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作者(外文):Hsieh, Cheng-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Nanostructered Alloys as High Performance Electrocatalysts for Water Splitting
指導教授(外文):Lu, Shih-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Wei, Tzu-Chien
Tsai, De-Hao
外文關鍵詞:Water SplittingNanowireInverse-opal StructureNickel Foam
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  • 評分評分:*****
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Because of elevating energy demand and worsening environmental pollution, development of clean alternative energies has become the top priority of scientific research efforts. Hydrogen production from renewable energy driven electrolytic water splitting is considered a promising technology for supply of clean alternative energy. Among other things, development of stable and efficient catalysts for electrolytic water splitting has drawn extensive and intensive research attention. Platinum is reported to be the most efficient catalyst for hydrogen evolution reactions (HER), whereas iridium oxide is regarded as a benchmarking catalyst for oxygen evolution reactions (OER). Nevertheless, because of the scarcity and extremely high cost of Pt and Ir, it is not promising for them to realize large scale commercial applications. Therefore, developing efficient, stable, and non-precious metal-based catalysts is urgently needed.
Transition metals, including iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, and molybdenum, and their derivatives are viewed as promising catalyst materials and have been intensively investigated for electrolytic water splitting. On the other hand, metal nanowire arrays and metal inverse-opal structure have caught a lot of research attention because of their ordered structure and high surface areas for targeted reactions. These advantageous characteristics significantly enhance the relevant electrochemical performances because of the enhanced charge transport path and bubble escape. With all the factors mentioned above, core/shell NiFe/sulfurized NiFe (NiFe/S-NiFe) nanowire arrays and NiFeMo inverse-opal structure on nickel foam have been successfully fabricated with anodic aluminum oxide membranes (AAO) and self-assembled polystyrene (PS) spheres on nickel foam backbone surfaces as the templates, respectively.
In terms of the electrocatalytic performances, NiFe/S-NiFe nanowire arrays show outstanding potentials for oxygen evolution reactions. On the other hand, NiFeMo inverse-opal structure on nickel foam shows excellent bifuctional electrcatalytic performance. It outperforms most of the bifuctional catalysts for overall water splitting at high current densities. Notably, the two catalysts developed here exhibit excellent durability. The present development proves to be a promising new catalyst architecture design for electrocatalytic processes.
摘要 I
致謝 IV
總目錄 V
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XII
第一章緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 電催化分解水反應機制 1
1.3 反應之過電位 4
1.4電化學三極式量測裝置 5
1.4.1參考電極 5
1.4.2對電極 6
1.5常見的OER與HER觸媒 7
1.5.1鎳鐵金屬材料 7
1.5.2金屬硫化物 8
1.5.3鉬金屬與其衍生物 9
1.6 以AAO為模板生成之金屬奈米線 9
1.7 商用泡沫鎳於電解水領域之應用 10
1.8 以聚苯乙烯奈米球為模板生成之反蛋白石結構 10
1.9 研究動機 11
第二章文獻回顧 13
2.1 鎳鐵金屬與其硫化物於OER之應用 13
2.1.1 鎳鐵金屬於OER之應用 13
2.1.2金屬硫化物於OER之應用 17
2.2鎳鐵金屬與其硫化物於HER之應用 19
2.3 鉬金屬與其衍生物用於HER及OER之應用 21
2.4 以AAO為模板基礎電鍍合成鎳鐵金屬奈米線 25
2.5 以聚苯乙烯奈米球為模板合成反蛋白石結構用於電解水觸媒 27
第三章實驗方法 29
3.1 實驗藥品 29
3.2 實驗器材 31
3.3 材料分析儀器 31
3.4 實驗方法與步驟 33
3.4.1 鎳鐵合金奈米線陣列製作 33
3.4.2 硫化鎳鐵合金奈米線陣列 34
3.4.3 鎳鐵鉬合金反蛋白石結構成長於泡沫鎳骨幹 35
3.5 電化學性質量測 36
3.5.1 HER和OER過電位之量測 37
3.5.2 電化學阻抗頻譜分析法(EIS) 37
3.5.3 全電極系統電化學量測(Full Cell Measurement) 38
3.5.4 長效性測試(Long-term Stability Test) 38
第四章結果與討論 40
4.1 鎳鐵核/硫化鎳鐵殼奈米線陣列之材料分析 40
4.1.1 鎳鐵合金奈米線陣列 40
4.1.2 鎳鐵核/硫化鎳鐵殼奈米線陣列 45
4.2 鎳鐵核/硫化鎳鐵殼奈米線陣列之電化學性質分析 53
4.2.1 奈米線陣列OER之電化學表現 53
4.2.2 奈米線陣列HER之電化學表現 57
4.2.3 奈米線陣列組成全電解水系統之電化學表現 60
4.3 鎳鐵核/硫化鎳鐵殼奈米線陣列與其他文獻活性表現整理 65
4.4 鎳鐵鉬合金反蛋白石結構成長於泡沫鎳之材料分析 68
4.5 鎳鐵鉬合金反蛋白石結構成長於泡沫鎳之電化學性質分析 74
4.5.1 鎳鐵鉬合金反蛋白石結構OER之電化學表現 75
4.5.2 鎳鐵鉬合金反蛋白石結構HER之電化學表現 81
4.5.3 鎳鐵鉬合金反蛋白石結構組成全電解水系統之電化學表現 86
4.6 鎳鐵鉬合金反蛋白石結構成長於泡沫鎳與其它文獻活性表現整理 94
第五章結論 96
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