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作者(外文):Lin, Yi-Chia
論文名稱(外文):Mechanical motions of azobenzene-containing supramolecular materials
指導教授(外文):Horie, Masaki
口試委員(外文):Chou, Ho-Hsiu
Yu, Chin-Yang
外文關鍵詞:pseudorotaxaneazobenzenecis-trans isomerizationsingle crystalphotomechanical conversion
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In this research, we have designed and synthesized complexes comprising of azobenzene with various functional groups to explore new molecular dynamics in crystal state. Axle molecules with azobenzene-containing ammonium salt tethered with -H, -methoxyl, or -tolyl groups were complexed with dibenzo[18]crown-6 ether (DB18C6) or dibenzo [24]crown-8 ether (DB24C8) ring molecule in a soluble solution and they were crystalized by the ether vapor diffusion method. These complexes and axle molecule precursors were characterized by 1H NMR and mass spectrometry. Their molecular structures were also confirmed by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. Single crystals of these azobenzene-containing complexes were used for photomechanical conversion under alternating 360-nm and 445-nm laser irradiation, showing specific bending motions. These crystal dynamics were discussed based on their molecular structures obtained by single-crystal X-ray crystallography. The mechanical characteristics of such molecular machines could be applied to nano-microscale devices.
Abstract II
摘要 III
Chapter 1  Introduction and Aim 4
1.1 Supramolecular chemistry 4
1.1.1 History of supramolecular chemistry 4
1.1.2 Molecular machines and MIMs 6
1.1.3 Supramolecules in crystalline states 9
1.2 Functionalized crystals 10
1.2.1 Photo-induced properties of crystals 10
1.2.3 Other functionalized properties of crystals 18
1.3 Mechanism of azobenzene crystals and methodologies of conformation measurements 20
1.4 Aim of the work 27
Chapter2  Synthesis and crystallization methodologies and characterization 31
2.1 Introduction: blueprint of completed experiments 31
2.2 Synthesis methodologies and characterization 33
2.3 Optimizations of synthesis 44
2.4 Crystallization 45
Chapter 3  Photo- and thermally induced mechanical motions of azobenzene-containing complexes 48
3.1 Measurement methodologies 48
3.2 Appearances of crystals 51
3.3 Molecular alignment in a unit cell 52
3.3.1 Complex 1 52
3.3.2 Series of Complex 2 56
3.4 Photo-induced properties 62
3.4.1 Complex 1a 62
3.4.2 Complex 1b 63
3.4.3 Series of Complex 2 65
3.5 Thermal-induced properties 67
3.5.1 Complex 1a 67
3.5.2 Complex 1b 67
3.5.3 Series of Complex 2 68
Chapter 4  Photo- and thermal-induced mechanical motions of Complex 3 series 71
4.1 Appearance of crystals 71
4.2 Molecular alignment in a unit cell 71
4.3 Characterizations of crystals 77
4.4 Discussion and summary of this chapter 80
Chapter 5  Discussions 81
Chapter 6  Summary and future prospective 95
Appendix  Experimental section 96
A.1  General synthesis methods 96
A.2 Preparation of precursors 97
Synthesis of 4-((4-methoxyphenyl)diazenyl)benzonitrile: 97
Synthesis of (4-((4-methoxyphenyl)diazenyl)phenyl)methanamine: 98
Synthesis of 1,1’-Ferrocenedicarboxaldehyde: 99
A.3 Preparation of Complex 1 102
Synthesis of (E)-(4-((4-methoxyphenyl)diazenyl)phenyl)methanaminium chloride: 102
Synthesis of Axle 1 102
Synthesis of Complex 1 103
A.4 Preparation of Complex 2 107
Synthesis of (E)-N-(4-((E)-(4-methoxyphenyl)diazenyl)benzyl)-1-(p-tolyl)methanimine: 107
Synthesis of (E)-N-(4-((4-methoxyphenyl)diazenyl)benzyl)-1-(p-tolyl)methanamine: 107
Synthesis of (E)-N-(4-((4-methoxyphenyl)diazenyl)benzyl)-1-(p-tolyl)methanaminium chloride: 108
Synthesis of Complex 2 110
A.5 Preparation of Complex 3 116
Synthesis of 1,1’-ferrocenyldimethylimine-4-(4’- methoxyl)diazenyl)phenyl)methanamine 116
Synthesis of Axle 3 117
Synthesis of Complex 3 118
A.6 X-ray single crystallography 123
Precursor 123
Axle 2 124
Complex 1a 125
Complex 1b 126
Complex 2 127
Complex 3 128
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