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作者(外文):Liang, Jing-wei
論文名稱(外文):Freeform Additive Manufacturing:Development of Dispensing and Shaping Mechanisms and Processes for Zn-Al Alloys and Stainless Steel
指導教授(外文):Tsao, Che-Chih
口試委員(外文):Lin, Shih-Chieh
Chang, Jen-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Rapid prototypeAdditive manufacturingMetal molding
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  • 點閱點閱:376
  • 評分評分:*****
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This research explores and studies dispensing and shaping mechanisms and processes for making metal parts by applying the Freeform Additive Manufacturing (FAM) technique. Specifically, the FAM technique applies a plasma arc as heat source with a specially designed dispensing head or shaping mechanism to dispense, form and build up metal deposits into 3D objects. In this study, methods and hardware to dispense and form objects of zinc aluminum alloy were explored and tested; and mechanisms for shaping stainless steel deposits were tested and studied. An indirect heating method were discovered to dispense good form of Zn-Al deposits that can be joined into 3D object of desired shape with shiny surface. Corresponding dispensing heads were designed and tested and process parameters were experimented. Continuous material deposition and layer by layer building to form simple 3D geometries were demonstrated. Forming of stainless steel and shaping by using a differential mold mechanism were also studied. These results help potential applications of the FAM technique to make Zn-Al mold shells for wax pattern fabrication in investment casting and molds for injection molding test runs or production.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 viii
1 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 技術回顧 8
1.4 研究方法 20
2 電漿電弧系統之自動化 22
3 鋅鋁合金成型試驗 28
3.1 初步實驗及問題探討 28
3.2 佈料頭之設計與開發 33
3.3 基板接合問題探討 39
3.4 基本幾何形狀的成型試驗 42
3.4.1 垂直縫合直牆 44
3.4.2 縫合底板 45
3.4.3 曲線疊合 50
3.5 列印溫度監控 55
4 鋼鐵材料的成型試驗 59
4.1 穩定成型尺寸的參數研究 59
4.1.1 不鏽鋼材料之熱效率估算 60
4.1.2 列印不同線寬的參數推導 62
4.1.3 列印寬度之參數修正 63
4.1.4 基本幾何形狀成型試驗 69
4.2 微分模具的應用 75
4.2.1 微分模具之概念及材料選用 75
4.2.1 新式微分模具之設計與應用 75
5 結果討論與未來改進方向 83
5.1 結果討論 83
5.1.1 鋅鋁合金成型 83
5.1.2 鋼鐵成型 83
5.2 未來改進方向 84
5.2.1 鋅鋁合金成型 84
5.2.2 鋼鐵成型 86
5.2.3 焊接機台與五軸平台結合 87
附錄 88
A-1 焊接機台外部模式接線圖、實驗設備 88
A-2 鋼鐵、實驗設備 90
A-3 鋅鋁合金成形材料 92
A-4 進料機構與焊接機台Arduino控制碼 93
A-5 軟體擺放位置 98
A-6 機構設計圖、擺放位置 99
參考文獻 104

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