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作者(外文):Peng, Yi-Fan
論文名稱(外文):Multi-objective Optimal Operation Schedule and Component Capacity of Renewable Energy hybrid Combined Cooling, Heating and Power System using SSO-DE
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Wei-Chang
口試委員(外文):Lai, Chyh-Ming
Liang, Yun-Chia
外文關鍵詞:Micro-GirdCombined Cooling, Heating and Power SystemSimplified Swarm OptimizationDifferent Evolution
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近年來,隨著科技進步,人們對於電力需求逐年上升。但是傳統火力發電之能源使用率低且排放大量汙染氣體,是造成能源枯竭危機和溫室效應日益嚴重之主因。而冷熱電供聯系統 (Combined Cooling, Heating and Power system, CCHP) 之微電網架構,因其主要發電機之燃料是天然氣,排放之汙染氣體相較於傳統火力發電燃煤或燃油的方式少,且發電產生之廢熱能夠回收利用,使得其能源使用率高。在當今環保意識抬頭,世界各國都在追求永續經營的理念的趨勢下,如何應用CCHP發電並同時達到節能減碳是重要的研究議題。
因應台灣近年來致力推動離島地區微電網及再生能源的發展,且台灣於民國102年起實行建置金門低碳島計畫,本篇論文因此探討的是CCHP最佳化問題。本研究將採用CCHP結合再生能源之微電網架構,以台灣金門縣烈嶼鄉西口村做為案例分析,以混和簡化群差異進化演算法(Simplified Swarm Optimization with Differential Evolution, SSO-DE),結合逼近理想解排序法 (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution, TOPSIS) 來表示營運成本、碳排放量及能源轉換率之權衡關係。實驗結果將與其他演算法進行比較。實驗結果顯示,本研究所提出之研究方法能夠有效求解CCHP之最佳化問題。且相對於傳統能源供應,能夠取得十分優秀的成效,也提供給決策者一個評估CCHP系統效益的標準。
In recent years, with the advancement of science and technology, demand of energy has increased year by year. However, the low energy utilization and large amount of polluting gases emission of traditional thermal power system are the main causes of energy exhaustion and greenhouse effect. Therefore, the awareness of environmental protection raises, and we need a more effective way to generate power. Hence, combined cooling, heating and power system (CCHP) is discussed because it is more effective and environmental protective than traditional thermal power system.
The optimization problem of CCHP is to adjust the power of each machine in the CCHP system at each time period, considering the lowest economical cost, the lowest carbon dioxide emission and the highest primary energy utilization under different load demand conditions. Nevertheless, by improving of heuristic algorithm, more and more related literature applies it for solving optimization problem of CCHP. As a consequent, the heuristic algorithm will be adopted in this paper for obtaining better solution.
In this paper, in response to promote the development of micro-grid and renewable energy in the outlying islands by Taiwan government recently, we use CCHP hybrid renewable energy system (RECCHP) as a model, taking Jinmen county as a case study. Further, we present the Simplified Swarm Optimization with Differential Evolution (SSO-DE). In addition, we apply TOPSIS method to trade off the operation cost, carbon emission and primary energy utilization. Finally, the experimental results show that the proposed method SSO-DE is effective on the RECCHP problem, and also, it can provide decision makers with a standard for evaluating the effectiveness of the RECCHP system.
摘要 -------------------------- 1
英文摘要 ----------------------- 2
圖目錄 ----------------------- 5
表目錄 ----------------------- 6
第一章、 緒論 --------------- 8
1.1 研究背景與動機 ------- 8
1.2 研究目的 --------------- 12
1.3 研究架構 --------------- 16
1.4 縮略語、符號、指標------- 18
第二章、 文獻回顧 ------- 20
2.1 微電網 --------------- 20
2.1.1風力發電系統 ------- 21
2.1.2太陽能發電系統 ------- 22
2.1.3分布式能源系統 ------- 23
2.2冷熱電供聯系統 ------- 24
2.3簡化群體演算法 ------- 25
2.4改良式簡化群體演算法 ------- 26
2.5 差異進化演算法 ------- 28
2.6 TOPSIS --------------- 29
第三章、 問題描述 ------- 31
3.1 決策變數 --------------- 31
3.2 目標式 --------------- 31
3.3 限制式 --------------- 34
第四章、 研究方法 ------- 38
4.1前置資料取得 --------------- 38
4.2解編碼方式 --------------- 39
4.3利用TOPSIS法評估適應值函數---- 42
4.4簡化群體演算法 ------- 44
4.5差異進化區域演算法 ------- 48
4.6簡化群差異進化演算法 ------- 53
第五章、 實驗結果與分析 ------- 55
5.1實驗設計 --------------- 55
5.1.1春(秋)季節資料實驗設計結果-- 57
5.1.2夏季資料實驗結果 ------- 60
5.1.3冬季資料實驗結果 ------- 62
5.2實驗情境 --------------- 63
5.3實驗結果 --------------- 68
5.4實驗結果分析 --------------- 72
第六章、 結論與未來研究方向------ 77
6.1結論 ----------------------- 77
6.2未來研究方向 --------------- 78
參考文獻 ----------------------- 79
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