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作者(外文):Lee, Chun-Hao
論文名稱(外文):Dark Matter Search in a Gravitational Wave Detector
指導教授(外文):Spinrath, Martin
口試委員(外文):Tseng, Po-Yen
Wong, Henry Tsz King
Cheung, Kingman
Chen, Chuan-Ren
外文關鍵詞:Dark MatterGravitational Wave Interferometer
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  • 評分評分:*****
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我們模擬出當暗物質與重力波干涉儀如 KAGRA 裡的懸掛系統發生交互作用時
In this thesis, we propose a framework of utilizing a gravitational wave detector to search for a dark matter signal as an alternative to other undergoing efforts, such as direct detection experiments. We simulate both, a potential dark matter signal when it interacts with the suspension system in a gravitational wave interferometer which in our case, is KAGRA, and all dominant background noises within the system. The outcome of our simulation can serve as a template to analyse on the experimental data later on for constraining the DM parameter space. In our study, we consider two possible physics scenarios in which there are two different types of interaction between dark matter with different masses and the suspension system. We have also performed numerical calculation to estimate the signal-to-noise ratio and event rate.
摘要... ii
List of Tables...vi
List of Figures...vii

1 Introduction...1
1.1 Background...1
1.2 Motivation...2
1.3 Something about DM...2
1.3.1 Approaches of DM search...3
Something about GW Detectors...5
1.4.1 Suspension Thermal Noise...6
1.4.2 Quantum Noise...7
1.4.3 Other noise components...8

2 Toy Model: A Damped Harmonic Oscillator...9
2.1 Background Noise...10
2.2 DM signal...12
2.3 SNR...15

3 Light DM with Short-range Interaction...18
3.1 Background Noise...19
3.1.1 Suspension thermal noise...20
3.1.2 Other noise components...23
3.2 DM signal...26
3.3 SNR Calculation...28
3.4 Cancellations in the DM signal spectrum...31

4 Heavy DM with Long-range Interaction...34
4.1 Modelling the Heavy DM Scattering...35
4.2 Directional and Parameter Dependence of the SNR...39
4.3 Expected Event Rates...45

5 Other Technologies...52
5.1 Space-based GW detectors...52
5.2 Atomic Interferometers...53

6 Summary...55
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