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作者(外文):Li, Zhi-Bin.
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of awkward posture during operating machinery maintenance: a wastewater treatment system of panel manufacturing factory
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yun-Ju
口試委員(外文):Chao, Chin-Jung
Chiu, Ming-Chuan
Lu, Jun-Ming
外文關鍵詞:Awkward posturesDryerREBAOWASEAWSMusculoskeletal disorder
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本研究針對運轉中乾燥機掃除作業過程中,作業人員所產生之各種姿勢,透過半直接方法以攝影器材實錄拍攝,擷取姿勢照片,分別採用快速全身評估(Rapid Entire Body Assessment,REBA)、奧沃科工作評估系統(Ovako Working Posture Analysis System,OWAS)、歐洲人因評估工具檢核表(Ergonomic Assessment Worksheet,EAWS)等方法及量表評估個案作業肌肉骨骼傷害風險等級,並採取矯正預防措施,以改善和預防不良姿勢所衍生肌肉骨骼傷害之可能,並提供與預警各行業工作過程可能產生相似姿勢及早採取人因性危害預防之參考。
本研究發現,在量表使用方面,若單獨使用EAWS Part-b可能會忽略頸部姿勢的表現,而EAWS Part-b涵蓋了坐姿與暴露時間上的細節,能夠客觀的提供評估者綜觀所有姿勢整體危害程度,特別是站立與坐姿交替時,加上風險分級的不同,若僅使用一種評估方法,可能導致評估結果傾向過度樂觀或悲觀其中一方。使用評估方法互補,可以讓職業安全衛生人員獲得更全面性的結果,並能夠更精確的選擇改善方案。在作業改善方面,提供輔助工作梯,使作業方式在站和坐姿之間循環,身體扭轉與站立時軀幹彎曲重複性與不良姿勢獲得控制。
建議未來相關行業針對相似作業進行全身性肌肉骨骼傷害風險評估時,可參考本研究採取至少2種以上評估量表同時進行。採取改善時,可利用本研究改善方式,增加坐站姿交替方式矯正與預防不良姿勢的產生。若針對頸部變化較多之作業,先以REBA及OWAS進行初評,再以EAWS Part-b綜觀整體風險。若作業方式改變時,另以其他評估量表確認上肢或其他部位姿勢改變是否衍生其他肌肉骨骼傷害。相關行業投資相似設備於採購管理過程,應先評估建築與機台設計可能為工作者帶來的人因性風險,預防工程變更為工作者所帶來的肌肉骨骼傷害。
The process of 100% water recycling of water used in panel manufacturing has become a main topic of discussion due to the rapid changing of water resources. In order to achieve the goal of recycling large amounts of water used for manufacturing purposes, prioritization of water resources and wastewater treatment has been appealed to invest in fundamental drying equipment. This equipment not only improves the recovery of water resources but also reduces the output of sludge from wastewater treatment processes. As drying equipment becomes a norm in these facilities, workers have to be in many inappropriate and awkward postures to operate said machines when conducting the maintenance process of the machine. These awkward postures need to be carefully evaluated by methods of assessing the risk level while performing the operations to prevent musculoskeletal injuries.
This thesis assesses the risk level posed by all postures that workers might be in when operating on a dryer machine (sweeping and scrubbing). The assessment was through video recordings and photographs to capture the postures of the workers and evaluate the risk level which these postures pose to potentially inducing musculoskeletal disorders. The evaluation methods used REBA (Rapid Entire Body Assessment), OWAS (Ovako Working Posture Analysis System), and EAWS (Ergonomic Assessment Worksheet). After the evaluation, these postures were correct by using tools and prevention guidelines on how to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal injuries for these working processes.
Results showed that before any correction tools or guidelines were implemented all three assessment showed significant or high-risk levels. REBA, OWAS, and EAWS scored a high risk of Musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) (11 points), a significant risk level of MSD (89.47%) and possible risk of MSD (39.7 points), respectively. After the implementation of tools and guidelines, awkward postures were successfully revised. The new risk level of MSD for REBA, OWAS, and EAWS were medium risk (5 points), low risk (71.43%) and low or no risk (21 points), respectively. This showed a reduction of 2 risk levels for REBA and 1 risk level for both OWAS and EAWS. Recommendations for the new risk levels were “further investigation, change soon” for REBA, “corrective actions required in the near future” for OWAS, and “redesign if possible or no action is needed” for EAWS. It indicated that the task of operating the dryer machine still needs to be redesigned in the future. The reason behind using three entire body musculoskeletal assessment methods was to see the risk levels outcomes of different methods and also to be able to see the differences of conducting each method. Moreover, using three methods means that they can complement each other by making up for their differences in evaluation to ultimately ensure whether or not the improvements implemented served the purpose.
After using all three assessment methods, if only EAWS Part-b were to be used, some awkward neck postures might be ignored. However, EAWS Part-b provides more detailed measurements such as sitting posture and exposure time, which can objectively grant an overall look at the risk levels posed by all postures, especially when there is an alternation between sitting and standing. Furthermore, the risk levels are different for each method, so when only one assessment method is used, it could result in an overly optimistic or pessimistic evaluation. Using different methods to complement each other can allow for occupational safety and health inspectors to get a grasp of the big picture from all angles, and can, therefore, more precisely diagnose, improve and implement the necessary solutions. As for improvements of the task itself, providing a work ladder controlled and reduced awkward postures repeated bending of the trunk and twisting motions of the body when alternating between sitting and standing.
For future studies that may involve evaluating risk levels of MSDs in similar industries, we recommend that at least two assessment methods should be used in the same task. When redesigning and improving a task, the method from the current study can be considered. We increased the ways to alternate between sitting and standing as well as correcting and preventing the occurrence of awkward posture. If the task involves more postural changes of the neck, use REBA and OWAS to conduct the initial evaluation, then use EAWS Part-b to evaluate the risk level as a whole. In the case that the task varies, use other assessment techniques to confirm whether the postural changes in other body parts will result in other MSDs. Related industries going through the procurement management process of investing in similar equipment, should first assess and prevent the human related risks that infrastructures or machines may cause to the workers.
第一章 緒論 ----------------------------------- 1
第二章 文獻回顧 ------------------------------ 6
第三章 研究方法 ------------------------------ 35
第四章 結果與討論 --------------------------- 40
第五章 結論與未來方向 ------------------------- 65
參考文獻 ------------------------------------- 67
中文文獻 ------------------------------------- 67
英文文獻 ------------------------------------- 69
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