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作者(外文):Lin, Sheng-Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Simulations of wing-wing interaction effects of insect wings on aerodynamic performance using immersed boundary method
指導教授(外文):Lin, Chao-An
口試委員(外文):Hwang, Feng-Nan
Liao, Chuan-Chieh
外文關鍵詞:immersed boundary methodmicro air vehicleinsect-like flappingwing-wing interactionfruit fly
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本研究旨在使用沉浸邊界法模擬昆蟲飛行動作並探討其飛行之表現。近年來,微型飛行機械 (MAVs) 由於其潛在的軍事用途以及科學應用而備受關注,此外,因為昆蟲的飛行動作具有高效率與機動性強等優點,能做為微型飛行機械設計之參考。然而,大多數先前的研究都是使用單翼模型,忽略了翅膀間的交互作用的影響。因此我們選擇能在低雷諾數下飛行且具有優異飛行表現的果蠅翅膀為模型進行數值模擬,欲模擬的飛行方式有兩種: 真實的果蠅飛行運動 (FF motion) 以及其簡化後的旋轉對稱運動 (SYR motion)。結果顯示翼間的交互作用能對在簡化運動下翅膀互相遠離的過程中產生的升力有接近5 %的提升,並且發現在真實運動中結合翅膀的上升與沉降的動作後對整體飛行表現有更好的提升。
This study aims to investigate the aerodynamic performance of the insect-like flapping flight with direct numerical simulations by using the immersed boundary method. This simulation is used to calculate the lift generation of a flapping wing in a short period of time. In recent years, micro air vehicles (MAVs) have attracted much attention because of their potential military use, also potential applications in science. Moreover, insect-like flapping flight provides a power-efficient and highly maneuverable basis for MAVs. However, most of the previous researches are conducted with the single wing model, instead of considering the effects of wing-wing interaction. Therefore, we simulate wings of fruit flies in particular wing motion because they have an excellent flying performance at low Reynolds number (Re) with computational methods. The results show that the wing-wing interaction and the downward descending motion can enhance the lift due to the stronger leading-edge vortex caused by the lower pressure region between the wings.
Abstract i
List of Figures iv
List of Tables v
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Introduction--------------------------------------1
1.2 Literature Survey---------------------------------2
1.2.1 Immersed Boundary Method------------------------2
1.2.2 PETSc Program-----------------------------------4
1.2.3 Micro Air Vehicle-------------------------------4
1.2.4 Bio-inspired Motion-----------------------------5
1.2.5 Wing-Wing interaction---------------------------7
1.3 Motivation and Objective--------------------------8
2 Numerical Methods-----------------------------------9
2.1 Insect-like Wing Kinematic Motions----------------9
2.1.1 Symmetric Rotating Motion-----------------------9
2.1.2 Realistic Fruit Fly Motion---------------------10
2.2 Immersed-Boundary Method-------------------------10
2.2.1 Mathematical Formulation-----------------------10
2.2.2 Numerical Scheme-------------------------------11
2.2.3 Forcing Strategies-----------------------------12
2.2.4 Determination of Forcing Points----------------14
2.3 Determinations of Lift and Drag Forces-----------14
2.4 Complete Solution Procedure----------------------16
3 Numerical Results----------------------------------24
3.1 Validation---------------------------------------24
3.1.1 Grid Convergence-------------------------------26
3.1.2 Periodic State---------------------------------26
3.1.3 Comparison of Lift Coefficient-----------------26
3.1.4 Domain Convergence-----------------------------26
3.2 Symmetric Rotating Motion------------------------27
3.3 Realistic Fruit Fly Motion-----------------------28
3.4 Overall Comparison-------------------------------28
4 Conclusion and Future Work-------------------------45
4.1 Conclusion---------------------------------------45
4.2 Future Work--------------------------------------46
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