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作者(外文):Ni, Hua-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Micro Optical Elements Array by Nano 3D Lithography System
指導教授(外文):Fu, Chien-Chung
口試委員(外文):Fang, Wei-Leun
Chang, Chia-Chan
外文關鍵詞:Two-photon PolymerizationMicro-optical ArrayMLAConvexConcave
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本研究將提供以奈米3D微影技術為一加工平台製作微光學元件,並以製作微透鏡陣列(Microlens Array, MLA) 作為本研究重點,另外製作特殊中空、階梯型微光學元件,並驗證其可行性。
本研究將利用奈米級3D 微影技術(Nano 3D Lithography, N3L),此技術結合雙光子吸收(Two Photon Absorption, TPA)與光致聚合技術(Photon Polymerization)與雷射直寫技術(laser-direct writing)概念,其加工精度可至次微米等級,並且可加工任意形狀的3D 微結構。利用此技術製作的結構解析度非常高,表面粗糙度佳等特性,隨機任意的非球面係數曲面的微光學元件更能表現此製程的優越性。
In this study, we will take Nano 3D Lithography system (N3L) as the working platform for fabricating micro optical elements and the research focus is microlens array (MLA). Furthermore, the free form hollow structure and grating structure will be manufactured to verify theirs feasibility.
Focus on microlens array. There were few technologies, which can directly produce aspheric lens micro optical array. Therefore, this study will develop large-area micro-optical components with a complex profile through the N3L. The Nano 3D Lithography (N3L) combines two-photon absorption, photon polymerization and laser-direct writing conceptions, so it can fabricate arbitrarily 3D microstructure with submicron resolution. By manufacturing arbitrarily curved surface, the superiority of this process (truly 3D, high precision and good roughness) can been demonstrated.
In this study, we focus on fabricating MLA. Through the numerical processing path planning, it can make the Convex and Concave two types of MLA by N3L. In addition, we also develop the process for producing complex micro-optical components such as hollow and grating structure. We have added automated splicing and auto-correction module for laser processing power to fabricate large-area micro-optical components for application or making molds for mass production.
摘要 I
致謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 4
1.2.1 奈米3D微影系統 4
1.2.2 微透鏡製造技術 18
1.3 研究動機 23
1.4 論文架構 24
第二章 研究方法 25
2.1 雙光子聚合 25
2.1.1 雙光子吸收 25
2.1.2 光致聚合 25
2.1.3 奈米3D微影系統 28
2.1.4 整體系統架構 28
2.1.5 壓電式加工與位移平台 29
2.1.6 光學系統 29
2.1.7 人機介面與加工流程 30
2.2 臨界點乾燥機(Critical Point Dryer, CPD) 32
第三章 系統優化與整合 33
3.1 多檔案自動化讀取加工模組 33
3.2 多次平面自動對焦模組 37
3.3 雷射功率校正模組 43
3.4 整合優化之奈米3D微影系統 47
第四章 實驗規劃 48
4.1 凸微透鏡陣列(Convex Micro Lens Array) 48
4.1.1 加工路徑規劃 48
4.1.2 光阻材料 51
4.1.3 微透鏡陣列製程開發 51
4.2 凹微透鏡陣列(Concave Micro Lens Array) 53
4.2.1 加工路徑規劃 53
4.2.2 光阻材料 55
4.2.3 微透鏡陣列製程開發 55
第五章 實驗成果 57
5.1 大面積微透鏡陣列 57
5.1.1 凸微透鏡陣列(Convex Micro Lens Array) 57
5.1.2 凹微透鏡陣列(Concave Micro Lens Array) 63
5.2 特殊光學元件製程開發 69
5.2.1 簍空自由曲面元件設計與開發 69
5.2.2 階梯形光柵設計與開發 72
第六章 結論與未來規劃 75
參考文獻 76

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