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作者(中文):鄭 安
作者(外文):Cheng, An
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and application of the Cross Section of proton induced reaction in human body element
指導教授(外文):Tsai, Hui-Yu
口試委員(外文):Chang, Szu-Li
Lin, Ming-Wei
Jan, Meei-Ling
外文關鍵詞:proton therapypositron emission tomographyPETprompt gammacross sectionmacroscopic cross section
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  • 點閱點閱:55
  • 評分評分:*****
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The accuracy of the proton range is essential in the process of proton therapy. The technology of indirect proton range verification now includes prompt gamma imaging, which detects the proton-induced prompt gamma-ray, and the positron emission tomography, which estimated the range from the activity of the positron emission. Except for the experiments, Monte Carlo simulations are also used to simulation the yields of proton-induced prompt gamma-ray and proton-induced positron emitter in order to ensure the result of the experiment. But the built-in cross section data library used by each Monte Carlo Simulation code is different, and it will make the simulation results different. The purpose of this research is to establish the cross section data library composed of experimental action cross-sections, and this cross section data library can be used to calculate the yield of proton-induced prompt gamma-ray and proton-induced positron emission.
The experimental cross section data in the cross section data library is mainly based on the records in the EXFOR online data library. proton-induced prompt gamma-ray will be searched according to its mechanism and the searching quantity used in other references. After searching, the data will be arranged by different energies. Proton-induced positron emitter will be searched according to the products of the mother nuclide. After searching, they will be sorted out for their reactions to produce different positron emitter. macroscopic cross section conversion will also be performed according to various organizations. Finally, these data will be built into a cross section data library, which contains the cross-section data of the proton-induced prompt gamma-ray and the proton-induced positron emitter, as well as the files of the macro cross-section converting.
After building the cross section data library, we will take the data from the library to calculate the yield. The calculated yield will be verified by the reference and brought into the application of the human organ simulation. The verification results show that the yield, which is simulated by the Monte Carlo simulation code can be reproduced well by calculated yield. Finally, the data from the Cross Section data library is brought into the human organ material to estimate the range, and the results obtained can also be consistent with the reference. It is proved that the method of yield calculation and the data of the cross section data library which by this research can be applied to the calculation of yield of proton induced-prompt gamma-ray and proton induced-positron emitter.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究目的及動機 1
1.2 研究方法與步驟 4
1.3 名詞解釋 6
第二章 質子治療與射程驗證方法 7
2.1 瞬發加馬輻射簡介 7
2.1.1 質子與物質作用 7
2.1.2 質子治療設施之發展 9
2.1.3 質子治療之範圍驗證的發展 9
2.1.4 質子治療射程驗證之實驗結果 12
2.2 人體組成元素 13
第三章 作用截面資料應用於質子射程驗證 14
3.1 作用截面資料庫 14
3.1.1 Evaluated Nuclear Data File, ENDF 14
3.1.2 Experimental Nuclear Reaction Data, EXFOR 17
3.1.3 作用截面資料選取 20
3.2 作用截面實驗概要與模擬之應用 21
3.2.1 作用截面實驗概要 21
3.2.2 作用截面之模擬應用 23
3.3 建立作用截面之資料庫 26
第四章 產量運算的方法與驗證 37
4.1 產量運算方法 37
4.1.1 蒙地卡羅程式PHITS模擬質子通量與深度劑量曲線 37
4.1.2 作用截面換算至產量與深度之方法 40
4.2 運算方法可行性之驗證 42
4.2.1 應用於正子釋出核種之活度量測實驗之驗證 47
4.2.2 應用於質子誘發瞬發加馬量測實驗上之驗證 48
第五章 方法應用、結論及未來工作 53
5.1 應用於人體材料:肝臟與肋骨 53
5.2 研究結論 64
5.3 未來工作 65
參考文獻 67

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