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作者(外文):Huang, Chin-Ru
論文名稱(中文):自我認同與身體政治: 以嬌薏絲·歐慈的《泥女人》為例
論文名稱(外文):Self-Identity and Body Politics: The Example of Joyce Carol Oates’ Mudwoman
指導教授(外文):Chi, Yuan-Wen
Huang, Shih-Yi
口試委員(外文):Chen, Huang-Hua
Lin, Yi-Chuang
外文關鍵詞:self-identitybody politicschildhoodPro-lifePro-choicefemale consciousness
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本論文在美國社會文化脈絡下,在墮胎議題上論證個人選擇權抑或生命權,孰輕孰重,歷經頡頏折衝,和解諒宥,馴至找到自我認同。由於受到養父母宗教理念影響與自身創傷之緣故,她如何處理校園中棘手的激進、保守政治議題,引發諸多爭論。作為一位家庭暴力的受害者,女主角是否怨恨她母親殘酷的遺棄? 然而多年後,M.R.依舊渴望見到自己生母一面,卻並未對養父母有情感寄託。在擁護選擇權上,個人抉擇能否超越宗教信仰與政治手段的控制,仍有待商榷。個體存在是社會化的過程,在此情形之下,自由意志發展的空間顯然受到各場域力量之制約與影響,透過不同角度討論個體的身分認同,有助於更深入瞭解一九八〇年代美國社會的遞嬗變遷。
Joyce Carol Oates’ novel, Mudwoman (2012), gains popular attention through the novelist’s exploration of the psychological depth and complexity of the protagonist M. R.—a foundling who was abandoned by her biological mother and who later became a university president. M.R. experiences different stages of life ranging from her foster family to her academic career. In the deep recess of her selfhood, she is obsessed with the controversial issue on women’s right and human values. M.R’s psychological complexity and predicaments reflect her identity crises-- uncertainty of belongingness and strained relations with her adopted life.
This thesis offers an in-depth analysis of the Pro-life vs. Pro-choice debates on abortion as regards socio-politic contexts in American society. Since M.R.’s stance towards this issue is tremendously influenced by her Christian foster family and she also gets involved in the intense debates on abortion on campus, what she tries to do is how to reconcile these conflicts with her own concept and come to term with herself. As a victim, does Mudwoman resent her mother’s cruelty? However, many years later M.R. is still eager to find her biological parents without showing much gratitude to her Christian foster parents. Can Pro-choice simply be regarded as a personal decision in defiance of ideological state apparatuses, such as the intervening and dominant powers of religious denominations and government control? Contextualized these quintessential questions in American society in the 1980s, the thesis would provide a better vignette on Pro-life vs. Pro-choice debates and human’s right to live, both socially and religiously.
Introduction …………………………………1

Chapter One: Self-Identity and Body Politics…………………………………20

Chapter Two: The Trauma of Domestic Violence and Adoption …………………………………34

Chapter Three: The Controversy over Pro-Life and Pro-Choice…………………………………50


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