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作者(外文):Kusuma, Irene Wardhani
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Characterization of 12, 6, and 4-Tin Oxide Clusters and Development of Resist Involving Sulfur for Photoresist Material Applied to Extremely Ultraviolet Photolithography
指導教授(外文):Liu, Rai-Shung
口試委員(外文):Chiu, Po-Wen
Shew, Bor-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:PhotoresistEUVTin cluster
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Semiconductor have been growing rapidly and keep focus on downscaling the feature sizes of photolithography in order to get more efficiency for faster processing and more affordable electronic devices. To reach the nanometer-size dimensions, we currently use Extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography at λ =13.5 nm as the leading candidate for the future generation imaging technology. Additionally, we utilize resists containing metals with high optical density, such as tin oxide nanoclusters. We have studied the photolysis of tin clusters of the type 12, 6, and 4 tin-SnOx using extreme ultraviolet light, and developed these clusters with various structure of carboxylic acid complexes. We also successfully synthesized a new structure of 6-tin cluster containing sulfur atom which is beyond patent. After the exposure, we test and discuss the resolution and sensitivity in order to gain insight to produce better photoresist.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
Table of Contents III
List of Table VI
List of Figure VII
List of Scheme VIII
1. Introduction 1
1.1. Earlier EUV Resist Imaging 1
1.2. Metal-Containing Resists 2
2. Previous Work 4
2.1. 12-Tin Oxide Cluster Resists 4
2.2. 6-Tin Oxide Cluster Resists 5
2.3. New Structure of 6-Tin Oxo using 2-mercaptobenzoic acid 6
2.4. Silver Acid Cluster Resists 9
2.5. 4-Tin (butyl) Oxide Cluster Resists 10
2.6. 4-Tin (methyl) Oxide Cluster Resists 11
2.7. Interference Lithography 12
3. Result and Discussion 13
3.1. Present Work 13
3.2. The 12-Tin Oxide Cluster Molecules 13
3.3. The 6-Tin Oxide Cluster Molecules 17
3.4. The New 6-Tin Oxide Cluster Molecules 19
3.5. Silver Acid Cluster Molecules 21
3.6. The 4-Tin (Butyl) Oxide Cluster Molecules 22
3.7. The 4-Tin (Methyl) Oxide Cluster Molecules 25
3.8. Standard Operation System of Photoresist Preparation 27
3.9. Mechanism of 12-Tin Cluster 29
3.10. Result and Discussion of SEM and OM of 12-Tin Cluster Compounds 31
3.10.1. 2-(4-phenyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)acetic acid (3a-A) 31
3.10.2. 2-(4-(4-chlorophenyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)acetic acid (3b-A) 33
3.10.3. 2-(4-(p-tolyl)-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)acetic acid (3c-A) 35
3.10.4. 2-(4-isopropyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-1-yl)acetic acid (3d-A) 38
3.10.5. 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-2-oxoacetic acid (5b-A) 40
3.10.6. 2-oxo-2-(p-tolyl)acetic acid (5c-A) 44
3.10.7. Summary of 12-tin oxo cluster SEM and OM result 45
3.11. Reaction Mechanism of 6-Tin Cluster After EUV Exposure 48
4. Conclusion 49
5. Experimental 50
5.1. General Rule Experiment 50
5.1.1. Solvent 50
5.1.2. Purification and Separation Method 50
5.1.3. Instrumentations 50
5.2. Experimental Procedures 51
5.2.1. Synthesize of Triazole Compounds 51
5.2.2. Synthesize of Dicarboxylic Compounds 53
5.2.3. Synthesize of 12-Tin Cluster Compound 54
5.2.4. Synthesize of 6-Tin Cluster Compound 55
5.2.5. Synthesize of 4-Tin (n-Butyl and Methyl) Cluster Compound 56
5.2.6. Synthesize of n-Butyltin Tribromo Compound 56
5.2.7. Synthesize of Silver Acid Compound 57
5.2.8. Synthesize of 6-tin Cluster from Silver Acid and BuSnBr3 57
6. Spectral Data 58
7. References 72
8. X-Ray 74
8.1. Crystal data for 12-tin cluster compound 3a-A 74
8.2. Crystal data for 12-tin cluster compound 3b-A 119
8.3. Crystal data for 6-tin cluster compound 7b-A 147
8.4. Crystal data for new 6-tin cluster compound 9b-C 160
8.5. Crystal data for 4-tin (butyl) cluster compound 3a-C 182
8.6. Crystal data for 4-tin (butyl) cluster compound 3d-C 201
8.7. Crystal data for 4-tin (butyl) cluster compound 5d-C 219
8.8. Crystal data for 4-tin (butyl) cluster compound 7c-C 256
8.9. Crystal data for 4-tin (methyl) cluster compound 5a-D 272
Supporting Information 289
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