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作者(外文):Hsu, Che-Sheng
論文名稱(外文):Prediction of Center of Pressure Trajectory in Gait via Combinations of Inertial Measurement Unit
指導教授(外文):Lee, Yun-Ju
口試委員(外文):WANG, Chun-Yao
Huang, Po-Chiun
外文關鍵詞:Center of pressure (COP)Inertial measurement unit (IMU)Machine LearningLong short-term memory
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足底壓力中心軌跡(Center of Pressure,COP)為人體腳底於特定時間內之所有壓力的平均位置,其被使用於了解人體步態平衡之良好指標,亦可直接反映出腳踝肌肉之神經控制的好壞程度。而直接使用測力板或壓力墊量測COP為大家普遍常用的方法。然而,地板、地面感測器雖可取得較高品質之資料,但這些感測器皆屬於力接觸式感測器,長期使用將可能暴露其因硬體耗損而降低精準程度之問題,與設備費用高昂的缺點。
本研究將透過7個慣性感測元件(Inertial measurement unit,IMU)與F-scan蒐集加速度、角速度與壓力資料。其中,7個黏貼於L形金屬片與金屬夾片之IMU嵌於涼鞋之底部(分別置於左右腳的腳跟、腳側邊和腳尖)以及受測者腰部後方之褲頭上。最後,本研究使用此些IMU所收集之加速度與角速度資料透過LSTM演算法進行COP預測。其中,本研究欲探討究竟使用不同組合之IMU會有甚麼差異,並從中尋得最佳IMU預測組合(即預測誤差最小之組合)。
本研究透過交叉比較安裝於不同位置之IMU所預測之COP,以找出較佳IMU組合(即預測誤差最小)。結果表示左、右腳皆為使用腳側邊與腳跟之組合(IMULL+IMULH與IMURL+IMURH)進行預測得到的最佳預測表現分別為RMSE 0.62公分與RMSE 0.77公分,亦說明腳側邊與腳後跟為預測COP之較佳的IMU安裝位置。
然而,使用一個安裝於腳跟之IMU(IMULH與IMURH)進行預測也能取得與最佳IMU組合相當之結果(IMULH:RMSE 0.7公分;IMURH:RMSE 0.84公分),故若實際應用層面有成本或其他限制考量,則可考慮使用一個安裝於腳跟之IMU進行COP之預測。
The Center of pressure (COP) is the average position of all pressure on the soles of the human body within a certain time. It is used as a good indicator to understand the balance of the gait of the human body. It can also directly reflect the nerve control of the ankle muscle problem. The measurement tool of COP using force plates or pressure mat is a commonly used method. However, although force plate and pressure sensors can obtain higher quality data, these sensors are all force-contact sensors. Long-term use may expose the problem of reduced accuracy due to hardware abrasion.
This study collected acceleration, angular velocity and pressure data through 7 Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) and F-scan. Among them, 7 IMUs attached to the L-shaped metal sheet and metal clip was embedded in the bottom of the sandals (placed on the heels, lateral and toes, respectively) and on the waist of the participant. This study useds the acceleration and angular velocity data collected by these IMUs to conduct COP predictions by LSTM algorithms. The current study also intendeds to explore what is the difference between using different combinations of IMU, and to find the best combination of IMU prediction (the smallest prediction error).
The results indicated that the combination of the side and the heel (IMULL + IMULH and IMURL + IMURH) could obtain the best prediction for both the left and right foot (RMSE 0.62 cm and RMSE 0.77 cm, respectively). However, using a heel-mounted IMU (IMULH and IMURH) for prediction could also achieve a comparable result to the best IMU combination (RMSE 0.7 cm and RMSE 0.84 cm, respectively). Therefore, if there are costs or other restrictions in an application, one IMU for the COP prediction could consider placing at the heel.
第一章 緒論...................................................8
第二章 文獻探討...............................................11
2.4.慣性感測元件(Inertial measurement unit,IMU)..............21
第三章 研究方法...............................................28
3.6. LSTM.....................................................37
第四章 實驗結果...............................................47
4.1. 以單腳IMU組合預測COP之結果..............................47
第五章 討論..................................................56
第六章 結論與未來方向..........................................63
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