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作者(外文):Fan, Yi-Wei
論文名稱(外文):The integration of multiple depth cameras for posture identification
指導教授(外文):Chang, Chien-Chi
口試委員(外文):Wu, Hsin-Chieh
Sun, Tien-Lung
外文關鍵詞:Manual Material HandlingMusculoskeletal injuryDepth cameraUpper limbs joint angle
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綜合上述,本研究提出了一套使用數台深度相機來偵測人工物料搬運作業過程中整體上肢關節角度的偵測方法,並以傳統動作追蹤系統的數據為基準來探討在有、無物料箱遮蔽的狀況下,不同相機組合類型 (單台正向深度相機、單台側向深度相機、整合相機 (正向+側向深度相機))在偵測整體上肢關節運動角度的表現。
結果顯示,當偵測過程不會受到物料箱遮蔽時,整合相機與單台正向深度相機的偵測表現沒有顯著差異 (p-value =1.00)、而使用單台正向深度相機的偵測表現會顯著地優於使用單台側向深度相機(p-value <0.01);當偵測過程中實際拿取物料箱時,使用整合相機的偵測準確度會顯著地高於使用側向深度相機(p-value <0.01)的準確度,然而雖然使用整合相機與使用正向深度相機在這個狀況下的偵測表現並無顯著差異(p-value =0.11),但整合相機 (誤差平均數:19.41°)相對於正向深度相機(誤差平均數:24.27°)仍有表現較好的趨勢。未來使用深度相機進行人工物料搬運作業的上肢關節角度偵測時,透過整合數台的深度相機,可以提升偵測環境中有受到遮蔽物影響時的偵測表現;而當偵測環境不會受到遮蔽物影響時,使用單台擺放在前方的深度相機應可達到一定的偵測水準。
Manual Material Handling (MMH) is one of major causes of work-related musculoskeletal injury. To assess and prevent such injuries caused by MMH, the motion capture system is commonly used to monitor real-time working postures in the laboratory environment. However, such a system is often not practical in real work environments due to its cost and environmental limitations. Several studies have evaluated the possibility of using lower-cost and portable depth camera as an alternative for motion tracking based on the output from the motion capture system. In addition, the integration of multiple depth cameras for data collection and application was also reported to expand the detection range of depth cameras. Most of those studies focused on verification and analysis for lower limb gait data tracking performance. Besides, the influence of occlusions, which is a common problem when monitoring the human MMH posture in a real work environment, is rarely investigated. The objective of this study is to propose an integration of multi-depth cameras for overall upper limbs joint angle estimation. The data extracted from motion capture system is used as a reference to evaluate the tracking performance of depth camera under different tracking conditions (with occlusion/ without occlusion) and depth camera combinations (0° camera, 90° camera, multi- camera: 0° camera + 90° camera) during MMH tasks. The results show that the performance of the 0° camera is significantly better than the 90° camera (p-value<0.01) and there is no significant difference between the tracking accuracy of the 0° camera and multi-cameras when tracking motion data without occlusions (p-value=1.00). On the other hand, when there are occlusions present in the tracking environment, the tracking error of multi-cameras is significantly lower than the 90° camera (p-value<0.01); the 0° camera and multi-cameras have no significantly different detecting performance (p-value=0.11), however the average tracking error of multi-cameras (19.41°) is lower than for the 0° camera (24.27°). According to the results of this study, integrating multi-depth cameras can improve the detecting performance for overall upper limbs joint angle estimation with occlusions in the tracking environment. When there are no occlusions present, only one 0° camera is acceptable for MMH motion tracking.
致謝.......... i
摘要.......... ii
Abstract.......... iv
圖目錄.......... ix
表目錄.......... x
第一章 緒論.......... 1
1.1 研究背景與動機.......... 1
1.2 研究目的.......... 4
第二章 文獻回顧.......... 5
2.1 肌肉骨骼傷害.......... 5
2.1.1 人工物料搬運.......... 5
2.1.2 肌肉骨骼傷害調查.......... 5
2.1.3 生物力學法.......... 7
2.2 動作分析設備與軟體.......... 8
2.2.1 實驗室中的動作追蹤系統與其研究應用.......... 8
2.2.2 動作分析軟體.......... 9
2.3 深度相機的應用.......... 10
2.3.1 深度相機.......... 10
2.3.2 深度相機應用於肌肉骨骼偵測.......... 11
2.3.3 深度相機偵測關節角度.......... 12
2.3.4 影響深度相機偵測表現的因子.......... 13
2.3.5 提升深度相機偵測表現的研究.......... 13
第三章 研究方法.......... 15
3.1 實驗儀器與設備.......... 15
3.2 實驗設計.......... 18
3.2.1 研究參與者.......... 19
3.2.2 環境架設.......... 19
3.2.3 實驗流程.......... 22
3.3 數據分析.......... 25
3.3.1 座標系建構.......... 25
3.3.3人體骨骼模型建立.......... 32
3.4 統計分析.......... 33
第四章 結果.......... 34
4.1 敘述性統計資料.......... 35
4.2 二因子重複量測變異數分析.......... 38
4.3事後分析.......... 40
4.4簡單主效果分析.......... 42
4.4.1 KinectTM v2之事後分析.......... 44
4.4.2 抬舉動作之事後分析.......... 46
第五章、建議與討論.......... 48
5.1. 主效果顯著之因子探討.......... 48
5.1.1 不同Kinect 相機對於偵測關節角度誤差的探討.......... 48
5.1.2 不同抬舉動作對於偵測關節角度誤差的探討.......... 49
5.2 簡單主效果事後分析.......... 50
5.2.1 同一個抬舉動作下,KinectTM v2相機組合的比較.......... 50
5.2.2 同一個KinectTM v2相機組合中,抬舉動作的比較.......... 51
5.3 Multi-Kinect的偵測表現.......... 54
5.4 研究限制.......... 58
第六章 結論.......... 59
參考文獻.......... 60

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