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作者(外文):Juo, Tsai-Ying
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Using Graphic Organizers as a Teaching Task on Reading Comprehension
指導教授(外文):Viphavee, Vongpumivitch
口試委員(外文):Tzeng, Jeng-Yi
Lin, Lu-Chun
外文關鍵詞:graphic organizerreading comprehensionexpository textpair work
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本研究主要探討圖形組織作為英語閱讀教學中的任務並研究其對台灣中等教育英語學習者閱讀理解的影響。此外,本研究亦探討獨自或配對完成圖形組織任務之於學習者對閱讀理解的影響。這項研究包含47名來自苗栗縣同一所國中三個班級的八年級學生,三個班級被隨機分成比較組、實驗組A和實驗組B。比較組的學生接受傳統的英語閱讀教學,而實驗組A和實驗B的學生則接受採用圖形組織作為個人或配對任務的英語閱讀教學。本研究使用對抗平衡設計,以降低實驗順序對結果可能產生的不利影響。在這項研究中,我們使用了三種工具來收集學生的定量數據:(一)選擇題、(二)排序任務和(三)圖形組織任務。在實驗之前和之後,使用預測,兩個後測和一個延遲後測來測量參與者的閱讀理解。我們採用單因子變異數分析來比較三組的選擇題得分,排序任務得分和圖形組織任務得分。結果顯示,三組在後測I的排序任務中存在顯著差異,F (2,44)= 4.887, p = .012。先單獨後成對完成圖形組織任務的實驗組,在後測I的排序任務中勝過比較組。但除了這一差異之外,三組學生在其他任務都沒有顯著差異。此外,比較兩個實驗組之間在三項任務的表現,成對完成圖形組織任務的學生在閱讀理解測驗的後測中並未表現的獨自完成圖形組織的學生好。
The present study focuses on graphic organizers as a teaching task in English reading instruction. It sets out to investigate the effect of the use of graphic organizers on reading comprehension of secondary EFL learners in Taiwan. In addition, the present study also attempts to explore the role of pair-work in contributing discourse structure graphic organizers and its impact on learners’ comprehension of text. Forty-seven eighth grade EFL learners coming from three classes in same junior high school located in Miaoli County participated in this study. The three classes were randomly classified as one comparison group and two experimental groups, A and B. Students in the comparison group were taught reading in the traditional approach while students in experimental groups A and B were trained to comprehend passages by filling in graphic organizers independently or in pairs. A counterbalance design was adopted to reduce the chances of the order of treatment adversely influencing the results. Three instruments were used to collect quantitative data in this study: a) the multiple-choice task, b) the sequencing task and c) the graphic organizer task. A pretest, two posttests, and a delayed posttest were used to measure the participants’ reading comprehension before and after the instruction. One-way ANOVA tests were used to compare the multiple-choice task mean scores, the sequencing task mean scores and the graphic organizer task mean scores for the three groups. The results indicated that there was found to be a significant difference between the comparison group and one of the experimental groups in the Posttest I sequencing task, F (2,44)= 4.887, p = .012. The group of students who started by working on the graphic organizer task individually, then in pair, outperformed the comparison group in Posttest 1 sequencing task. Other than that one difference, there was no significant difference in any other tasks among the three groups. As for two experimental groups, it seemed that students filling in the graphic organizers in pairs did not always outperform than students working alone.
ABSTRACT (Chinese) i
ABSTRACT (English) ii
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Aims of the study 7
1.3 Significance of the study 7
1.4 Definition of key terms 8
1.5 Structure of the study 8
2.1 The curriculum reform and ELT in Taiwan 10
2.2 L2 reading comprehension instruction 15
2.3 Use of graphic organizers in L2 reading instruction 19
2.3.1 Graphic organizers 19
2.3.2 Issues regarding the implementation of graphic organizers in the classroom 23
2.3.3 Effects of graphic organizers in L1 and L2 contexts 24
2.4 The role of pair and group work on reading comprehension teaching and learning 27
2.4.1 Sociocultural theory in language teaching and learning 27
2.4.2 Group discussion and reading comprehension 29
2.5 Conclusion of literature review 32
3.1 Participants 36
3.2 Materials 37
3.2.1 Rationales for the text selection 37
3.2.2 Test materials and teaching materials 40
3.3 Instruments 41
3.3.1 Reading comprehension test: the multiple-choice task 42
3.3.2 Reading comprehension test: the sequencing task 42
3.3.3 Reading comprehension test: the graphic organizer task 43
3.5 Procedures 48
3.5.1 Data collection procedures 48
3.5.2 Graphic organizer instruction 48
3.5.3 Two experimental phases 49
3.6 Data Analysis 55
3.7 Chapter Summary 55
4.1 Results of reading comprehension test among the groups 57
4.1.1 Results of the multiple-choice task 59
4.1.2 Results of the sequencing task 62
4.1.3 Results of the graphic organizer task 65
4.2 Performance in the reading comprehension tests across time in each group 69
4.2.1 The comparison group’s performance across time 70
4.2.2 The Pair-Indiv group’s performance across time 74
4.2.3 The Indiv-Pair group’s performance across time 76
4.3 Additional findings 80
4.4 Qualitative observations 83
4.4 Summary of the results 85
5.1 The effect of graphic organizer instruction versus traditional method to teach reading 88
5.2 The effect of graphic organizer instruction with or without pair works 94
5.3 The blank boxes in the graphic organizer task 95
5.4 Limitations of this study 97
5.5 Pedagogical implications 99
5.6 Suggestions for future studies 101
Appendix A Problem/Solution Expository Texts 111

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