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作者(外文):Lin, Kuan-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Investigation of Cold-rolled and Annealed Texture Evolution and Mechanical Properties from FCC-structured Low-entropy to High-entropy Alloys
指導教授(外文):Yeh, Jien-Wei
口試委員(外文):Horng, Jian-Long
Lin, Su-Jien
Lee, Sheng-Long
Tsai, Tse-eiI
Yang, Chih-Chao
外文關鍵詞:Conventional alloyHigh-entropy alloyCold rollAnnealPlastic deformationMechanical propertyMicrostructureCrystallographic texturePole figureElectron backscatter diffraction
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本研究旨在探討低熵、中熵及高熵合金之集合組織演化與機械性質異向性,設計了五種單相FCC型金屬,分別為Ni、Ni–2at.% W、Ni–4at.% W、CrFeNi及CoCrFeMnNi。五種金屬的製備係透過真空電弧熔煉後固化成型,隨後經均質化處理24小時使呈現單一相結構。均質化處理後,五種金屬皆施以70%厚度減量之冷軋,並於不同溫度進行1小時之退火處理,經維氏硬度量測得各金屬的退火軟化曲線。
各金屬在不同溫度退火之巨觀集合組織演化係採用X光繞射極圖量測分析。結果顯示,屬於低熵的Ni、Ni–2at.% W及Ni–4at.% W材料具有較高的疊差能,其冷軋集合組織為Copper type,經過退火後,其方位分佈函數顯示再結晶階段具有相對較明顯的再結晶集合組織分佈,但隨著溫度提升,進入晶粒成長階段,便不再具有較明顯的優選方位;而屬於中、高熵的CrFeNi及CoCrFeMnNi合金具有較低的疊差能,冷軋集合組織為Brass type,但其方位分佈函數顯示再結晶與晶粒成長階段不具有明顯優選方位。此外,透過熱場發掃描式電子顯微鏡搭配背向散射電子繞射進行微結構分析,發現Ni、Ni–2at.% W及Ni–4at.% W具有不均勻的冷軋延微結構,大部份的剪移帶分佈於<111>//RD及<112>//RD方位的晶粒內部,故其潛在再結晶核的位置也分佈不均,以致再結晶階段容易具有明顯優選方位;而CrFeNi及CoCrFeMnNi則具有甚均勻的冷軋延微結構,主要原因為大量差排與變形雙晶的交互作用,造成微結構各處的變形程度較均勻,故其潛在再結晶核的位置分佈亦會較均勻,使再結晶階段造成許多不同晶粒方位的晶粒出現,進而抑制了優選方位晶粒的形成,而呈現隨機方位的分佈。
五種金屬的室溫拉伸性質表現明顯不同。其中,材料的降伏強度分別以固溶強化、晶格摩擦力強化及幾何必須差排強化進行探討。理論計算之結果顯示,多元成份合金之CrFeNi及CoCrFeMnNi具有較高的固溶強化及晶格摩擦力強化,主要為因為基地具有嚴重晶格扭曲及較強的鍵結強度所致;Ni–2at.% W及Ni–4at.% W具有相對低的固溶強化及晶格摩擦力強化,主因是其溶質W原子濃度低,晶格扭曲較小。經過理論計算,本研究首先提出了適用於低濃度到高濃度固溶合金的固溶強化通式(universal equation),並與實驗數據吻合。
此外,CrFeNi及CoCrFeMnNi比Ni–2at.% W及Ni–4at.% W具有較高抗拉強度及較大的延伸率,主要是因為其拉伸變形過程中形成大量的變形奈米雙晶,提供較高的應變硬化速率。整體而言,具有高晶格扭曲的高濃度合金比低濃度合金具優越的機械性質組合。
This study is mainly focused on the texture evolution and anisotropy of mechanical properties between low-entropy, medium entropy and high entropy alloys. Five single-phased FCC metals were designed: Ni, Ni–2at.% W, Ni–4at.% W, CrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi. These five metals were prepared by vacuum arc melting and casting. They were homogenized for 24 h to have a single-phased structure. After homogenization, these five metals were cold-rolled with a thickness reduction of 70%. They were then annealed at different temperatures for 1h. Vickers hardness measurements were performed to obtain annealing softening curves.
The X-ray pole figure measurements were also conducted to characterize the evolutions of macrotexture as a function of annealing temperature. The results showed that the low-entropy Ni, Ni–2at.% W and Ni–4at.% W with higher stacking fault energy exhibited the copper type rolling texture. After annealing, more evident recrystallized textures can be observed during recrystallization by the orientation distribution functions. However, their preferred orientations would become unobvious in the grain growth stages as the annealing temperatures increased. The medium-entropy CrFeNi and high-entropy CoCrFeMnNi with lower stacking fault energy showed the brass type rolling texture. Their orientation distribution functions showed no obvious preferred orientations during recrystallization and grain growth stages. Additionally, the microstructure of each metal was analyzed by thermal field emission scanning eletron microscope equipped with electron backscattering diffraction. It can be found that Ni, Ni–2at.% W and Ni–4at.% W had inhomogeneous cold-rolled grain structures, and most of shear band located in the <111>//RD and <112>//RD grains.This demonstrated that the distributions of their potential recrystallized nuclei would be inhomogeneous. On the other hand, the CrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi had more homogeneous cold-rolled grain structure. The main reason is that the higher amount accumulated dislocations and earsier formation of deformation nanotwinning in preferentially deformed grains have higher work hardening and easier to activate the deformation of those grains with less-preferential orientation. As a result, more homogeneous deformation level occurred everywhere. This induced many grain nuclei with different orientations during recrystallization stage and thus inhibited the propensity of preferred orientations.
The present five metals performed significantly different room-temperature mechanical properties. The yield strength was contributed by the strengthening of solid solution, lattice friction and geometrically necessary dislocations. The multielement CrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi had higher strengthening of solid solution and lattice friction. This is mainly because they had more severe lattice distortion and higher bonding strength than those of Ni–2at.% W and Ni–4at.% W with low solute concentration. Furthermore, the CrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi had larger ultimate strengths and elongations, which is mainly because they were easier to induce deformation twins and thus larger strain hardening rates during tensile doformation. As a whole, we demonstrated the mechanisms why concentrated CrFeNi and CoCrFeMnNi alloys had superior combinations of strength and elongation as compared to dilute Ni–2at.% W and Ni–4at.% W.
一、 前言 1
二、 文獻回顧 4
2.1 合金 4
2.1.1 傳統合金 4
2.1.2 高熵合金 4
2.2 固溶效應 8
2.2.1 置換型固溶 9
2.2.2 填隙型固溶 10
2.3 材料微結構 14
2.4 熔鑄態之微結構 14
2.5 均質化處理及其對微結構之影響 17
2.6 軋延製程及其對微結構之影響 17
2.6.1 冷軋延 18
2.6.2 熱軋延 20
2.7 材料變形機制探討 24
2.7.1 高疊差能材料之變形機制 25
2.7.2 低疊差能材料之變形機制 25
2.7.3 變形雙晶機制 26
2.8 冷軋延後退火製程及其對微結構之影響 29
2.8.1 回復階段之微結構 29
2.8.2 再結晶階段之微結構 30
2.8.3 晶粒成長階段之微結構 32
2.9 材料集合組織原理及定義 38
2.9.1 集合組織成份表示法 39
2.9.2 常見材料之集合組織成份 40
2.9.3 巨觀集合組織及X光繞射極圖量測原理 41
2.9.4 微觀集合組織及背向散射電子繞射原理 42
2.10 冷軋延對晶體方位之影響 48
2.11 冷軋延對FCC材料集合組織之影響 49
2.11.1 高疊差能材料之冷軋集合組織 50
2.11.2 低疊差能材料之冷軋集合組織 50
2.11.3 回復階段之集合組織 51
2.11.4 再結晶階段之集合組織 51
2.11.5 非連續再結晶機制對再結晶集合組織之影響 53
2.11.6 連續再結晶機制對再結晶集合組織之影響 53
2.12 晶粒成長階段之集合組織 59
2.13 集合組織對材料異向性之影響 59
三、 實驗方法與步驟 63
3.1 成份設計 63
3.2 合金熔煉 63
3.3 均質化處理 64
3.4 冷軋延 64
3.5 退火處理 65
3.6 試片表面處理 65
3.6.1 機械式研磨 65
3.6.2 電解拋光 65
3.7 材料成份鑑定 66
3.8 材料相結構鑑定 66
3.9 微硬度分析 66
3.10 拉伸性質分析 67
3.10.1 試片製備 67
3.10.2 實驗過程 67
3.10.3 數據分析 68
3.11 巨觀集合組織分析 69
3.11.1 試片製備 69
3.11.2 實驗過程 70
3.11.3 數據分析 70
3.12 微觀集合組織分析 71
3.12.1 試片製備 71
3.12.2 實驗流程 71
3.12.3 數據分析 72
四、 結果與討論 78
4.1 均質態之成份與微結構 78
4.2 相結構分析 82
4.3 機械性質 84
4.3.1 微硬度 84
4.3.2 拉伸性質 86
4.3.3 拉伸性質之綜合討論 89
4.3.4 機械性質之異向性 105
4.3.5 機械異向性之綜合討論 106
4.4 巨觀集合組織 119
4.4.1 金屬表層之冷軋集合組織分佈 119
4.4.2 金屬中心層之冷軋集合組織分佈 120
4.4.3 1A冷軋後退火之集合組織演化 121
4.4.4 1A2冷軋後退火之集合組織演化 123
4.4.5 1A4冷軋後退火之集合組織演化 124
4.4.6 3A冷軋後退火之集合組織演化 126
4.4.7 5A冷軋後退火之集合組織演化 127
4.4.8 巨觀集合組織綜合討論 128
4.5 微觀結構與微觀集合組織 146
4.5.1 冷軋變形微結構與集合組織 146
4.5.2 1A冷軋後退火微結構與集合組織 149
4.5.3 1A2冷軋後退火微結構與集合組織 153
4.5.4 1A4冷軋後退火微結構與集合組織 156
4.5.5 3A冷軋後退火微結構與集合組織 160
4.5.6 5A冷軋後退火微結構與集合組織 163
4.5.7 微觀結構與微觀集合組織之綜合討論 166
4.6 機械異向性與集合組織之關聯 196
4.7 拉伸變形過程之晶粒方位旋轉 199
4.7.1 1A之晶體旋轉 199
4.7.2 1A2之晶體旋轉 203
4.7.3 1A4之晶體旋轉 206
4.7.4 3A之晶體旋轉 210
4.7.5 5A之晶體旋轉 213
4.7.6 晶粒方位旋轉之綜合討論 217
五、 結論 248
六、 期刊論文發表 252
七、 研究貢獻 253
八、 建議未來研究方向 255
參考文獻 256
附錄:不同退火溫度極圖、不同拉伸應變所得EBSD的KAM圖及EBSD實驗使用的掃描step size。 276
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