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作者(外文):Yang, Kai-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and verification of substructurability for dynamically substructured systems
指導教授(外文):Sung, Cheng-Kuo
口試委員(外文):Lin, Tzu-Kang
Xu, Sheng-Dong
外文關鍵詞:Dynamically substructured system testingHybrid testingSubstructurabilityControl modes
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Substructurability theory is proposed to analyze the feasibility and suitability of dynamically substructured system (DSS) testing methods, and substructurability index quantifies the implementation efficiency of DSS tests. DSS is one of the hybrid testing techniques, which decompose an engineering system into numerical and physical substructures. The known linear parameters will be simulated in numerical substructure, while the critical unknown parameters may involve nonlinear behavior will be naturally tested in physical substructured. During the testing, the transfer system carries out the unwanted dynamic arises synchronization error and unsuccessful testing. Therefore, the controller designs are crucial for successful testing in real-time.
However, it is noted that the dynamic properties of the substructures sometimes influence the synchronization stability and accuracy. Therefore, this thesis construct a set of analytical theory, and integrate Dynamic properties, Selection of control mode and Selection of transfer system to predict the substructure and dynamic performance of engineering systems and avoid the inefficiency.
In this study, using frequency analysis and sensitivity theory to propose the stability, reaction speed, transient specification and frequency domain specification of the overall displacement control mode and force control mode, which can be determined by the "Substructurability function". Through proper adjustment or design parameters, The dominant pole is far away from the imaginary axis or changing the dominant pole damping characteristics, so that the DSS test has a better effect.The substructurability theory is contributive to interpret the Dynamic properties, selection of control mode and selection of transfer system and is helpful to search for reasonable solutions.
中文摘要 I
Abstract III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VII
表目錄 X
縮寫及符號說明 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 文獻回顧 1
1.1.1 動態次結構系統介紹 3
1.2 研究動機 7
1.3 研究目標 8
1.4 本文架構 8
第二章 動態次結構系統之可次結構性概念 10
2.1 動態次結構系統(DSS)之表達式推導 10
2.2 位移控制模態介紹 16
2.3 力控制模態介紹 20
2.4 討論位移與力控制模態之差異 23
第三章 雙質量-彈簧-阻尼(MSD-MSD)DSS之可次結構性與控制模態分析 26
3.1 MSD-MSD DSS之可次結構性函數推導 26
3.1.1 被仿真系統運動方程式推導 26
3.1.2 位移控制模態之可次結構性表達式 28
3.1.3 力控制模態與位移訊號回傳之可次結構性表達式 31
3.1.4 力控制模態與速度訊號回傳之可次結構性表達式 34
3.2 位移與力控制模態之可次結構性分析 36
3.3 整合GTS動態之可次結構性分析 37
3.4 參數調變之可次結構性分析 39
第四章 液壓阻尼DSS之可次結構性與控制模態分析 44
4.1 被仿真系統運動方程式推導 44
4.2 單軸與雙軸測試之實驗組立與實驗方法 48
4.2.1 單軸液壓阻尼DSS之表達式推導 48
4.2.2 雙軸液壓阻尼DSS之表達式推導 49
4.3 單軸液壓阻尼DSS測試之可次結構性函數推導 51
4.3.1 位移控制模態之可次結構性表達式 51
4.3.2 力控制模態之可次結構性表達式 52
4.4 雙軸液壓阻尼DSS測試之可次結構性函數推導 54
4.4.1 位移控制模態之可次結構性表達式 54
4.4.2 力控制模態之可次結構性表達式 56
4.4.3 位移與力控制模態之可次結構性表達式 58
4.5 位移與力控制模態之可次結構性分析 58
4.6 整合GTS動態之可次結構性分析 60
4.7 參數調變之可次結構性分析 63
第五章 模擬與實驗驗證 66
5.1 MSD-MSD DSS之模擬參數設計 66
5.2 MSD-MSD DSS之模擬結果與分析 70
5.2.1 位移控制模態之模擬結果 71
5.2.2 力控制模態之模擬結果 76
5.2.3 可次結構性分析與驗證 81
5.3 液壓阻尼DSS之實驗設備與參數設計介紹 87
5.4 液壓阻尼DSS之實驗結果與分析 94
5.4.1 單軸控制之實驗結果 94
5.4.2 雙軸控制之實驗結果 108
第六章 結論與未來工作 115
6.1 結論 115
6.2 未來工作 116
參考文獻 117

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