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作者(外文):Chien, Yu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication of Metallic Nanonetworks via Templated Electroless Plating with Galvanic Replacement as Hydrogenation Catalyst
指導教授(外文):Ho, Rong-Ming
口試委員(外文):Tsai, Jing-Chang
Chiang, Yeo-Wan
Hsueh, Han-Yu
外文關鍵詞:templated electroless platingmesoporous polymermetallic nanonetwork texturehydrogenation catalystpolymeric hydrogenation
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Herein, we aim to fabricate nanonetwork-structured Ni spheres via templated electroless plating by using mesoporous polymers from spinodal decomposition of polymer/crystalline solvent mixture as templates. With the control of polymer concentration and molecular weight of the PS in the solution using crystalline solvents, the porosity, pore size, and framework size of the fabricated Ni nanonetwork from templated electroless plating could be well tuned. By taking advantage of a nucleation and growth mechanism for the reduction of metallic ions from templated electroless plating, nanoporous Ni sphere in micrometer scale with controlled particle size can be successfully fabricated at which higher reduction potential materials such as Pd can be used as an initial nucleus for the reduction of Ni ion. In contrast to the commercial Raney® Ni, the fabricated nanoporous Ni sphere gives rise to superior performance as hydrogenation catalysts due to its high specific surface area while the controlled micrometer-sized sphere gives the optimized particle size for recyclability. To further enhance the catalytic efficiency, we aim to carry out galvanic replacement reaction for the electroless plating of Pd and Pt from the replacement of Ni, giving nanonetwork Ni decorated with noble metals. With the decoration of Pd or Pt, the modified Ni sphere is expected to give bimetallic nanonetwork catalysts for outstanding hydrogenation efficiency.
List of Table...................................................V
Figure Caption................................................VII
Chapter 1 Introduction..........................................1
1.1 Mesoporous polymers from polymer mixtures...................1
1.2 Nanoporous polymers from block copolymers...................8
1.3 Templated electroless plating..............................15
1.3.1 Fabrication of Nanoporous metallics......................15
1.3.2 Nanoporous nickel for catalytic hydrogenation............26
1.4 Galvanic replacement reaction..............................31
Chapter 2 Objectives...........................................37
Chapter 3 Experimental methods.................................39
3.1 Sample Preparation.........................................39
3.1.1 Mesoporous PS templates..................................39
3.1.2 Nanoporous Ni from templated electroless plating.........39
3.1.3 Removal of PS template...................................41
3.1.4 Galvanic replacement reaction............................42
3.2 Hydrogenation experiments..................................42
3.2.1 Hydrogenation of monomers................................42
3.2.2 Hydrogenation of polymers................................43
3.3 Instrumentation............................................43
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion...............................46
4.1 Fabrication of mesoporous PS...............................46
4.2 Fabrication of nanoporous Ni sphere........................53
4.3 Performance of catalytic hydrogenation for monomers........60
4.3.1 Hydrogenation for cyclohexene and toluene................60
4.3.2 Hydrogenation for p-phenylenediamine.....................66
4.4 Galvanic replacement reaction for bimetallics..............70
4.4.1 Pd-Ni bimetallic system..................................70
4.4.2 Pt-Ni bimetallic system..................................77
4.5 Performance of catalytic hydrogenation for polymers........84
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Perspectives...........................95
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