identity of the square dance aunts, how they define themselves, how to establish their identity in a certain organization, and form the corresponding square dance group principles and norms. Next, this article will discuss the magic behind association from the square dance group, and explain how they take the full advantage of the authoritarianism gaps to win the right of using assembly and public space. Simultaneously, this spontaneous organization neither suffers from social opposition, nor being suppressed by the government. Finally, this article also points out the dancing square as a platform to discuss public affairs for these participants. Apart from engaging in the square dance as the leisure activity, Square Dance Aunts also discuss community, national and even international matters at the same time. It is conducive to shape their imagination of politics. By comparing the two square dance groups with distinct backgrounds, this article finds out the two groups have adopted different strategies to reduce the penetration and involvement of the state. To some extent, these strategies reshape the relationship between civil society and the state, and further help them circuitously obtain influences on national decision-making, the right to pursue individual’s well-being and group common goals.
This article believes that "national advancement and civil retreat" certainly reflect China's current political dynamics, but the resilience of civil society cannot be ignored. From the example of the Square Dance Aunt, "national advancement and civil change" is an appropriate term to capture the interactive relationship between state and society, which also facilitates our understanding of the relationship between them.
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究緣起 1
一、什麼是廣場舞? 3
第二節 研究架構 8
一、集體認同與公民社團 8
二、大媽的結社藝術 11
三、威權統治下的公民社會 16
第三節 田野概況 19
第四節 研究方法 22
第五節 章節安排 23
第二章 團隊與集體認同 25
第一節 廣場舞大媽——一個污名化的標籤 25
第二節 團隊的邊界標記 30
一、「我們才不是跳佳木斯舞!」 31
二、外觀、行為的邊界 33
第三節 集體意識 35
一、「大家長式」管理的迎春團隊 38
二、師生關係式的天一閣團隊 40
第四節 維持團體風格的方式 44
一、傳統劇碼下的迎春團隊 45
二、舞蹈為核心的天一閣團隊 46
第三章 大媽的結社藝術 50
第一節 團隊構成與組織形式 50
一、團隊概況 50
二、明文章程與潛規則 52
三、差異化的組織性質 57
第二節 化解衝突的藝術 61
一、內部衝突 64
二、外部衝突 67
第三節 如水般的社團面貌 71
第四章 威權下的因應之道 77
第一節 吊燈裡的巨蟒——社團意志的順從 77
一、心存畏懼、敬而遠之 77
二、聽黨的話、跟著黨走 81
第二節 社團的發展之路 83
一、進退維谷的天一閣團隊 83
二、前途迷茫的迎春團隊 88
三、商業化——一條新途徑?中國夢之隊的案例 90
第五章 威權下的公民社會 93
第一節、公共事務的參與和想象 93
一、強調個人的自由主義 93
二、追求共性的集體主義 96
第二節 公民性格的成因 98
第三節 希望與啟示 100
一、社會資本增殖 100
二、公民參與壯大 102
三、公民社會的啟示 105
第六章 結論 107
附录: 110
參考文獻 112

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