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作者(外文):Chung, Hui-Hsuan
論文名稱(外文):A Population and Environmental Study on Ultraluminous X-ray Sources in Nearby Galaxy Mergers
指導教授(外文):Kong, Albert K.H.
口試委員(外文):Yang, Hsiang-Yi Karen
Hwang, Chorng-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:ultraluminous X-ray sourcesgalaxy mergersX-ray binariesmulti-wavelength observationsblack hole physicsaccretion and accretion disks
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  • 評分評分:*****
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極亮X光源(ultraluminous X-ray sources)是在河外星系中發現的偏離中心的X光
量黑洞的愛丁頓極限(Eddington limit)。一般的X光雙星(X-ray binary)以約每

們約4千9百萬秒差距內的鄰近星系合併(galaxy merger)。為了克服部分極亮X光
光譜(power-law energy spectra)和柱密度(column density)的特性。在極亮X光源
周圍的區域,我們使用兩種方法估算恆星形成率(star formation rate)和恆星質量
(stellar mass):光學到紅外光譜能量分佈擬合以及使用紅外線通量的經驗公式。
性表明光子指數(photon index)的分佈與過去的極亮X光源群體研究一致。柱密
亮度於每秒1-5倍1E39爾格與光子指數介於0.5-2的子樣本中, 其X光的亮度和恆星形
上的種類,而某些極亮X光源可能起源於X光雙星的X光亮度函數(X-ray luminosity
Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are extragalactic off-center X-ray point sources with X-ray luminosities Lx ≥ 1039 erg s−1, which is typically the Eddington limit for a ∼ 10 M。stellar-mass black hole. Ordinary X-ray binaries (XRB), shining at a lower rate of 1036−38 erg s−1, cannot be accounted for the ULX luminosity, while these non-nuclear populations are unlikely to be supermassive black holes. Given this, hypotheses invoking different radiation processes are proposed to explain this unusually bright X-ray luminosity. For instance, ULXs may be intermediate-mass black holes or massive XRBs to allow a higher Eddington limit. Or, ULXs can exceed the Eddington limit through super-Eddington accretion flow. However, to examine the nature of ULXs, it requires high-quality spectroscopy, imaging and long-term monitoring. Due to limited observation time, only a handful of ULXs are under the spotlight and well studied for their structures, luminosities, spectra, and variability. Moreover, studies on the complete ULX census and their relation to their hosting environment (e.g. star formation activities, stellar counterparts) are restricted to nearby galaxies.

This thesis focuses on ULX populations and environments by exploring the X-ray to infrared data obtained from the Chandra X-ray observatory, the Sloan Digital Sky Survey and the Spitzer Space Telescope for a galaxy merger sample (D<48.9Mpc). To overcome the low X-ray count for some ULXs, we use a Bayesian approach to constrain their power-law energy spectra and column densities. For the sub-galactic regions around ULXs, we estimate the star formation rate (SFR) and stellar mass (M*) using two methods: optical- to-infrared spectral energy distribution fitting and empirical formulae using infrared fluxes. In our study, we create a clean sample of 42 ULX candidates selected from 16 galaxy mergers. The X-ray properties suggest that the photon index distribution be consistent with previous ULX population study. The column density can explain the absorbed features of the X-ray colors, while the absorption effect cannot be solely explained by the nearby SFR and M*, indicating other absorption from inside the ULX systems or interstellar dust. For a sub-sample of Lx=1-5× 1039 erg s−1 and 「=0.5-2.0, a relation between the X-ray luminosity and SFR and stellar mass emerges, implying there could be more than one species in the ULX population and some ULXs could be originated from the luminous end of X-ray binaries.
Table of Contents......................................................vi
List of Figures........................................................viii
List of Tables.........................................................x

1 Introduction......................................................1
1.1 Ultraluminous X-ray sources......................................2
1.1.1 X-ray binaries................................................3
1.1.2 Intermediate-mass black holes.................................5
1.1.3 Pulsating ultraluminous X-ray sources.........................6
1.1.4 Supernovae and supernova remnants.............................7
1.1.5 Background active galactic nuclei.............................8
1.2 Emission mechanisms and spectral properties.....................9
1.2.1 Accretion.....................................................10
1.2.2 Mass accretion rate and beaming effect........................11
1.2.3 Comptonization................................................15
1.2.4 Absorption....................................................15
1.3 A brief overview of observational studies of ULXs...............16
1.4 Motivation and objectives of this work..........................19

2 Sample Selection..................................................20
2.1 Major merger samples............................................20
2.2 Multi-wavelength data...........................................21
2.2.1 Chandra X-ray Observatory.....................................22
2.2.2 Sloan Digital Sky Survey......................................24
2.2.3 Spitzer IRAC..................................................25
2.3 Additional data.................................................26
2.4 X-ray detection limit and final galaxy sample...................28

3 X-ray Data Reduction and Analysis.................................30
3.1 Data preparation................................................30
3.2 Photometric analysis............................................32
3.2.1 ULX candidate identification..................................32
3.2.2 Spurious ULX removal..........................................32
3.2.3 Background contamination......................................33
3.2.4 X-ray color and hardness ratio................................39
3.3 Spectral analysis...............................................41
3.4 Discussion......................................................48
3.4.1 Photometric properties........................................49
3.4.2 Spectral properties...........................................53

4 Optical and Infrared Data Analysis................................58
4.1 Data processing.................................................58
4.2 Photometry of the ULX environment...............................64
4.3 Spectral energy distribution fitting analysis...................70
4.3.1 Introduction to MAGPHYS.......................................70
4.3.2 Fitting process...............................................72
4.4 Discussion......................................................75
4.4.1 Stellar mass..................................................75
4.4.2 Star formation rate...........................................78
4.4.3 Connection between the ULX nature and ULX environment.........80

5 Summary and Future Work...........................................88
5.1 Summary.........................................................88
5.2 Future work.....................................................90
5.2.1 The physical size of the ULX environment......................90
5.2.2 Star formation rate indicators................................90
5.2.3 The credibility of SED fitting................................91
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