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作者(外文):Lu, Hung-Yun
論文名稱(外文):Applications of Diet Coke-Mentos Effect and Their Mechanisms
指導教授(外文):Sung, Hsing-Wen
口試委員(外文):Wang, Li-Fang
Chiu, Hsin-Cheng
Wang, Sian-Jhih
Yang, Chong-Xi
外文關鍵詞:MentosCarbonated beverageNucleation
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於1980年代發現的曼陀珠效應(Diet Coke-Mentos effect)在這數十年間被廣為討論。曼陀珠是一種常見的糖果零食,其的表面因噴灑糖粉而粗糙不平整;而汽水則為二氧化碳氣體過飽和溶液。當粗糙表面接觸二氧化碳氣體過飽和溶液時,會因為成核作用(nucleation)產生大量二氧化碳氣泡並蓄積壓力,進而造成液體噴發,此現象即為曼陀珠效應。然而,曼陀珠效應之詳細機轉目前仍不清楚,因此本研究將針對影響曼陀珠效應的因子進行深入探討。為了建立曼陀珠效應,實驗裡以砂紙處理過的微米級玻璃珠來模擬曼陀珠的表面結構,並經由加壓二氧化碳的方式製造其過飽和溶液。本研究藉由正立式光學顯微鏡觀察氣泡在玻璃珠表面成核、生長、脫離的過程。更進一步,利用連通管原理設計出U型管來探討不同因子對曼陀珠效應的影響,這些因子包括不同氣體種類、不同氣體壓力、不同大小的玻璃珠、以及不同粗糙度的玻璃珠。本研究更嘗試利用曼陀珠效應發展跨領域的應用。例如藉著曼陀珠效應引發液體的劇烈擾動能夠成功製備出單乳化及雙乳化的產物。總結來說,本研究為首篇以科學方式探討曼陀珠效應原理的論文,並且利用這種效應應用在各個不同的領域。
Diet coke-Mentos effect is discovered in early 1980s and has attracted lots of interests throughout the decades. Mentos is a kind of candy with rough surface, while Diet Coke is known as a carbon dioxide (CO2)-supersaturated solution. After placing Mentos into Diet Coke, tremendous CO2 gas along with large amount of liquid spray out from the bottle due to the continual nucleation at the pre-existing gas cavities on Mentos surface; this phenomenon is called Diet Coke-Mentos effect. However, the detailed mechanisms of Diet Coke-Mentos effect is still unclear; therefore, the factors that influence this effect are investigated in this work. To establish the model of Diet Coke-Mentos effect, micron-sized glass beads processed by sandpapers were used to mimic the surface structure of Mentos, whereas supersaturated solution was obtained after CO2 pressurization. The process of bubble nucleation, growth, and detachment was observed using an optical microscope. The parameters that affect the degree of gas generation, including gas species, hydrostatic pressure, surface roughness, and size of glass beads, were studied by the communicating vessels. Additionally, Diet Coke-Mentos effect can be applied in various fields. For example, the single or double emulsified droplets were successfully fabricated mediated by Diet Coke-Mentos effect-induced vigorous agitation. In conclusion, this study is the first report to discuss the comprehensive mechanisms of Diet Coke-Mentos effect and to develop their related applications.
目錄 2
圖目錄 3
表目錄 3
摘要 4
Abstract 5
緒論 Introduction 6
曼陀珠效應簡介 6
汽水與亨利定律 7
氣體成核理論 8
研究動機與實驗目的 10
實驗流程設計圖 11
實驗材料與方法 Materials and Methods 12
氣體過飽和溶液與玻璃珠 12
觀察氣泡生成及產氣定量分析 14
單乳化、雙乳化 15
曼陀珠噴嘴 16
實驗結果與討論 Results and Discussion 18
玻璃珠定性分析 18
觀察氣泡生成及產氣定量分析 19
單乳化與雙乳化 26
曼陀珠噴嘴 27
討論 29
結論 Conclusion 30
參考文獻 Reference 31
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