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作者(外文):Chao, Kuan-Yu.
論文名稱(外文):Application of Operations Research Methods on Managing Solar Power Usage-A case study
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yu-Ching
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Hsin-Wei
Ma, Kang-Ting
Chang, Wen-Chu
外文關鍵詞:Dynamic programmingLinear programmingSimplex methodEconomic order quantitySolar cell
  • 推薦推薦:0
  • 點閱點閱:345
  • 評分評分:*****
  • 下載下載:15
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Global warming crisis we’re facing today is mainly caused by human beings using fossil fuels (natural gas, coal, oil, etc.) that emit greenhouse gases, of which carbon dioxide is the largest, and methane and nitrous oxide are the second. The impact of greenhouse gases on the environment is extremely dramatic, climate change, extinction of species, and rising sea level, all threaten the future of all creatures and human beings.
At present, humans rely heavily on petrochemical energy, and it is impossible to achieve carbon balance by simply planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide. To reduce dependence on petrochemical energy, there's an urgent need to develop renewable energy that has less environmental impact. And among all the renewable resources, solar energy and wind energy are the most widely used.
We install solar panels and wind turbines on the rooftop of Chunghua Telecom Company’s Building for field experiments.The results concludes that setting up solar cells alone is the most effective solution according to the parameters of the selected solar panels and wind turbines, the size, the power generation, and the power generation efficiency, the number combination of solar cells and wind turbines that can achieve the maximum power generation in this limited area is calculated by simplex method.
However, solar energy is greatly affected by weather factors such as sunlight intensity. Owing to the internittent and unpredictable characteristics, it must be supported by storage devices like batteries or connected to grid-connected facilities. This not only increases the technical difficulties, but also raise the cost. Furthermore, Taiwan's renewable energy technology started late, the development of energy storage technology is still immature. Therefore, this experiment subsequently utilizes the solar power that is changing all the time through dynamic programming. With the electronic circuits, we can control the type and quantity of loads to achieve “real-time and ready-to-use” all the generated solar power, so we can reduce the dependence on the storage facilities.
Finally, we use a Watt-hour meter to measure the amount of electricity saved after introduction of solar power, and then the carbon dioxide emission/ electricity factor is substituted, so we can get how much carbon emission is reduced after the solar energy is introduced. For the solar power generation system built in this experiment, the average daily electricity saving in July is 2.25 kW·h, and the average carbon dioxide emission per kW·h is 0.554 kilograms. The power saving of 2.25 kW·h can be regarded as the emission reduction of 1.247 kilograms of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by 41.6 trees in a day.
第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------------------1
1.1 研究背景與動機--------------------------------------------------1
1.2 研究目的-------------------------------------------------------2
1.3 研究步驟與章節架構安排------------------------------------------3
第二章 相關文獻探討-------------------------------------------------5
2.1 未被妥善利用的自然能源------------------------------------------5
2.2 周邊裝置的發展潛力----------------------------------------------6
2.3 環境保護的訴求--------------------------------------------------6
2.4 太陽能電池發電原理----------------------------------------------7
2.5 太陽能發電系統型式----------------------------------------------8
2.5.1 不具逆送電功能發電系統----------------------------------------8
2.5.2 具逆送電功能發電系統-----------------------------------------10
2.6 現行系統的檢討-------------------------------------------------11
2.7 動態規劃用於再生能源利用----------------------------------------12
2.7.1 自適應動態規劃演算法用於可再生能源調度和電池管理---------------12
2.7.2 Approximate Dynamic Programming(ADP)應用於風電儲存問題-------16
2.8 單純形法------------------------------------------------------16
第三章 實作與研究--------------------------------------------------17
3.1 風光互補型系統研究動機-----------------------------------------17
3.2 風光互補型發電系統---------------------------------------------18
3.2.1 風力發電機介紹-----------------------------------------------19
3.2.2 以氣象資料評估風力發電量--------------------------------------20
3.2.3 太陽能電池介紹-----------------------------------------------22
3.2.4 以氣象資料評估太陽能發電量------------------------------------23
3.2.5 太陽能電池擺放角度-------------------------------------------24
3.2.6 樓頂空間----------------------------------------------------25
3.2.7 蓄電池的搭配-------------------------------------------------26
3.2.8 電池管理系統(BMS)--------------------------------------------26
3.3 單純形法求最佳太陽能電池與風機數量組合---------------------------29
3.3.1 列式--------------------------------------------------------29
3.3.2 Gurobi軟體運算----------------------------------------------30
3.4 EOQ模型套用於灑水降溫------------------------------------------30
3.4.1 經濟訂單量(Economic Ordering Quantity)-----------------------31
3.4.2 EOQ model代入實際參數----------------------------------------33
3.4.3 計算最佳補償電量Q*、灑水週期t*--------------------------------35
3.4.4 EOQ結論-----------------------------------------------------36
3.5 實驗基本組件介紹-----------------------------------------------37
3.5.1 太陽能電池---------------------------------------------------37
3.5.2 蓄電池------------------------------------------------------38
3.5.3 充電控制器---------------------------------------------------39
3.5.4 逆變器------------------------------------------------------40
3.5.5 不斷電系統---------------------------------------------------40
3.5.6 電表--------------------------------------------------------40
3.6 供電架構------------------------------------------------------41
3.7 負載電源型式---------------------------------------------------42
3.7.1 設備介紹----------------------------------------------------45
3.8 實驗環境建置---------------------------------------------------46
3.8.1 設備建置----------------------------------------------------47
3.8.2 不斷電系統導入-----------------------------------------------48
3.8.3 加入電表----------------------------------------------------48
3.9 本章總結------------------------------------------------------49
第四章 研究原理----------------------------------------------------50
4.1 動態規劃扮演的角色---------------------------------------------50
4.1.1 動態規劃演算法-----------------------------------------------52
4.1.2 寫成程式----------------------------------------------------54
4.2 控制電路------------------------------------------------------55
4.2.1 電磁開關----------------------------------------------------55
4.2.2 電腦I/O介面-------------------------------------------------56
4.2.3 電晶體------------------------------------------------------57
4.2.4 控制電路套用至設備負載---------------------------------------58
4.3 完整程式碼----------------------------------------------------61
4.4 程式執行------------------------------------------------------62
4.5 節電測試------------------------------------------------------65
4.5.1 純市電的消耗電功---------------------------------------------65
4.5.2 加入太陽能電的消耗電功---------------------------------------66
4.5.3 依台電標準進行發電效益評估------------------------------------68
4.6 計算全年發電量-------------------------------------------------69
4.6.1 以中央氣象局資料分析-----------------------------------------69
4.6.2 以PVsyst軟體分析--------------------------------------------69
4.7 二氧化碳減量計算-----------------------------------------------72
4.8 套用至機房----------------------------------------------------72
4.9 計算套用至機房的二氧化碳減排量----------------------------------74
4.10 對個案公司建議------------------------------------------------75
第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------------78
5.1 研究結論------------------------------------------------------78
5.2 後續研究發展---------------------------------------------------78
CH5 Conclusion and Suggestion-------------------------------------81
5.1 Analysis conclusion-------------------------------------------81
5.2 Follow-up research and development----------------------------82
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