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作者(外文):Shen, Tsung-I
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Maanshan Station Blackout Accident and Rescue Procedures Under Different Tube Plugging Situations with TRACE
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shao-Wen
Yang, Jung-Hua
口試委員(外文):Shih, Chunkuan
Wang, Jong-Rong
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  • 點閱點閱:56
  • 評分評分:*****
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This research focused on the analysis of URG procedure and the FLEX strategy after one and four hours when Maanshan nuclear power plant is under station blackout (SBO) accident by using TRACE code. Then explore the influence on heat transfer between primary side and secondary side when there’s plugged tube in the steam generators of power plant. Maanshan nuclear power plant is the third nuclear power plant, also the only PWR in Taiwan. The two units each with three loops were built by Westinghouse, can generate 980MWe after small increase of power. A hypothetical earthquake was assumed in this research, and a tsunami attack site area caused SBO accident after the earthquake. With these accident, an input model of Maanshan nuclear power plant of TRACE was used to analyze the effectiveness of URG procedure and FLEX strategy. After that, a tube plugging analysis was made with a revised in put model of 2%, 5% and 10% of tube plugging to study the effect of plugged tube on SBO and rescue procedures of the plant.
The biggest lesson we learned from Fukushima accident, is when a large complex accident happen, any detectors an instruments in the plant could become invalid. Thus it’s very difficult for plant operators to rescue the plant when they can’t find out the real state of it. Thus, except for enhancing the equipment of the plant, it could be a large evaluation of plant safety if there’s a applicable and effective rescue procedure. The NEI had proposed the FLEX strategy and Taipower company also has the URG procedure, in order to keep the safety of plant from severe disaster. With the assumption in this research, the URG procedure and the FLEX strategy can appropriately deal with SBO accident and keep the peak cladding temperature in safe margin.
During the operation of the plant, the equipment of plant will become old and deteriorative as time passes by. Being the most important border of heat transfer between primary and secondary side, if there’s any problem of tubes in steam generators, operators shall plug the defective tube during outage inspection to prevent them from broken while the plant is operating. Predicting the effect of heat transfer be affected by tube plugging, this research use TRACE to analyze under 2%, 5% and 10% of tube plugging, is it still effective to use the URG procedure and the FLEX strategy rescuing the SBO accident of Maanshan nuclear power plant. The result shows that even under 10% of tube plugging, the URG procedure and the FLEX strategy won’t be affect by tube plugging and still can bring the plant back to safety.
摘要 i
致謝 v
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
名詞縮寫表 xiii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1-2 文獻回顧 2
1-3 論文架構 10
第二章 電廠與救援程序介紹 11
2-1 核三廠及塞管率介紹 11
2-2 URG與FLEX介紹 12
第三章 TRACE程式與分析方法論介紹 18
3-1 TRACE程式介紹 18
3-2 分析模式方法論 19
3-3 核三廠TRACE輸入模式介紹 21
3-4 馬鞍山電廠318事件模擬 31
第四章 SBO案例與URG/FLEX分析模擬 38
4-1 分析案例介紹 38
4-2 案例一模擬結果 42
4-3 案例二模擬結果 46
4-4 案例三模擬結果 49
4-5 案例四模擬結果 53
第五章 塞管率靈敏度分析 57
5-1 塞管率靈敏度分析方法 57
5-2 案例一塞管率分析結果 60
5-3 案例三塞管率分析結果 65
第六章 結論與建議 71
6-1 結論 71
6-2 建議 72
參考文獻 73

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