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論文名稱(外文):High-efficiency Solution-processed Candlelight OLED with Novel Host and Charge Transporting Materials
指導教授(外文):Jou, Jwo-Huei
口試委員(外文):Tung, Fu-Ching
Chen, Sun-Zen
Wei, Mao-Kuo
Shih, Stoney
外文關鍵詞:Highly efficientCandlelight OLEDSolution-processedHost materialscharge transporting materials
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大多數商業用照明燈具,由於含有藍光的威脅,因此,沒有合理化使用的正當性。尤其入夜後過量使用藍光,不僅容易影響身體健康和破壞生態環境。藍光往往會擾亂晝夜節律,增加罹患癌症的風險,抑制褪黑激素的產生,損害對光敏感的眼球細胞,造成夜空污染,並破壞藝術品。這些問題可以透過使用蠟燭和白熾燈泡等低色溫光源來解決。然而,蠟燭的閃爍問題和白熾燈泡的高功耗使它們不受歡迎。因此,燭光有機發光二極管 (OLED) 被設計為無藍光、無閃爍且更節能。
OLED元件通常透過乾式或濕式製程製作。儘管乾式製作可以提高元件表現,但它仍有規格大小的限制、材料浪費和製造成本高等問題。相比之下,濕式製作的特點是生產成本低、材料利用率高、能夠使用可撓性基板並使用卷對卷方法製造大面積元件。然而,透過濕式製作技術實現高效的燭光 OLED 具有挑戰性。
本論文的主要目的是開發一種結構簡單的高效燭光OLED。為了滿足這一需求,首先本論文研究了一系列新型主體材料,如:DB-01、DB-03 和 DB-13,以製造高效的黃色磷光 OLED。研究結果顯示,主體 DB-03 和黃色客體PO-01 的元件達到44.6 lm/W 的最大能量效率 (PEmax),比常見主體 CBP 的元件高 59%。高效率可能歸因於 DB-03 的特性,例如合適的最高佔據分子軌道/最低未佔據分子軌道 (HOMO/LUMO)、高效的主客體能量轉移、高三重態能量和高電荷遷移率。
然後,利用所獲得的黃色 OLED 元件製造具有橙紅色 (Ir(2-phq)3)客體的高效燭光 OLED。研究結果顯示,在 100 cd/m2 下,10wt%的 Ir(2-phq)3客體元件的最大能量效率為 23.7 lm/W,色溫為 1,700 K。最後,依序研究了四種電子傳輸材料(TmPyPb、PO-T2T、3P-T2T 和 TPBi)和四種電洞傳輸材料(Spiro-2CBP、m-MTDATA、KK-14 和 NPD)以進一步提升元件效率。其中,含有電子傳輸層 PO-T2T 和電洞傳輸層 KK-14 的元件表現出最高效率,最大能量效率為 50 lm/W(即電流效率為 45 cd/A,外部量子效率為 20% ),最大亮度為 42,851 cd/m2,在 100 cd/m2 時色溫為 1,732K。此外,該元件表現出 1.36% 的褪黑激素抑制敏感度和視網膜最大允許可暴露極限56,857 秒(16 小時)。電子傳輸層PO-T2T 的高載子遷移率和高三重態能量以及電洞傳輸KK-14 的高三重態能量、低表面粗糙度和高透明性可歸因於優異的元件表現。其超高效率且人體友善的燭光 OLED 展示了濕式製程製作的高品質 OLED 在市場上的潛力。
Most commercial lighting luminaires are not justifying their usage due to the presence of blue emission that significantly affects human health and the ecosystem, especially since they are utilized excessively at night. Blue emission tends to disrupt the circadian rhythm, increase cancer risk, suppress melatonin generation, damage light-sensitive eye tissues, cause night sky pollution, and destroy artifacts. Such issues can be addressed via low color temperature lights such as candles and incandescent bulbs. However, the flicker of candles and high-power consumption of incandescent bulbs made them undesirable. Hence, candlelight organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) are designed as blue-emission-free, flicker-free and more energy-saving.
OLEDs are usually fabricated either through a dry process or a wet process. The dry process has shortages of limited scalability, material wasting and expensive fabrication cost, despite it can deliver a high-performance device. In contrast, the wet process is characterized by low production cost, high material utilization rate, and an ability to use flexible substrate and fabricate a large area device using a roll-to-roll method. However, it was challenging to realize a highly efficient candlelight OLED via the wet process technique.
In this thesis, the main objective was to develop a simple structured highly-efficient candlelight OLED. To accomplish the need, a series of novel host materials, namely DB-01, DB-03 and DB-13, was first investigated to fabricate a highly efficient yellow phosphorescent OLED. As a result, the device based on the host DB-03 and yellow dopant PO-01 displayed a maximum power efficacy (PEmax) of 44.6 lm/W, which was 59% higher than the control part CBP based device. The high performance may be attributed to the characteristics of DB-03, such as suitable highest occupied molecular orbital/ lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (HOMO/LUMO), efficient host-guest energy transfer, high triplet energy, and high charge mobility.
Then, the obtained yellow OLED device was utilized to fabricate an efficient candlelight OLED with the incorporation of an orange-red (Ir(2-phq)3) emitter. As a result, a 10wt% Ir(2-phq)3 doped device exhibited a PEmax of 23.7 lm/W and a color temperature of 1,700 K at 100 cd/m2. Finally, four electron-transporting materials (TmPyPb, PO-T2T, 3P-T2T, and TPBi) and four hole-transporting materials (Spiro-2CBP, m-MTDATA, KK-14, and NPD) were sequentially investigated to optimize the device efficiency further. Amongst, the device based on electron transporting layer PO-T2T and hole transporting layer KK-14 showed the best performance with a PEmax of 50 lm/W (i.e., the current efficacy of 45 cd/A and the external quantum efficiency of 20%), a maximum luminance of 42,851 cd/m2 and a color temperature of 1,732 at 100 cd/m2. Furthermore, the device exhibits a 1.36% melatonin suppression sensitivity and a maximum permissible exposure limit of 56,857 s (16 hours) at 100 lx. The excellent device performance may be attributed to the high mobility and triplet energy of ETL PO-T2T and high triplet energy, low film roughness and high transparency of HTL KK-14. The demonstrated high-efficient and human-friendly candlelight OLED shows the potential to apply a solution-processable high-quality OLED on the market.
Table of Contents
Chinese Abstract……………………………………………………………………………….ii
English Abstract………………………………………………………………………………iv
Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………..ix
Figure Captions………………………………………………………………………….…..xiii
Table Captions………………………………………………………………………….……xx
Chapter 1. Introduction and Motivation……………………………………………..…1
Chapter 2. Fundamentals of Organic Light-emitting Diodes (OLEDs)
2.1. History and Development………………………………………………….……..5
2.2. Device Structure and Operational Mechanism………………………….…….....10
2.3. Functional Layers…………………………………………………….…………14
2.3.1 Electrodes……………………………………………………….……..14
2.3.2 Hole Injection/Transporting Layer (HIL/HTL)…………………..……16
2.3.3 Emissive Layer (EML)………………………………………..……….16
2.3.4 Electron Injection/Transporting Layer (EIL/ETL)………..…………...17
2.4. Key Parameters………………………………………………..………………...18
2.4.1 Turn-on Voltage (Von)…………………………..……………………..18
2.4.2 Power Efficacy (PE)………………………..………………………….18
2.4.3 Current Efficacy (CE)……………………….……………………..…..19
2.4.4 External Quantum Efficiency (EQE)……….…………………..……...19
2.4.5 Luminance………………………………………………...……………20
2.4.6 Correlated Color Temperature (CT)………………...………………….20
2.4.7 CIE color coordinates…………………………...……………………...22
2.4.8 Color rendering index (CRI)………………………...……………….…23
2.4.9 Spectrum Resemblance Index (SRI)…………………...………….……23
2.5. Fabrication Methods……………………………………….…..……….....……..25
2.5.1 Dry Process …………………………………………………………….25
2.5.2 Solution Process……………………………………...…………….…..26
Chapter 3. Literature Review of Candlelight OLEDs …………………………….…..28
Chapter 4. Experimental and Methodology …………………………………………...36
4.1. Materials Selection………………..…………………………………….……….36
4.1.1 Anode and Cathode……..………………………………………….…..36
4.1.2 HIL, HTL, EIL and ETL Materials………………………..…….……..36
4.1.3 Hosts…………………………………………………….………..…….37
4.1.4 Emitters……………………………………………………….…….….37
4.2. Theoretical Calculations……………………………………………….….……..47
4.2.1 Density Functional Theory (DFT)………………………………..….…47
4.2.2 Maximum Permissible Exposure-limit (MPE)………………….….…..47
4.2.3 Melatonin Suppression Sensitivity (MSS)……………….……….……48
4.3. Methodology…………………………………………….………………………49
4.3.1 Photophysical Characteristics………………………………….………49
4.3.2 Electrochemical Characteristics………….………………….…………49
4.3.3 Thermal Characteristics………………………………..………………50
4.3.4 Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM analysis)……..……………………..50
4.4. Device Fabrication and Measurements……………..……………………….…..52
4.4.1 Substrate Cleaning…………………..…………………………….…...52
4.4.2 Solution Preparation…………...……………………………………….53
4.4.3 Spin Coating………………………………………………………...….53
4.4.4 Thermal Deposition…………………………………………………….54
4.4.5 Device Measurement…………………………………………….…..…54
Chapter 5. Results and Discussion………………………………………………………55
5.1. Novel Hosts Enabling high-efficiency Solution-processed Yellow Organic Light-emitting Diodes…………………………………..…………………..….55
5.1.1 Device fabrication………………………………………….……….….56
5.1.2 Material Characteristics…………………………….………………….57 DFT……………………………….………………………….57 Photophysical……………………………….………………..61 Electrochemical…………………………………..…………..64 Thermal……………………………………………..………..67 Surface Morphology…………………………………...……..70 Charge Transporting……………………………………..…...72 Hole-only Devices (HOD)………….……..… 72 Electron-only Devices (EOD)………..…….…74
5.1.3 Electroluminescent Characteristics of Yellow OLEDs……………...…76
5.2. Highly-efficient Candlelight Organic Light-emitting Diode with a Very Low Color Temperature…………………………………………..…………….…..84
5.2.1 Device fabrication………………………………………………….…..84
5.2.2 Electroluminescent Characteristics of Candlelight OLEDs…………....85
5.3. Solution-processed Candlelight Organic Light-emitting Diodes with Different Electron-transporting Materials………………………………………………89
5.3.1 Device fabrication………………………………………………...……89
5.3.2 Materials and Charge Transporting Characteristics……………………90 Photophysical………………………………………...………90 Charge Transporting………………………………………….91
5.3.3 Electroluminescent Characteristics of Candlelight OLEDs……………94
5.4. Solution-processed Candlelight Organic Light-emitting Diodes with Different Hole-transporting Materials…………………………………………………..97
5.4.1 Device fabrication……………………………………………………...97
5.4.2 Material and Charge Transport Characteristics………………………..99 Surface Morphology ………………………………………...99 Photophysical Properties……………………………………100 Charge Transporting……………………………………...…103
5.4.3 Electroluminescent Characteristics of Candlelight OLEDs…………..105
Chapter 6. Conclusions……………………………………………………………...…110
Curriculum Vitae of the Author………………………………………………………….138
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