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作者(外文):Huang, Yue-Zhen
論文名稱(外文):Study on the Growth Mechanism of Carbon Nano-Flake Balls by Laser Pretreatment
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Hung-Yin
口試委員(外文):Yeh, Meng-Kao
Tseng, Shih-chun
Lin, Ci-Ruei
外文關鍵詞:CNFBGrowth MechanismLaser
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研究結果發現利用雷射加工進行前處理的方式將導致矽晶圓表面生成二氧化矽,使得奈米碳片球無法有效沉積,若利用超聲波震盪處理將其移除後能於粗糙度較大的加工區有較大密度之沉積,以圖形化成長奈米碳片球,影像處理分析結果顯示其線寬可達到110.8 μm,於影響範圍內的沉積密度達92.8%。材料檢測與短時間成長發現,奈米碳片球的成長為於低功率及低腔體壓力環境下先成長出sp3鑽石成為核種;較高的功率及高腔體壓力下碳的鍵結則是改為sp2主導,導致石墨相沉積於鑽石核種上,形成片狀結構。
The purpose of this study is to discuss the influence of laser processing region on the growth of carbon nano-flake balls (CNFB) by a means of microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD). Also, it’s expected that growth ranges of CNFB can be patterned. In addition, the growth mechanism of CNFB is discussed to enhance the potential application of this material in field emission and electrical circuit.
In the present study, two different laser parameters with considerably different effect on silicon morphology are chosen to compare the growth status of CNFB. Image processing was then performed to quantify the density and distribution of CNFB. The mechanism of CNFB growing in a short-term manner was observed by using optical emission spectrometer (OES). Furthermore, material properties and morphology were examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM), transmission electron microscope (TEM), Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction (XRD).
The results showed that SiO2 was deposited on the surface of silicon after laser processing, which causes less deposition of CNFB. By using ultrasonication method which can remove oxide layer successfully, the defect with higher roughness is of higher deposition density and its growth range can thus be patterned. The image analysis revealed that the line width of CNFB can reach 110.8 μm, and the deposition density within the affected region is up to 92.8%. Examination of materials and growth in a short-term manner indicated that when the growth experiment began with low microwave power and chamber pressure, sp3-bonded diamond grew first and became nucleation clusters. In contrast, the experiment with higher microwave power and higher chamber pressure will result in the primary growth of sp2-bonded graphite which will deposit on diamond cluster to form carbon nano-flakes on the CNFB surface.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 Ⅳ
目錄 Ⅵ
圖目錄 Ⅹ
表目錄 ⅩⅥ
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2.1 石墨烯 4
2.1.1 石墨烯簡介 4
2.1.2 石墨烯之特性與應用 5
2.1.3 石墨烯之製備 6
2.2 碳化矽 10
2.2.1 碳化矽之簡介及分類 10
2.2.2 碳化矽之製備 10
2.3 人工合成鑽石 14
2.3.1 鑽石之簡介與製備 14
2.3.2 鑽石之反應機制 18
2.3.3 CVD鑽石之成核成長機制 18
2.3.4 氫與碳氫電漿對鑽石生長的影響 22
2.3.5 電漿溫度對鑽石生長的影響 23
2.4 奈米碳片球 24
2.5 雷射加工 27
2.5.1 雷射的簡介 27
2.5.2 雷射光的種類及特性 28
2.5.3 雷射之熱影響區 30
2.5.4 Nd:YAG雷射加工 31
2.6 碳材料之拉曼光譜檢測 36
2.7 碳材料的導電性質及其應用 39
2.7.1 奈米碳管之應用 39
2.7.2 石墨烯之應用 40
第三章 研究方法 45
3.1 實驗設計 45
3.2 實驗製程步驟 46
3.2.1 雷射加工 46
3.2.2 試片清洗 47
3.2.3 成長奈米碳片球 48
3.3 實驗儀器與材料 49
3.3.1 雷射雕刻機 49
3.3.2 超音波震盪機 50
3.3.3 微波電漿化學氣相沉積系統 50
3.3.4 掃描式電子顯微鏡 53
3.3.5 拉曼光譜分析儀 54
3.4 實驗藥品與氣體 55
第四章 研究結果與討論 56
4.1 奈米碳片球之特性 56
4.2 雷射加工對奈米碳片球成長之影響 59
4.2.1 雷射參數之影響 59
4.2.2 雷射加工後超音波震盪處理之影響 62
4.3 奈米碳片球之成核與成長之探討 70
4.3.1 奈米碳片球之TEM分析結果 72
4.3.2 奈米碳片球之拉曼光譜分析 75
4.3.3 奈米碳片球之XRD分析 76
4.3.4 短時間成長奈米碳片球之探討 77
4.3.5 奈米碳片球成長機制之推論 79
第五章 結論與未來展望 81
5.1 結論 81
5.2 未來展望 82
參考文獻 83

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