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作者(外文):Wang, Bo-Kai
論文名稱(外文):Design and Analysis of Inductive Reluctance Angle Sensors
指導教授(外文):Wang, Pei-Jen
口試委員(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
Lee, Ming-Tsang
Mao, Shang Hsun
外文關鍵詞:magnetoresistive induction encoderinduction coil
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  • 評分評分:*****
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本論文採用市售之一組磁性角度編碼器為範本,藉由電腦輔助工程分析軟體建立此角度編碼器的電磁工作模型,在針對尺槽幾何形狀比例、尺槽深度、工作氣隙、感應線圈繞線匝數、激磁頻率以及激磁電流等設計參數進行分析,探討各參數對於輸出訊號之精度與靈敏度的影響,再以弦波訊號解調取得角度數值,最終以自行架設之實驗設備量測範本產品,將數據與數值模擬之角度訊號比較,驗證設計參數靈敏度與重現精度之關係。模擬的最佳優化為結果精度約為±25角秒,實驗的量測結果得到的重現性精度為±20 角秒。
This thesis investigates the fundamental structure and operational theory of magnetic angle encoder. The automation in industry is the main trends today while feedback signals are transmitted by angle encoders to the controllers. Then, the controller manipulates the drive to reach the desired angle or position. Magnetic encoders are less accurate compared to the optical ones. However, the magnetic encoders can withstand more severe environments and highly robust. The accuracy and stability of magnetic encoders has been improved recently so that they are irreplaceable in the industry today.
In this thesis, a commercial magnetic angle encoder is used for benchmark purposes. The model of the encoder is established via CAE packages to analyze the geometric parameters, depth of slots, coil turns, excitation frequency, and excitation currents. To study the accuracy and measured signal and sensitivity, sinusoidal demodulation of angle measurement is compared to the experimental results from the benchmark sample. The simulation results exhibit the accuracy of encoder is +/- 25 arc seconds while the experimental results indicate the repeatability to be +/- 20 arc seconds.
摘 要 I
誌 謝 III
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
符號單位對照表 XI
第一章 簡介 1
1-1研究背景 1
1-2研究目的 3
1-3文獻回顧 3
1-3-1 前言 3
1-3-2 激磁頻率 4
1-3-3 不平衡振幅 5
1-3-4 解調與解碼 5
第二章 基本理論介紹 10
2-1磁性編碼器簡介 10
2-2電磁場與磁路基礎理論 11
2-3 時變磁場中迴路感應電壓 14
2-3-1 時變磁場中的靜止迴路 15
2-3-2 時變磁場中的移動迴路 16
2-4 編碼器訊號解析原理 17
2-5 磁場強度與相對導磁係數 19
2-6 磁性材料與磁滯現象 20
第三章 模型模擬設計與電磁分析 26
3-1電磁場系統分析軟體介紹 26
3-2設計及建模 27
3-3 訊號解調與解碼 29
3-4 模型分析結果 30
3-4-1 尺槽比例分析 30
3-4-2 補償線圈匝數分析 31
3-4-3 補償線圈工作電流源分析 32
3-4-4 尺槽氣隙分析 33
3-4-5 尺槽深度分析 34
3-4-6 激磁頻率分析 35
3-5 總結 36
第四章 實驗結果與分析 56
4-1 編碼器範本 56
4-2 解碼器 57
4-3 實驗系統架設 58
4-4 量測分析 60
4-5 總結 60
第五章 結論與討論 70
5-1 結論 70
5-1 未來工作 72
參考文獻 73

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