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作者(外文):Chen, Pei-Yueh
論文名稱(外文):Injectable Microporous Hydrogels of Adaptable Moon-like Microbeads with Magnetoelectric by Gold Nanobrain for the Repair of Traumatic Brain Injury
指導教授(外文):Hu, Shang-Hsiu
口試委員(外文):Lee, I-Chi
Huang, Chieh-Cheng
Chang, Chien-Wen
外文關鍵詞:hydrogelmicrospheresmicrofluidicdouble emulsiontraumatic brain injury
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腦創傷(TBI)會使病人的生理以及心理上產生劇烈的改變以及生活上的困難,也會增加社會成本。腦創傷惡化的主要原因為星狀膠質細胞大量聚集導致的傷疤會阻擋新生細胞的進入修復以及嚴重的免疫反應,造成新生血管以及新生細胞的生成困難。以上兩個原因使組織難以修復而產生一個空洞。本實驗使用PEGDA以及dextran兩種材料,利用針筒注射幫浦將材料注入微流道系統製作了一種大小分布均勻的水-水相雙層可注射式微球,微球的大小約為150 μm。在製作微球的過程中,將兩種藥物–普羅布考(probucol)以及神經生長因子(NGF)包覆在微球中。普羅布考可以降低環境中的氧化物含量進而降低免疫反應,保護神經細胞。神經生長因子可以促進神經細胞的生長以及修復。除此之外,本實驗利用γ-PGA將微球中的PEGDA相改質為帶-10.73負電荷的材料,同時也結合了利用cysteamine改質成17.3帶正電荷的金奈米粒子,金奈米粒子的大小介於300-400奈米。將帶負電的微球及帶正電的金奈米粒子的混和物注射到傷口處時,正負相吸的性質能使材料維持在傷口處不輕易流動,亦能填滿整個空洞,給予一個穩定且持續的治療。而當外加高週波磁場時,奈米粒子會產生電荷變化,刺激神經細胞的生長及分化。除了包覆藥物的功能,微球提供了一個支架讓細胞攀附,使細胞能進入腦創傷所造成的空洞進行修復。
細胞實驗中,本研究展示了材料以及藥物對於細胞沒有任何毒性,而包覆在微球的神經生長因子及高週波的應用可以促進神經細胞的分化。組織切片的結果亦顯示給予一支架、藥物及高週波可以降低腦創傷傷口的惡化及幫助修復,阻擋新生細胞進入的星狀膠質細胞的量和未治療的組別相比降低了5.6 % 的表現量,免疫反應亦減少了8.3 % 的表現,而新生細胞在受傷區及側腦室下區(SVZ zone)則分別增加了12.8 % 及1.6 % ,受傷區的成熟神經細胞也比未治療組多了6.5 % 的表現量,證明除了能促細胞的分化及生長,治療亦能減少成熟神經細胞的凋亡。動物行為實驗也展現治療組老鼠四肢的運用能力及靈活度都比未治療組的高。由此可知,本文所製作的微球能包覆及釋放不同的藥物,且外部磁場能使結合的奈米金粒子產生電荷改變進而促進神經細胞的分化及生長,提供了腦創傷一種非常有效的治療方式。
Brain injury usually causes physical and emotional problems for patients, resulting in great social cost. The main reasons of deterioration of Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) are impeding of new born cells by astrocytes scar and immune response, which increases the difficulty of angiogenesis and neuronal growth, leading to a cavity devoid of normal tissue. In this study, microfluidic was adopted to fabricate flowable microspheres made of PEGDA and dextran, the size of microspheres is 150 μm. By encapsulating the microspheres with drug, immune response can be relieved, because of the lower level of reactive oxygen species (ROS) caused by probocul, in favor of the repair of neuron cells, which will be prompted by the application of NGF loaded in microspheres. In addition, γ-PGA was adopted to modified the zeta potential of PEGDA phase into -10.73 and cysteamine was also used to modify the zeta potential of gold nano-brain(GNB), which range from 300-400 nm, into 17.3. By combining microspheres with Au nanoparticles, the growth of neuron cells can be further stimulated by applying an external magnetic field, which leads to changes of electrical charges to trigger the differentiation of neuron cells. The microspheres also offer mechanical support for prompt cell migration and transports bio-molecular cues to manage cell adhesion and growth. The injectable moon-like beads also allows the incorporation of living cells and ultimately assembles in the complexly shaped cavity where it is injected, repairing the traumatic brain injury.
The in vitro experiment represents that materials and drugs show no harm to cells, instead, NGF encapsulated in microspheres as well as the application of HFMF can stimulate neuron cells to differentiate. The result of immunohistochemistry also reveal that the provide of scaffold, drugs and HFMF can significantly reduce deterioration of wound and help repairing it. In Pb-NGF@MPs + GNB-HFMF group, the amount of astrocytes, which stop the new born cells from entering the injury site, shows 5.6 % lower than the untreated group, the immune response was also reduced 8.3 % comparing to untreated group, the number of new born cells at injury site and SVZ zone increase 12.8 % and 1.6 %, respectively, the amount of mature neuron cells shows 6.5 % higher than untreated group, indicating that the treatment can not only stimulate the growth and differentiation but can also reduce the apoptosis of mature neuron cells. Animal behavior experiment also demonstrate that treated mice show better movement of limbs as well as finger dexterity. Microspheres fabricated in this study can encapsulate and release different drugs, also, the combination of GNB and application of HFMF can induce charge changes, which help the growth and differentiation of cells, providing an extremely effective cure for TBI.
Chapter 1 Introduction--------------------------------------------1
Chapter 2 Literature review and theory----------------------------3
2.1 Introduction of traumatic brain injury------------------------3
2.1.1 Astrocytes in traumatic brain injury------------------------5
2.1.2 Microglia in traumatic brain injury-------------------------6
2.2 Hydrogel for tissue engineering-------------------------------8
2.2.1 Phase separation--------------------------------------------12
2.2.2 Injectable microspheres-------------------------------------13
2.3 Magneto-electric stimulation----------------------------------16
2.3.1 Electro-magnetized graphene oxide---------------------------17
2.3.2 Electro-magnetized iron oxide-------------------------------19
2.3.3 Electro-magnetized gold nanoparticles-----------------------21
Chapter 3 Experimental section------------------------------------24
3.1 Materials-----------------------------------------------------24
3.2 Apparatus-----------------------------------------------------27
3.3 Method--------------------------------------------------------29
3.3.1 Fabrication of microfluidic chip----------------------------29
3.3.2 Fabrication of microspheres by microfluidic chip------------30
3.3.3 Elastic modulus measurement---------------------------------30
3.3.4 Release study-----------------------------------------------31
3.3.5 Synthesis of gold nanoparticles-----------------------------31
3.3.6 Modification of the zeta potential of materials-------------32
3.3.7 Cell culture------------------------------------------------32
3.3.8 Cell viability----------------------------------------------33
3.3.9 Co-culture of cells and microspheres------------------------33
3.3.10 In vivo experiment-----------------------------------------34
3.3.11 Animal behavior--------------------------------------------35
Chapter 4 Results and Discussions---------------------------------37
4.1 Characterization of microspheres------------------------------37
4.2 Synthesis and characterization of GNB-------------------------40
4.3 Characterization of microspheres mixed with GNB---------------41
4.4 Release test of microspheres----------------------------------42
4.5 Cytotoxicity of materials-------------------------------------43
4.6 Co-culture of materials and cells-----------------------------44
4.7 In vivo therapy and analysis----------------------------------47
4.8 Animal behavior-----------------------------------------------56
Chapter 5 Conclusions---------------------------------------------59
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