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作者(中文):王 澤
作者(外文):Wang, Ze
論文名稱(外文):Development of a novel learning-based Compton scattering detector for on-line hadrontherapy monitoring
指導教授(外文):Chuang, Keh-Shih
Chen, Chi-Shuo
口試委員(外文):Chao, tsi-chian
Chen, Yuan-Ho
外文關鍵詞:Compton cameraDetection efficiencyGamma cameraHeavy ion-proton range verificationPosition of interactionScintillation detector
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康普吞相機(Compton camera)可以偵測重離子/質子誘發產生的瞬發加馬光子,並能於重離子/質子治療過程提供在線式非侵入性的三維質子射程成像驗證。瞬發加馬光子僅於重離子/質子射束照射時產生,其能量分布廣且可高達數個MeV,因此對重離子/質子治療應用領域,康普吞相機的偵檢效率將是一大挑戰。
本研究設計並研製側向式康普吞散射層偵檢器,由1.8 × 1.8 × 100 mm 的矽酸釔鑥閃爍晶體(Lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate, 簡稱LYSO)組成並透過雙端的矽光電倍增器(silicon photomultiplier)讀出。高原子序的LYSO閃爍晶體可增加康普吞散射偵檢效率,而其快速時間響應可降低非真實事件的偵測。此偵檢器使用非常長且細的晶體,可確保提供康普吞相機足夠的視野範圍(Field of View, 簡稱FOV)與射程深度解析度。但細長型的晶體會造成長軸向的空間解析度與能量解析度下降。為改善此問題,我們提出一種新偵檢器構型(configuration),利用LS-NN—光分享(Light Sharing, 簡稱LS)設計搭配神經網路(Neural Network, 簡稱NN) 的位置解碼方法,提升康普吞相機之散射層偵檢器性能。
首先以蒙地卡羅模擬比較AS (Arrow Shape)、ITS (Isosceles –Triangular Shape)與OTS (Opposite-triangular Shape)三種不同的光分享設計。模擬結果顯示AS光分享構型具有最佳的性能,因此採用AS構型進一步實作偵檢器並實測評估其長軸向的空間解析度、能量解析度及晶體響應圖品質。另外,亦實作不具光分布的傳統FC (Fully Covered)構型為對照組以進行性能比較。量測結果顯示AS光分享構
型搭配LS-NN法可使100 mm長LYSO偵檢器的長軸向空間解析度,從21.6 ± 3.4 mm減小至9.2 ± 3.1 mm,提升了57.4%。值得一提的是這個方法不僅具空間解析度優勢,也能使偵檢器能量解析度提升15.3%。然而光分享構型會稍微劣化偵檢器的晶體響應圖品質,但該影響相當輕微可忽略。
Heavy ion/proton-induced prompt gammas can be detected by a Compton camera, which provides in vivo on-line imaging for heavy ion/proton range verification. Since the prompt gammas emitted during the beam-on time are with energies up to several MeV, an on-line prompt gamma Compton camera with high detection efficiency is challenging to implement.
In this study, a side-on scatterer of Compton camera was designed and developed. It was composed of 1.8 × 1.8 × 100 mm lutetium-yttrium oxyorthosilicate (LYSO) crystals with dual-ended readout by silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). The side-on scatterer using very long and thin crystals is to ensure the Compton camera’s field of view and the spatial resolution in the heavy ion/proton-depth direction. However, the very long and thin crystals will cause degradation of lateral spatial resolution and energy resolution of the side-on sctterer. Therefore, we proposed a novel light sharing-neural network (LS-NN) method that combines with light sharing configuration and neural network position decoding algorithm to improve the spatial resolution and energy resolution for the side-on scatterer.
Three light sharing configurations, the AS (Arrow shape), ITS (Isosceles-triangular Shape), and OTS (Opposite-triangular Shape) were modeled using Monte Carlo simulation. Simulation results show that the AS configuration provided the best performance than others. Therefore,
the AS configuration was constructed for measurement to evaluate the long-axial spatial resolution, energy resolution, and the quality of the flood histogram of the side-scatterer. A conventional FC (Fully Covered) configuration without light sharing was built for comparison. The measurement results show that the proposed LS-NN method can give 57.4% and 15.3% improvements in the long-axial spatial and energy resolution for the side-on scatterer, respectively. As for the quality of flood histogram of the scatterer, only a modest degradation was observed for the light sharing configuration.
A new gamma imaging detector employing very long and thin crystals was designed and implemented. With the proposed learning-based, LS-NN algorithm, we demonstrated that both the position-of-interaction resolving capability and energy performance of thedetector were significantly improved. It is concluded that the proposed LS-NN with AS configuration is a potential candidate as a Compton scatterer, which is promising for developing a high-performance prompt gamma imaging system for range verification of proton and ion beams.
摘 要 i
Abstract iii
致 謝 v
目 錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xii
第1章 緒論 - 1 -
1.1 研究背景 - 1 -
1.2 研究目的 - 1 -
1.3 論文架構 - 3 -
第2章 文獻回顧 - 4 -
2.1 粒子治療與粒子射程驗證問題 - 4 -
2.2 間接偵測質子射程的方法 - 4 -
2.3 正子互毀加馬光子偵測 - 6 -
2.4 瞬發加馬光子偵測 - 7 -
2.4.1 非影像系統 - 8 -
2.4.2 影像系統 - 11 -
2.5 閃爍晶體康普吞相機 - 14 -
2.6 加馬光子作用閃爍晶體的位置資訊 - 16 -
2.6.1 單晶(monolithic crystal) - 16 -
2.6.2 像素化的晶體(pixelated crystal) - 16 -
2.6.3 多層晶體(multi-layer crystal) - 18 -
2.7 深度學習(deep learning) - 19 -
2.7.1 監督與非監督式學習 - 20 -
2.7.2 反向傳遞演算法 - 21 -
2.7.3 優化器 - 22 -
2.7.4 過擬合現象(overfitting) - 22 -
第3章 材料與方法 - 24 -
3.1 閃爍體偵檢器 - 24 -
3.2 矽光電倍增器(Silicon Photomultiplier, SiPM) - 26 -
3.3 側向式康普吞相機設計 - 28 -
3.3.1 非真實事件 - 28 -
3.3.2 視野範圍(Field of View, FOV) - 30 -
3.4 偵檢器的加馬作用位置演算法 - 30 -
3.4.1 加馬作用位置估算 - 30 -
3.4.2 光分享神經網路LS-NN - 32 -
3.5 光分享晶體構型 - 33 -
3.6 蒙地卡羅模擬設置 - 34 -
3.7 度量實驗設置 - 38 -
3.7.1 移動平台設置以及射源配置 - 39 -
3.7.2 數據擷取系統 - 41 -
3.8 模擬與度量數據用的神經網路 - 43 -
3.9 數據分析評估方法 - 44 -
3.9.1 偵檢器加馬作用的三維位置估算 - 44 -
3.9.2 POIx解析度 - 44 -
3.9.3 能量解析度(energy resolution) - 45 -
3.9.4 位置誤差(positioning error) - 46 -
3.9.5 峰谷比值(Peak-to-valley ratio, PVR) - 46 -
第4章 結果與討論 - 48 -
4.1 模擬數據結果與分析 - 48 -
4.1.1 AS光分享構型 - 48 -
4.1.2 ITS光分享構型 - 54 -
4.1.3 OTS光分享構型 - 59 -
4.1.4 模擬數據比較 - 64 -
4.2 度量實驗結果與分析 - 66 -
4.2.1 AS光分享構型 - 66 -
4.2.2 FC構型(無光分享) - 70 -
4.2.3 POIx位置估算比較 - 73 -
4.2.4 能量解析度比較 - 73 -
4.2.5 PVR比較 - 75 -
4.3 討論 - 77 -
4.3.1 新型散射偵檢器性能總論 - 77 -
4.3.2 過度擬合問題 - 77 -
4.3.3 未來研究建議 - 80 -
第5章 結論 - 82 -
參考文獻 - 83 -
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