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作者(外文):Liao, Zhe-Jian
論文名稱(外文):Real-Time Virtual Try-On of 3D Wedding Dresses
指導教授(外文):Chu, Chih-Hsing
口試委員(外文):Wang, I-Jan
Huang, Ying-Ying
外文關鍵詞:Augmented RealityVirtual Try-onParametric ModelingOcclusion ProcessingFree-Form Deformation
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Augmented reality has recently made a great progress with effective applications in both industry and business. Using product design evaluation as an example, virtual try-on technology has been developed and deployed in retail channels of the fashion industry to realize the offline to online (O2O) business model. Wedding dress is a high-value customized product of complex geometry. There exist unsolved problems in the traditional try-on process, e.g. lengthy duration, sample wear and damage, and limited designs to be evaluated. Virtual apparel try-on technology has been implemented with the idea of augmented reality, in which 2D apparel images are merged into the video of a moving user. However, such an image-based approach suffers from several drawbacks, such as low visualization quality and inaccurate occlusion processing. To overcome these problems, this research proposes a system framework for virtual try-on of bridal dresses in augmented reality. A 3D dress model is precisely positioned with the human body in the video of a moving user. A skeleton animation method defined by 3D rigging is implemented to deform the dress model according to the positions of the human skeleton joints captured by a depth camera in real time. In addition, parametric 3D human models constructed from anthropometric data generates a mesh model that approximates the user’s torso with a given set of feature parameters. The dress model is then automatically adjusted via Free-Form Deformation (FFD) to conform its frontal contour to the mesh model. The visualization defect induced by misalignment between the dress and the human body is thus eliminated. The approximate torso model also allows precise occlusion processing between the dress model and the user’s body. Finally, the prototyping try-on system provides customized design functions for users to change the color, texture, and material of the dress model and to quickly try out the new designs. We have successfully verified the feasibility of real-time virtual try-on of 3D bridal dresses in augmented reality. This research has also extended AR applications from entertainment to human-centric product design.
摘要 ....................................II
Abstract ...........................III
圖目錄 ....................................VI
表目錄 ....................................IX
第一章、 緒論 .............................1
1.1 研究背景 .............................1
1.2 問題定義與描述 .....................2
1.3 研究目的 .............................4
第二章、 文獻回顧 .............................5
2.1 基於虛擬實境之試穿技術 .............5
2.2 基於擴增實境之試穿技術 .............7
2.3 小結 .............................9
第三章、 研究方法與系統建立 ............10
3.1 系統架構 ............................10
3.2 婚紗試穿系統建構 ....................12
3.2.1 三維婚紗建模 ....................12
3.2.2 網格骨架對應 ....................13
3.2.3 深度相機影像擷取 ....................15
3.2.4 婚紗外觀渲染 ....................18
3.2.5 客製化設計 ............................19
第四章、 軀幹參數化模型 ....................21
4.1 參數化目標選擇 ....................21
4.2 人體模型數據收集 ....................22
4.3 特徵點與特徵尺寸之定義 ............24
4.4 參數化模型系統建立 ....................27
4.5 參數化模型誤差分析 ....................29
第五章、 合身性自由形變與遮蔽處理 ............35
5.1 自由形變演算法 ....................35
5.2 軀幹與婚紗模型之二維投射點與分區 ....37
5.3 初始之自由形變調整 ....................40
5.4 非線性解之自由形變調整 ............43
5.5 合身性改善結果分析 ....................48
5.6 遮蔽效果處理 ............................49
第六章、 系統實作 ............................51
6.1 資訊環境架構 ............................51
6.2 虛擬婚紗試穿系統 ....................52
6.2.1 試穿結果展示 ....................52
6.2.2 客製化個人設計 ....................56
6.2.3 虛擬試穿之系統限制 ....................59
第七章、 結論與未來展望 ....................62
參考文獻 ....................................65
附錄 ....................................67

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