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作者(外文):Chen, Wen-Chuan
論文名稱(外文):Deep Learning Applied to Speech and Audio Signal Processing under Adverse Environments
指導教授(外文):Bai, Ming-Sian
口試委員(外文):Chien, Jen-Tzung
Ting, Chuan-Kang
外文關鍵詞:DereverberationMultiple Input/output inverse filteringMultichannel wiener filterVariance-normalized delayed linear predictionSound Event DetectionSource SeparationConvolutional recurrent neural networkIdeal complex maskDiscriminative training
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本篇論文探討如何在惡劣的聲學環境下處理語音及音頻訊號,特別是迴響的環境。首先,許多去迴響的演算法包括傳統與神經網路的演算法在第二章進行比較,結果顯示神經網路的演算法效能要比傳統來得好。接著在第三章,我們探討如何在惡劣環境下進行事件音的偵測(Sound Event Detection)並且比較兩種方法(兩階段與一階段演算法),結果顯示一階段的算法效果比兩階段的算法來得好。在第四章,我們緊接著探討如何進行聲源分離,並且提出一個深度卷積遞歸神經網路(Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network)輔以複數遮罩(Ideal Complex Mask)和區分性訓練(Discriminative Training)來同時處理事件音分離與偵測(Sound Event Separation and Detection)的問題。最後為了證明我們提出的方法有助於演算法在惡劣環境下的強健性,我們使用三種不同的資料集包括語音、音樂及事件音來做為我們的測試集,我們利用聲學陣列的模型與鏡像聲源算法(Image Source Method)來模擬聲波的傳遞,此外對於事件音分離的問題我們採用SIR、SDR和 SAR做為評估指標,而事件音偵測的問題我們採用錯誤率(Error Rate)、F-score和AUC做為評估指標。最後的結果顯示我們所提出的模型能夠有效地在惡劣環境下進行事件音的分離與偵測。
This paper describes problems and solution regarding the audio signal processing under adverse environments, especially acoustically reverberant environments. First, in the chapter two, different dereverberation algorithms are introduced and compared. The results show that deep neural network (DNN) based method outperforms others by the perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ) metrics.
Second, in the chapter three, methods for sound event detection (SED) under reverberant environments is described. The two-stage methods which preprocess the signals using dereverberation algorithms are compared with a one-stage, or more generally, end-to-end method without any preprocessing algorithm. The results reveal that end-to-end methods beat two-stage methods by the F-score classification metrics.
Third, based on the experiments in the chapter two, an end-to-end polyphonic sound event separation and detection (SESD) system that aims to separate and detect polyphonic sound events jointly is proposed in the chapter four. The system consists of a convolutional recurrent neural network (CRNN) for SESD in conjunction with an ideal complex mask (ICM). In addition, a discriminative training (DT) network is also used to increase the robustness of the system for acoustically adverse environments. Multichannel magnitude and phase spectra are employed as the input features. Next, sound event separation (SES) is performed by using a complex mask, whereas SED is performed by averaging out the embedded features along the time axis and feeding it into DNN. DT is conducted to maximize the separability of event signals.
Last, the SES and SED performance are evaluated on three remixed datasets: isolated sound event, speech, and singing voice. The dataset is added with background noise and reverberation to examine the resilience of the proposed network to adverse factors. The results of an SES task have shown that the proposed method outperforms four baseline methods in terms of source to interference ratio (SIR), source to artifacts ratio (SAR), and source to distortion ratio (SDR). The results of an SED task have demonstrated the efficacy of the proposed method over two baseline methods in terms of error rate (ER), F-score, and area under the curve (AUC).
摘要 ii
1.Dereverberation 1
2.Sound Event Detection (SED) 3
3.Joint Sound Event Separation and Detection 4
4.Contribution of This Paper 8
1.Methods for Dereverberation 10
1.1 Multiple-input/output Inverse Theorem 10
1.2 Multichannel Wiener Filter 11
1.3 Normalized Delayed Multichannel Linear Prediction 13
1.4 DNN-based Dereverberation 15
2.Evaluation and Discussion 16
2.1 Acoustic Environments 16
2.2 Results and Discussion 17
1.Methods for Sound Event Detection 19
1.1 Feature Extraction 19
1.2 Network Architecture 19
2.Evaluation and Discussion 20
2.1 Sound Event Datasets 20
2.2 Results and Discussion 20
1.Methods for Sound Event Separation and Detection 22
1.1 Feature Extraction 22
1.2 Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network 22
1.3 Ideal Complex Time-Frequency Mask 25
1.4 Training Objectives 29
2.Evaluation Datasets 30
2.1 Acoustic Environments 30
2.2 Speech Separation Dataset 31
2.3 Singing Voice Separation Dataset 31
2.4 Isolated Sound Event Dataset 32
3.Evaluation Metrics 33
3.1 Metrics for SES 33
3.2 Metrics for SED 34
4.Baseline Methods and Model Settings 35
4.1 SES Baseline Methods 35
4.2 SED Baseline Methods 36
4.3 Model Settings 37
5.Results and Discussion 38
5.1 Results of SES 38
5.2 Results of SED 39
5.3 Model Settings 40
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