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作者(外文):An, Chih-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Efficiency and Effectiveness Analyses on Thermoresistive Strain Sensors
指導教授(外文):Lo, Cheng-Yao
口試委員(外文):Wu, Wen-Jong
Wan, Dehui
外文關鍵詞:Joule heatingThermoresistiveStrain sensorInkjet Printing
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A Joule heating-based thermoresistive strain sensor fabricated by inkjet printing process was realized in this study. Ink-jet printing process has more advantages including design flexibility and material saving compare to lithography. It also supports roll-to-roll system to realize high throughput manufacturing. With infrared imager, thermoresistive strain sensor is able to realize strain visualization and localization in small strain area, in which a traditional strain gauge does not support. The operation principle of strain sensor was based on Joule heating. When applying a fix electric energy, resistance difference caused by deformation will lead to thermal energy and temperature change. Strain condition in flexible substrate can thus be known by measuring the temperature with infrared detector. Analysis result shows that thermoresistive sensor supports both tension and compression.
A polymer concealing layer proposed in this work was fabricated and analyzed. With the concealing layer, heat energy in strain sensor accumulates and reduced energy loss reduces. Sensitivity was greatly enhanced compare to the strain sensor without a concealing layer. Temperature contour and tolerance measurement showed that influence from position and angle was reduced with the concealing layer, providing more accurate result. Tension and compression with a folding mark exhibited strain visualization and localization. In these demonstrations, high or low temperature in deformed area can be clearly observed.
第一章 緒論....................................1
1.1 前言.......................................1
1.2 表面形貌檢測..............................2
1.3 熱阻式感測技術...........................2
1.4 軟性電子與噴墨印刷......................3
1.4.1 噴墨印刷技術簡介.......................4
1.4.2 噴墨印刷應用於軟性電子之優勢......6
1.5 研究動機....................................7
1.6 文獻回顧....................................9
1.6.1 應變量測..................................9
1.6.2 表面輪廓分析應用.......................10
第二章 理論與設計.............................25
2.1 元件感測機制...............................25
2.1.1 力學應變理論.............................25
2.1.2 焦耳熱效應................................26
2.2 保溫層覆蓋機制.............................28
2.3 紅外線測溫原理.............................29
2.4 元件設計.....................................30
2.5 模擬分析.....................................31
2.6 應變分布檢測................................32
2.6.1 摺痕應變....................................32
2.6.2 正、反向應變串聯分析...................32
第三章 實驗製程.................................44
3.1 實驗流程......................................44
3.2 噴墨印刷製程................................45
3.2.1 噴印系統....................................45
3.2.2 噴印參數分析...............................45
3.3 固化與燒結....................................47
3.4 元件性質分析.................................48
3.4.1 結構分析.....................................48
3.4.2 材料性質分析................................48
3.5 量測系統架構..................................49
3.5.1 應變機制......................................49
3.5.2 電源供應......................................50
3.5.3 溫度量測......................................50
第四章 研究結果與討論...........................67
4.1 應變量測分析...................................67
4.1.1 正向應變(張力) ..............................67
4.1.2 負向應變(壓力) ..............................67
4.1 感測靈敏度......................................68
4.2 應變係數.........................................69
4.3 表面溫度分布....................................70
4.3.1 熱能輻射機制..................................70
4.3.2 表面等溫線分析...............................71
4.4 不規則應變分析.................................73
4.4.1 正向摺痕.......................................73
4.4.2 反向摺痕.......................................77
第五章 結論與未來工作............................104
5.1 結論...............................................104
5.2 未來展望.........................................105

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