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作者(外文):Shen, Po-Yi
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Porous Media and Flow Pulsation on Thermal Performance of Microchannels using a Novel Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method
指導教授(外文):Liou, Tong-Miin
口試委員(外文):Chang, Shyy-Woei
Chang, Jiin-Yuh
外文關鍵詞:Porous mediaPulsating FlowMicrochannelHeat TransferThermal Lattice Boltzmann Method
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近年來,隨著電子晶片微型化與效能上升,單一晶片的熱通量已經超過傳統強制對流的散熱能力,在冷卻通道內擺放金屬多孔介質是較為簡單且能有效解決散熱問題的新方式。本文提出一種新型熱晶格波茲曼法(Thermal Lattice Boltzmann Method, 簡稱TLBM)在表徵體元尺度(Representative Element Volume, 簡稱REV)下模擬多孔介質於二維層流微流道的熱傳特性,相較於前人模型,新模型在模擬流體、多孔介質與固體之耦合熱傳時不須特別定義熱容比,且計算過程上更為簡潔。本文利用此一模型來模擬具有多孔介質的微管道,並在多孔介質內部放入一固體來使溫度邊界層變薄來增益熱傳效果,在固定雷諾數(Re)下藉由改變固體的厚度(S/H)來觀察其熱傳增益與壓力損失的變化。模擬結果發現熱傳增益與壓力損失皆會隨著S/H下降而單調上升。固體在S/H=0.125的情形下擁有最高的熱傳增益與熱性能係數(Thermal Performance Factor, 簡稱TPF),其值分別為全展平滑管道的61.3倍和3.23倍。之後為了進一步提升熱傳效果而將管道的穩態流入口改為脈動入口,但多孔介質填滿管道時會使得渦旋難以產生,使得脈動效果不佳。為了改善脈動效果不佳的缺點,本文將原本填滿多孔介質的管道改為多孔介質肋條管道,並改變Re與脈動頻率(St)來觀察熱傳增益與壓力損失的變化情形。模擬結果發現,脈動流會使通道內產生膨脹收縮渦旋,將壁面上的高溫流體捲至中心與中心的冷流體產生混合來增益熱傳,在特定頻率St=2下會有最高的熱傳增益,其熱傳增益為平滑管道的14.4倍,相較於穩態時也高出了2.14倍。
With the miniaturization and increasing efficiency of electronic chips in recent years, the heat flux generated per unit area has exceeded the cooling capacity of conventional forced convection. The use of metal porous media in microchannel heat sinks has emerged as a relatively simple and effective way to address this issue. In this paper, a novel thermal lattice Boltzmann method (TLBM) based on the representative elementary volume (REV) scale is developed to simulate the laminar flow and heat transfer in a two-dimensional microchannels partially filled with porous media. Compared with previous TLBMs, the present model possesses a simpler computational procedure and consistent definition of heat capacity ratio in simulating conjugate heat transfer in fluid, porous media, and solid regions. The model is then used to study the heat transfer in a microchannel partially filled with porous media and solid obstacles. For fixed Reynolds number (Re), as the height of the solid obstacle (S/H) increases, both the averaged Nusselt number ratio and friction factor increase.The highest heat transfer and thermal performance factor occur at S/H=0.125, are 61.3 and 3.23 times those of smooth channel, respectively. To further improve the heat transfer, the inlet condition of the microchannel is changed from steady state flow to pulsating flow. It is found that the pulsating effect has minor effect on heat transfer since there is no vortex induced in porous blocks. Therefore, the porous blocks are further replaced with porous ribs whose effect on heat transfer and friction factor is then studied by varying Re and pulsating frequency (St). The simulation results show that there exist contraction and expanding vortices which effectively promote the mixing of fluid between near wall and core region, and in turn augment the heat transfer. The maximum appears at St=2 and is respectively 2.14 and 14.4 times that of the steady state condition and smooth channel.
摘要 I
Abstract II
表目錄 VIII
圖目錄 IX
符號表 XII
第一章、前言 1
1.1研究動機 1
1.2研究背景 2
1.3文獻回顧 2
1.3.1傳統擾流器 2
1.3.2多孔介質 5
1.3.3脈動流 9
1.4研究目的 14
第二章、數值方法 25
2.1 多孔介質熱晶格波茲曼模型 25
2.1.1模型假設與宏觀統治方程式 25
2.1.2速度場晶格波茲曼模型 27
2.1.3溫度場的晶格波茲曼模型 29前人的溫度場模型 29本文的溫度場模型 32
2.1.4計算流程 34
2.2 模型驗證 35
2.2.1穩態流 35兩固體間的熱傳導 35同時有多孔介質與流體的拖曳流動(Couette flow) 36固體與多孔介質自然對流 37流體、固體與多孔介質並存的自然對流 38
2.2.2 脈動流 39 全展脈動平行板流 40熱發展脈動平行板流 40
第三章、固體與多孔介質耦合管道穩態流 51
3.1模擬問題 51
3.1.1計算座標系統 51
3.1.2邊界條件 51
3.1.3計算參數 52
3.1.4多孔介質參數 53
3.2網格獨立測試 54
3.3 固體厚度的影響 54
3.3.1速度場分析 54
3.3.2熱傳分析 55
3.3.3壓損與熱性能係數分析 56
3.4總體熱性能與前人數據比較 56
第四章、多孔介質肋條管道脈動流 63
4.1問題描述 63
4.1.1計算區域與座標系統 63
4.1.2邊界條件 63
4.1.3計算參數 64
4.2網格獨立測試 65
4.3脈動下的速度場與溫度場 65
4.3.1速度場 66
4.3.2溫度場 66
4.4肋條高度的影響 67
4.5 脈動頻率的影響 68
4.5.1 脈動頻率對熱傳增益的影響 68
4.5.2脈動頻率對壓力損失的影響 70
4.5.3脈動頻率對熱性能係數的影響 70
4.6雷諾數的影響 71
4.7熱傳關係式 72
4.8總體熱性能與前人數據比較 73
第五章、結論與未來建議 87
5.1結論 87
5.1.1多孔介質算法 87
5.1.2穩態流 87
5.1.3脈動流 88
5.2未來工作 89
附錄A 固體與多孔介質耦合管道的脈動流 91
A.1問題描述 91
A.2 脈動頻率的影響 91
附錄B 論文口試之補充答辯 95
參考文獻 101

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