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作者(外文):Chang, Mu-Bo
論文名稱(外文):Magnetization System Design and Precision Enhancement of Magnetic Scales
指導教授(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
口試委員(外文):Tsao, Che-Chih
Chang, Jen-Yuan
Xu, Zhi-Hao
外文關鍵詞:Magnetic encoderMagnetizing systemlinear position stageAccuracy
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  • 點閱點閱:172
  • 評分評分:*****
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本研究目的在於探討磁性尺之充磁系統設計與精度提升。充磁系統對磁性尺進行磁化,磁化後磁性尺的性能,包括磁場大小、磁場波形及極距(Pole pitch)的準確度,將會影響磁性編碼器(Magnetic encoder)的精度。充磁系統是由高精度線性定位平台(Linear positioning stage)、充磁頭及其夾持機構、充磁機所組成;其中線性定位平台的定位精度(Accuracy)、重複精度(Repeatability)以及其回授控制均會影響磁性尺的性能,進而降低磁性編碼器的精度。根據機械母性原則,以光學尺或是雷射尺作為磁性編碼器製程的充磁系統基準,所產出的磁性尺成品,其精度必然不可能高於原充磁系統的編碼器精度,故提升線性定位平台的定位精度,必然是追求更完美產品的必要基石。
The purpose of this research is to optimize the structure design of magnetization system and raise its accuracy. The performance of magnetic scale after magnetized, including magnetic strength, shape and pole pitch, directly influences the accuracy of magnetic encoder. The magnetization system is composed of a linear positioning stage, a magnetizer and a charger. The accuracy and repeatability of the linear positioning stage decrease the accuracy level of magnetic encoder. According to mechanical maternity principle, using optical or laser encoder as the reference, the accuracy of produced magnetic encoder cannot be higher than its tool master. As a result, increasing the accuracy of tool master is the most essential problem.
The main motion direction of a linear positioning stage is X axis. Actually, the six error components of the positioning stage that may influence its accuracy and repeatability are X, Y and Z axis errors and Yaw, Pitch, Roll angle errors. Any kind of error components may cause different position error, such as straightness, accuracy of encoder, environmental factor etc. Because the error components that influence the accuracy of linear stage are complex, this study will discuss the basic performance of linear stage and minimize the effect of six DOF errors. Focusing on different structure design, magnetizing our magnetic encoder and detecting the transformation of its accuracy are the main factors to figure out the optimal structure design.
The content of this research is separated into two parts. One is to measure the accuracy and angle errors of the linear stage by using laser interferometer and collimator. The other is to design its working structure to minimize its error factors. In addition, we employed various methods to improve the accuracy of the magnetic scale. Finally, the accuracy of the magnetic encoder is raised to ±4µm/m.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝辭 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 技術背景 3
1-2.1 磁性編碼器系統 3
1-2.2 線性定位系統 10
1-3 文獻回顧 13
1-4 研究動機 17
1-5 本文研究架構 18
第二章 研究理論與實驗設備 19
2-1 線性定位系統 19
2-1.1 線性定位系統自由度誤差 19
2-1.2 線性定位系統元件 22
2-2 磁性編碼器系統 25
2-2.1 磁化理論 25
2-2.2 磁性感測元件 27
第三章 定位平台結構設計 30
3-1 定位平台誤差分析 30
3-1.1 線性誤差檢測 30
3-1.2 角度誤差檢測 33
3-2 定位平台結構設計 35
3-2.1 側掛式結構 35
3-2.2 龍門式結構 36
3-2.3 定位平台結構比較 38
3-3 定位平台設備更新 38
3-3.1 編碼器更新 38
3-3.2 偽絕對式控制系統 40
第四章 充磁製程分析 41
4-1 充磁系統 41
4-2 磁頭角度誤差 43
4-2.1 常態誤差分析 43
4-2.2 固定Pitch向充磁誤差 44
4-2.3 固定Yaw向充磁誤差 46
4-2.4 常態誤差分析小節 48
4-2.5 動態誤差分析 49
4-2.6 Pitch動態誤差連續充磁 49
4-2.7 Yaw動態誤差連續充磁 51
4-2.8 充磁頭角度誤差小結 53
4-3 充磁與量測間隙 54
4-3.1 間隙測試 54
4-3.2 充磁間隙測試實驗 55
4-3.3 動態間隙測試 56
4-3.4 間隙測試小結 58
4-4 充磁製程整合結構設計小結 58
第五章 精度分析 59
5-1 量測系統 59
5-2 感測器分類 59
5-2.1 磁阻感測器 59
5-2.2 霍爾感測器 60
5-3 磁阻感測器精度分析 61
5-3.1 完美弦波模擬精度 65
5-3.2 磁場偏移模擬精度 66
5-3.3 安裝誤差模擬精度 68
5-3.4 磁阻感測器精度分析小結 69
5-4 霍爾感測器精度分析 71
5-4.1 霍爾感測器單點式精度分析 71
5-4.2 霍爾感測器仿磁阻感測器精度分析 73
5-4.3 霍爾感測器精度分析小結 75
5-5 精度分析小結 76
第六章 結論與未來工作 77
6-1 結論 77
6-2 未來工作 79
參考文獻 80

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