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作者(外文):Wu, Min-Ching
論文名稱(中文):減少空氣汙染之下的跨區域與季節性電力規劃模型- 以台灣為例
論文名稱(外文):Cross-Regional and Seasonal Power Planning Model under Air Pollution Reduction: A Case Study of Taiwan
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Ming-Chuan
口試委員(外文):Hsu, Hsin-Wei
Chen, Sheng-I
Lee, Yu-Ching
外文關鍵詞:Power generationCompromise programmingAir pollutionPower dispatchingCase of Taiwan
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由於可再生能源發展和空氣污染的區域性和季節性,能源轉型有了新的挑戰。大多數研究涉及核能發電、可再生能源技 術創新和發電廠所造成的污染。能源轉型需要建立一個長期穩定的規劃,需要考量許多因素。長期能源規劃發展如何兼顧經濟和環境指標?考慮到社會公平和居民的健康,如何在能源轉型期間減少空氣污染成為一個關鍵問題。本研究的目的是製定跨區域和季節性電力規劃模型(CRSPPM),考慮發電成本和污染、決定季節、區域和空氣污染因素下的電力混合配比和調度。我們還將模型分為兩部分,以解決可再生能源和電力需求的不確定性。採用模糊邏輯控制來處理模糊問題。以台灣為例研究,結果表明跨越地區的電力傳輸可以有效地實現區域電力平衡,有利於穩定整體電力平衡。可再生能源將的發展也會有不同的表現,新增的非再生能源裝置量具有更好的發電效率,還將進行敏感性分析以在決策者的偏好改變時提供建議。該研究可以作為台灣政策制定者在電力規劃、調度和管理方面的決策支持系統。此外,該模型可以應用於正在經歷經濟發展和環境保護困境的其他國家。
Due to the regional and seasonal nature of renewable energy development and air pollution, new challenges in energy transition are generated. Researches on technological innovation of renewable energy, pollution reduction of power plants, and nuclear power generation have been continuously explored. However, only a few of them tackled long term energy planning development by considering minimization of economic impacts with mitigation of air pollution during energy transition. Therefore, the aim of this study is to develop a Cross-Regional and Seasonal Power Planning Model (CRSPPM) with compromise solutions and to decide the power generation configuration and dispatch under seasonal, regional and air pollution factors in addition to cost. We also divided our model into two parts to address the uncertainty of renewable energy and power demand. We also use Fuzzy logic control to handle fuzzy problems. Based on empirical study of Taiwan, the results show that the transmission of electricity across regions can effectively achieve regional power balance, which is conducive to stabilize the overall power balance. Renewable energy will mitigate the emissions, and the minor increase in non-renewable energy with better equipment has better power generation efficiency that will also mitigate the emissions. A sensitivity analysis is conducted to provide suggestions when decision makers’ preference change. This study can serve as a decision support system for policymakers in Taiwan on power planning, dispatch and management. Further, this model can be applied to other countries that are experiencing economic development and environmental protection dilemmas.
Table of content
Highlight 2
Abstract 3
中文摘要 5
1. Introduction 11
2. Literature Review 15
2.1 Energy supply planning 15
2.2 Air pollution from Power Generation 17
2.3 Uncertainty of renewable power generation 19
2.4 Compromise programming 22
3. Proposed Cross-Regional and Seasonal Power Planning Model 23
3.1 Mathematical model 1 24
3.1.1. Indices 24
3.1.2. Decision Variables 25
3.1.3. Parameters 25
3.1.4. Objectives 28 Objective 1: Minimize cost 28 Objective 2: Minimize emissions 29
3.1.5. Compromise programming 29
3.1.6. Constraints 30
3.2 Mathematical model 2 32
3.2.1 Additional Parameters 33
3.2.2 Model 2 objectives 33 Objective 1: Minimize cost 34 Objective 2: Minimize emissions 34
3.2.3 Constraints 34
3.2.4 Fuzzy logic control 36 Membership function 36 Rules 37 Defuzzificantion 38
4. Case study 40
4.1 Background description 40
4.2 Current policies and assumption 41
4.3 Results and suggestions in model 1 43
4.3.1 Overall electricity generation mix in 2030 43
4.3.2 Regional differences of power generation 46
4.3.3 Seasonal power differences 49
4.3.4 Comparison of emission 53
4.3.5 Suggestions 55
4.4 Results and suggestions in model 2 56
4.4.1 Overall electricity generation mix in 2030 56
4.4.2 Regional differences of power generation 59
4.4.3 Seasonal power differences 61
4.4.4 Comparison of emission 63
4.4.5 Suggestions 64
4.5 Discussion 65
5. Sensitivity Analysis 68
6. Conclusions 71
Reference 73

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