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作者(外文):Hu, Yu-Ting
論文名稱(外文):Highly sensitive X-shaped metamaterials absorber for refractometric sensing
指導教授(外文):Yen, Ta-Jen
口試委員(外文):Yao, Da-Jeng
Cheng, Chao-Min
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  • 評分評分:*****
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我們設計一個 X 型超材料吸收體折射係數感測器,並透過 CST 軟體模擬和實際樣品偵測定義其靈敏度。X 型金屬共振器可產生高階之四級共振,此共振模式具高靈敏度和高吸收率。金屬-介電層-金屬之高吸收率吸收體也能大幅提升共振之靈敏度和品質因子,同時將其介電層設計為不連續結構使其間隙共振能與目標物更有效接觸。本篇論文中,為了探討我們所設計的折射係數感測器之偵測能力,我們將其與其他三種結構:係環共振器不連續吸收體、X 型共振器連續吸收體及單層X 型共振器進行靈敏度之比較。在模擬中我們得到 X 型超材料不連續吸收體其靈敏度可達1527.3nm/RIU,此一靈敏度數值遠高於其他結構。在實驗中,我們使用聚甲基丙基酸甲酯(PMMA)作為固態量測樣品來定義其實驗上之靈敏度,其實驗結果之靈敏度可達 1886.9nm/RIU 並呈現良好線性關係。我們進而使用氣態丁烷做為目標物以觀察其對氣態樣品之靈敏度,結果發現儘管在光譜上有明顯紅移,但再現性以及線性關係不佳,無法達到定量分析的目的。總結來說,我們所設計之X型非連續超材料共振器具有相當高之折射係數靈敏度及固態樣品偵測能力,然而若要使其具氣態樣品之偵測能力仍需改良其樣品吸附力。
Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) is the collective oscillation of free electrons at the interface between metal and dielectric layers. The resonant condition of SPR is dominated by refractive index of surrounding environment. Once the refractive index of surrounding dielectric increase, resonance in optical spectrum will red shift, thus SPR can be applied on refractometric sensor. SPR refractometric sensor can provide a real-time and label-free platform that has wide applications of sensing. Nano-scale plasmonic metamaterial based refractometric sensor utilize localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) to generate stronger localized electromagnetic field enhancement that significantly increase the sensitivity of the sensor.
We design a X-shaped metamaterials absorber for refractometric sensing purpose and demonstrate its sensitivity through CST software simulation and sample detection. X-shaped metallic resonator (XPS) induce high order quadrupole resonance mode with high absorption and high sensitivity. Absorber with metal-insulator-metal (MIM) structure provide ultrahigh absorption to increase both sensitivity and quality factor of the resonance. Meanwhile we design a discrete MIM structure that enable the gap resonance can directly contact with target sample effectively. In this thesis, to investigate the sensing ability of our purposed refractometric sensor, we compare the sensitivity with other four kinds of structure: single-ring resonator (SRR) discrete MIM absorber, XPS continuous MIM absorber, single layer XPS and single layer SRR. From simulation result the sensitivity of discrete MIM-XPS can reach 1527.3nm/RIU which
is the highest among all the structures. For experiment, we take PMMA as our solid state detection target to demonstrate the experimental sensitivity, the experiment results show high sensitivity of 1886.9nm/RIU and exhibit well linear relationship. We further take gaseous butane as our sensing target. The experiment results show evident resonance red shift, however the results show poor reproducibility and linear relationship, the device lack of ability of quantitative measurement for gaseous sample. In conclusion, we demonstrate a X-shaped metamaterial absorber with high sensitivity based on refractometric sensing and ability of solid state sample detection. However, the improvement of adhesion is still required for gaseous state sample detection
摘要 I
Abstract II
Acknowledgements IV
Table of contents V
List of figures VII
List of tables X
Chapter 1 11
Introduction 11
1.1. Localized surface plasmon resonator for bio-sensing application 11
1.2. Motivation 11
1.3. Thesis Organization 12
Chapter 2 13
Literature Review 13
2.1. Surface plasmon polaritons 14
2.2. Localized surface plasmon resonance 17
2.3. Plasmonic Metamaterials sensor 21
2.4. X-shaped plasmon sensor (XPS) 25
2.5. Metal-insulator-metal structure 28
2.6. Refractive index sensing 34
Chapter 3 39
Simulation 39
3.1. Simulation setup 39
3.1.1 Environment setting 39
3.1.2. Device Design 40
3.2. Simulation Result 44
3.2.1. Contribution of each layer of MIM structure 44
3.2.2. Characteristic of Resonance 53
3.2.3. Refractive index sensing 56
3.2.4. Detection length 59
Chapter 4 63
Fabrication & Detection 63
4.1. Experimental procedure 63
4.2. E-beam lithography 65
4.3. Physical vapor evaporation (E-beam evaporator) 68
4.4. Fourier-transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) 70
Chapter 5 74
Results and Discussion 74
5.1. Morphology & IR spectrum 74
5.2. Detection length & Sensitivity 77
5.3. Refractive index sensing of butane 83
5.4. Comparison & Improvement 90
Chapter 6 92
Conclusion 92
Reference 93
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