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作者(外文):Lee, Zhi-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Investigate Customer Satisfaction of Software as a service (SaaS) in Clouding Service: Microsoft Windows® Case Study
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ming-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Hsin-Wei
Lee, Yu-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Cloud ServiceSoftware as a Service (SaaS)Windows as a Service (WaaS)SaaS-Qual
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隨著科技快速的進步以及網際網路的雲端趨勢,傳統透過永久授權(perpetual license)取得軟體所有權已逐步被訂閱型軟體服務模式取代,也就是軟體即服務(Software as a Service, SaaS)的觀念。不少研究指出SaaS有許多優勢,包括降低企業系統建置的成本、透過雲端更新讓軟體業者可以迅速地提供最新服務等,身為世界知名軟體龍頭的微軟自然也隨之與時俱進推出Windows即服務(Windows as a Service,WaaS),透過雲端服務,每個月定期自動做累積性的安全性更新安裝包(Package),確保安全性、每年兩次的功能性更新讓使用者隨時可以享有最新技術。但兩個系統的使用者滿意度,尚未有深入的分析調查,故本研究針對微軟目前兩個使用率最高的作業系統Windows® 7/10的用戶調查,探討微軟於Windows® 10導入WaaS前後的服務品質與系統易用性。
本研究架構主要是評估SaaS概念並以微軟雲端服務為例,選擇A公司使用者為調查族群,透過網路發放問卷,探討SaaS服務品質、使用者滿意度與SUS系統易用性。研究分析結果顯示,Windows® 10整體滿意度比Windows® 7高,而SaaS-Qual服務品質的功能性與關係性構面與使用者滿意度有顯著相關性,其次,不同性別對於使用者滿意度與SUS易用性評估看法則有顯著性差異。使用者滿意度方面男性普遍高於女性族群,而SUS易用性評估的部分則是男性認為Windows® 10操作易用性比Windows® 7滿意,女性則是認為Windows® 7操作易用性比Windows® 10滿意。
With the fast progress of technology and the trend of internet cloud computing, the subscription-based service model - Software as a Service (SaaS) takes replace of traditional perpetual license business models increasingly. Researches indicate that SaaS has many advantages for both software suppliers and users. Microsoft also announced Windows® 10 with Windows as a Service (WaaS). However, the customer satisification between this two operation systems remains absent.
The goal of this study is to investigate the service quality and system usability of between Windows® 7 and Windows® 10 with WaaS. Previous Windows® versions usually need many files to update system. It costs plenty of time and effort. On Windows® 10 platform, WaaS model can automatically update and upgrade twice a year through cloud service to ensure system security and support latest software solutions.
Employees in company A are chosen as online questionnaire survey groups for understanding SaaS service quality, user satisfaction, and SUS usability. Results reveal that users feel significantly satisfied on Windows® 10 than Windows® 7 platform. Features and rapport of SaaS-Qual service quality dimensions are significantly correlated with user satisfaction. Furthermore, the perspective of user satisfaction and SUS usability evaluation is significantly different from different genders.
This study provides suggestions to improve six dimensions of WaaS service quality and system usability for further Windows developers or customized software suppliers.
第壹章 緒論----------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景---------------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究動機---------------------------------------------------3
1.3 研究目的---------------------------------------------------4
1.4 本文架構---------------------------------------------------4
第貳章 文獻回顧------------------------------------------------6
2.1 軟體服務模式-----------------------------------------------6
2.1.1 傳統軟體模式-----------------------------------------6
2.1.2 雲端運算服務-----------------------------------------7
2.1.3 軟體即服務(Software as a Service)--------------------9
2.1.4 Windows即服務(Windows as a Service)-----------------11
2.2 服務品質---------------------------------------------------15
2.2.1 服務品質定義----------------------------------------15
2.2.2 服務品質量表----------------------------------------17
第參章 研究方法-----------------------------------------------21
3.1 服務品質評估-----------------------------------------------21
3.1.1 信度分析-----------------------------------------------21
3.1.2 逐步迴歸分析--------------------------------------------21
3.1.3 F檢定--------------------------------------------------22
3.2 服務品質改善建議-------------------------------------------23
3.2.1 SaaS-Qual量表------------------------------------------23
3.2.2 SUS系統易用性量表---------------------------------------24
3.3 資料分析方法-----------------------------------------------25
第肆章 研究結果-----------------------------------------------27
4.1 信度分析--------------------------------------------------27
4.2 敘述性統計分析--------------------------------------------28
4.3 逐步迴歸分析----------------------------------------------38
4.4 F檢定分析-------------------------------------------------39
4.5 結果結論--------------------------------------------------45
第伍章 結論與建議---------------------------------------------50
5.1 研究討論--------------------------------------------------50
5.2 未來發展方向----------------------------------------------50
附錄1 問卷-----------------------------------------------------56
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