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作者(外文):Teng, Yi-Chiao
論文名稱(外文):Improving Dose Assessment and Therapeutic Benefit of Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
指導教授(外文):Sheu, Rong-Jiun
Liu, Yuan-Hao
口試委員(外文):Chen, Yi-Wei
Kumada, Hiroaki
Tanaka, Hiroki
外文關鍵詞:Boron Neutron Capture TherapyHeterogeneous MaterialsHeterogeneous Boron DistributionDeuterium Oxide ReplacementDose AssessmentTherapeutic Benefit
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In conventional radiotherapy, the treatment plan uses CT images or pseudo-CT images, which are converted from MR images, and dose calculation is performed based on attenuation information. However, BNCT treatment plans mostly use homogeneous materials intraROI, which fails to simulate tissue heterogeneity. The main dose contribution of BNCT comes from the product of the spatial distribution of boron carrier and the spatial distribution of neutrons, which is affected by the self-shielding effect of the boron carrier. Most TPSs assume that boron concentration is uniformly distributed within the tumor, i.e., homogeneous boron distribution. However, using hypothetical TBR or average TBR obtained through PET images of labeled radionuclide boron carriers fails to describe the inhomogeneity of boron distribution. Even under high-confidence Monte Carlo calculations, there are still doubts about the evaluation of dose calculation results due to distortion in the distribution simulation of tissue elemental compositions and boron carriers. Therefore, a well-founded simulation of the heterogeneity of tissues and boron carriers through medical imaging can improve the correlation between dose results and treatment response, making the dose results have a high-reliability assessment. When BNCT combined with other radiotherapies, it can accurately conform and uniformly dose the tumor to improve tumor control probability.
This research conducts dose analysis on brain tumor and head-and-neck cancer cases with general material library which 96-group of tissue elemental compositions and densities corresponding to HU value ranges were established based on the relationship between HU values of CT images and tissue densities in the literature. The elemental compositions affect the neutron transport process, resulting in differences in dose distribution between homogeneous and heterogeneous materials of intraROI. Since the background dose of the maximum normal tissue dose accounts for approximately 40%~60% of the total biologically equivalent dose, the impact of elemental composition on dose is more significant in normal tissue than in tumor. However, the average density of tissue considering its non-uniformity should be close to the reference data of ICRU-46, and the general material library cannot effectively distinguish tissues with overlapping HU ranges. Therefore, this study established tissue-specific material library for ROI and conducted dose analysis. For ROIs cannot clearly identify the complete contour due to the limitation of spatial resolution, that is, the HU values of the ROI do not match the tissue feature, homogeneous material is used to conservatively evaluate the OAR dose such as skin, mucosa, cranial nerves, etc. For ROIs where HU values reflect uneven density, a material library is established based on the elemental composition of specific tissue. For example, the brain material library can correspond to the proportion and density changes of elements such as white matter, gray matter, and cerebrospinal fluid. Expanding the brain tumor database to consider the possibility of calcification. Homogeneous or heterogeneous materials are given to the designated ROI to take into account conservative dose assessment and tissue characteristics, making the dose calculation and evaluation of neutron therapy more reliable.
This study utilizes existing diagnostic techniques to obtain relative boron carrier distribution information and simulate the non-uniform boron distribution. Image fusion technique is used to align different imaging modalities, the boron distribution of functional images is read and quantified on the anatomical images used in the treatment plan, and a Monte Carlo calculation model of heterogeneous boron distribution is established. Considering that the large amounts of material numbers for MC calculation using intraROI heterogeneous material composition and boron concentration, and the subtle boron concentration does not change significantly in dose. Therefore, groupwise boron concentration distribution is used to simulate its inhomogeneity. Under the condition of ensuring that the total number of boron atoms intraROI before and after grouping is consistent, since the theoretically calculated total neutron fluence is equal, the ROI mean dose will be the same regardless of homogeneous or heterogeneous boron distribution model. However, the partial volume effect caused by the difference in voxel size between anatomical and functional images makes the calculated mean dose results somewhat different, and as the ROI is smaller, the partial volume effect becomes more significant. The heterogeneous boron distribution dose calculation method can be applied to OARs and tumors to correctly evaluate dose hot spot and cold spot, which is beneficial to treatment plan optimization and assessment reliability. The application of this technique allows the neutron fluence calculation to have correct changes in line with individual conditions. For OARs with high boron uptake, the dose can be safely assessed to reduce radiation damage. For cold spot of tumor with low uptake, it is necessary to supplement the prescribed dose through other radiotherapies to enhance the tumor control prabability. Although functional imaging can be used to obtain the boron distribution for heterogeneous boron dose calculation and effectively improve the assessment accuracy of dose cold spots, the equipment and time at which the image data is acquired may affect the evaluability of dose results, and there are inevitable human errors without standard image fusion technique.
Using multi-field technique under the limited advantage depth of neutron therapy can disperse the maximum normal tissue dose and effectively improve the minimum dose and dose uniformity of deep-seated tumors. However, the application in brain tumor treatment is easily limited by the tolerance of the mean brain dose. Compared with hydrogen, deuterium has stronger hydrogen bond and smaller neutron cross-section, which can increase the neutron penetration depth in the body and effectively reduce the superficial tissue dose and induced photon. For midline brain tumors, under the condition that normal brain tissue can tolerate the mean dose, D2O replacement allows longer irradiation time and increases the dose received by the tumor. However, if the tumor is superficial or has calcification, the D2O replacement may be counterproductive or ineffective in increasing tumor dose. Low-concentration heavy water replaces the hydrogen of biomolecules without producing toxins, but it cannot deuterate local or specific tissues and organs.
摘要 i
Abstract iii
Tables of Contents vi
List of Tables viii
List of Figures xii
Chapter 1 Introduction and Research Motivation 1
Chapter 2 Literature Review 4
2-1 BNCT principle 4
2-2 BNCT dosimetry 5
2-4 BNCT treatment technology 11
2-4-1 Deuterium oxide replacement research 11
2-4-2 BNCT clinical trials 13
Chapter 3 Deconstruction of Tissue Materials for Improved Dose Assessment 17
3-1 Deconstruction of proportions of tissue elements in anatomical images 17
3-2 Effects of material deconstruction on dose distribution 20
3-2-1 Establishment of MC model for GM case 20
3-2-2 Effect of GM case materials on biologically equivalent dose 22
3-2-3 Effect of GM case materials on physically absorbed dose 26
3-2-4 Establishment of MC model for HNC case 29
3-2-5 Effect of HNC case materials on biologically equivalent dose 31
3-2-6 Effect of HNC case materials on physically absorbed dose 34
3-2-7 Summary 36
3-3 Refined deconstruction for ROI 38
3-3-1 Homogeneous material in ROI 39
3-3-2 Heterogeneous material in ROI 41
3-4 Effects of refined deconstruction on dose distribution 44
3-4-1 Dose effect of refined MC model for GM case 44
3-4-2 Dose effect of refined MC model for HNC case 47
3-4-3 Summary 51
Chapter 4: Quantification of Boron Distribution in ROI for Refinement of Dose Assessment 52
4-1 Quantification of boron carrier information in functional imaging 52
4-1-1 Groupwise heterogeneous boron distribution 54
4-2 Heterogeneous boron distribution dose distribution performance 57
4-2-1 Dose effect of boron distribution of Case 1 58
4-2-2 Dose effect of boron distribution of Case 2 62
4-2-3 Dose effect of boron distribution of Case 3 67
4-2-4 Summary 71
4-3 Segmentation of heterogeneous boron distribution 72
4-3-1 Dose effects on segmentation of boron distribution in OAR 72
4-3-2 Dose effects on segmentation of boron distribution in GTV 77
4-3-3 Boron distribution quantification to define BNCT target 79
4-3-4 Summary 82
Chapter 5 Improvement of Treatment Benefit by Deuterium Oxide Replacement 83
5-1 Clinical practical cases 83
5-2 Monte Carlo simulation conditions 86
5-3 Therapeutic benefits of D2O replacement 87
5-3-1 Case 1: Brainstem tumor in the mid-brain 87
5-3-2 Case 2: Hemilateral deep-seated GBM 95
5-3-3 Case 3: Calcified deep-seated GBM 104
5-4 Summary 108
Chapter 6 Conclusions and Future Work 110
6-1 Conclusions 110
6-2 Future work and suggestions 113
References 115
Appendix A 121
Appendix B 125

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