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作者(外文):Chan, Shuen-Wen
論文名稱(外文):Development of active wound dressings and their application for the prevention of bacterial infections
指導教授(外文):Lin, Zong-Hong
口試委員(外文):Li, Bor-Ran
Tsai, Tsung-Ting
外文關鍵詞:triboelectric nanogeneratorbismuth telluridehydrogen peroxidedisinfectionwound dressing
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With the increasing aging population and the high probability of bacterial infection, the demand for more advanced wound dressing technologies is rapidly increasing. Recently, the wound dressing market have approached towards developing innovative dressings which are more efficient, cost-effective and easy to use. Therefore, in this work, we have designed a novel kind of dressing which can be triggered by the various external stimuli like the human motion and temperature gradients. The triboelectric nanogenerator (TENGs) was employed to harvest the energy from the mechanical movement which was used to trigger the electrochemical reaction in the dressing to generate ROS that can cause oxidative damage to kill the bacteria present in the wound. In addition, the thermal catalyst bismuth telluride (Bi2Te3) was integrated with the dressing which can be stimulated by a temperature gradient to generate ROS. The as-developed the wound dressing provides a great potential to be a kind of advanced dressings in the future which can get triggered by both static and dynamic effect to generate ROS to prevent bacterial infections at the wound site.
摘要 I
Abstract II
List of Figures V
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review and Theory 3
2.1 Triboelectric Nanogenerator 3
2.1.1 Triboelectric Effect 3
2.1.2 Mechanism of Triboelectric Nanogenerator 5
2.1.3 Development of Triboelectric Nanogenerator 8
2.2 Source of Catalysis 9
2.2.1 Photocatalyst 9
2.2.2 Piezocatalyst 11
2.2.2 Thermalcatalyst 12
2.3 Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) 13
Chapter 3 Experimental Section 15
3.1 Material and Reagent 15
3.2 Instrument 17
3.3 Fabrication of Wearable Triboelectric Nanogenerator 18
3.4 Fabrication of Wound Dressing 18
3.4.1 Preparation of Chitosan hydrogel 18
3.4.2 The Synthesis of Bi2Te3 19
3.4.3 Preparation of Wound Dressing 20
3.5 Characterization 20
3.6 Bacteria Culture 21
3.6.1 Growth of bacterial strains 21
3.6.2 Preparation of Agar Plate 22
3.6.3 Disinfection Performance 23
3.7 Detection of H2O2 24
3.8 In Vitro Cell Toxicity 25
3.8.1 Cell Culture 25
3.8.2 Cytotoxicity 25
Chapter 4 Result and Discussion 27
4.1 Characterization of Wound Dressing 27
4.1.1 Structure of Wound Dressing 27
4.1.2 Application in Disinfection by Bi2Te3 30
4.2 Characterization of TENG 33
4.2.1 Mechanism 38
4.3 Cell toxicity 43
4.4 Application in Real Model 46
Chapter 5 Conclusion 48
Reference 49
Publication 53
Conference 53
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